Chapter 253 Fruitful

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Faced with an unknown enemy and unfamiliar methods of attack, everyone would feel worried and anxious.


A chilling wave assailed uncontrollably at T’Chaka’s mind, causing him to have a severe goosebump. But being the ruler of a nation, T’Chaka managed to maintain his composure and didn’t succumb to fear.


Calmly, he gathered several intellectual individuals within Wakanda with his Kimoyo Beads and attempted to infer and deduce the enemy’s tactics and whereabouts, and then strategically strike back with precision. But unbeknownst to them, Leo’s actions were as fast as lightning.


Just as T’Chaka had finalized the list of individuals for the meeting and was about to summon them one by one, he received an urgent call from the Wakandan Ministry of Defense. They reported a satellite stored in a warehouse of the manufacturing plant was stolen and a large amount of precious materials had gone missing too.


And by the time all the individuals had assembled and the holographic conference was about to commence, they hadn’t even had a chance to discuss countermeasures when King T’Chaka received another urgent news. The relay station at the Vibranium mine was destroyed and numerous valuable instruments in the Vibranium Research Center were gone.


In a matter of moments, two major theft cases had occurred, leaving T’Chaka’s heart even more unsettled.


He promptly connected the emergency hotline from the Ministry of Defense directly to the meeting, enabling everyone to confer and discuss the information.


“There’s definitely more than one enemy. Invisible and intangible. Currently, it appears that the enemies have been continuously using some kind of means to steal various things from Wakanda. Their goal is unclear and there have already been over a hundred miners missing. So, we can’t rule out that…”


The principal of the Wakanda National School was skilled at summarizing, and he began a lengthy speech in a flowing manner. But before he could finish, another urgent news came through, stating one of the excavators in the mine was missing, along with two operators.

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The excavator was the peculiar fish that Leo had seen before. Since it remained etched in his mind, he eventually decided to take it too.


Stupefied, the principal stopped speaking as he realized it wasn’t a time for a speech like a school commendation ceremony. Time was running out.


Now, it was a race against the clock.


“Assuming that there’s a single culprit behind these crimes, there’s a clear pattern albeit the extreme intervals between each crime. Now, let’s further assume that this individual desires various advanced instruments from Wakanda. So what’s most likely his or her next target?”


The director of the Vibranium Research Center, Tamama, reasoned logically and made everyone start contemplating.


From the heart-shaped herbs to Vibranium to spaceships to satellites… There was no apparent logic to this pattern!


Silence fell for a minute, and no one uttered anything because they couldn’t make any sense.


Tamama pushed up her glasses and sighed, “To be honest, I’ve no idea either. But I suspect that this individual, or rather, intelligent being, must have spent some time in Wakanda and is very familiar with it. Otherwise…”


“Not necessarily. It might be an extraterrestrial creature that suddenly invaded Earth, with the ability to comprehend all of Wakanda in a single breath,” a Wakanda with a remarkable intellect and wild imagination chimed in.

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Tamama rolled her eyes and retorted uncourteously, “All assumptions must be based on existing known rules. Only then can we understand, plan, and confront. If we simply indulged in baseless speculations about how powerful the enemy is, we might as well let Wakanda perish.”


When the imaginative man was about to rebuke, a piece of urgent news burst in and captured everyone’s attention. 


The messenger from the Ministry of Defense spoke rapidly but with precise wording, “No. 78 Azure Firmament Generator in the northwest sector has suddenly vanished from its location. The stability of the shield was mildly affected but has now been restored.”


“Vanished? How did it vanish?” T’Chaka immediately pressed for more information.


The messenger respectfully replied, “A personnel stationed at the workstation near the Azure Firmament  Generator witnessed the whole process of it disappearing firsthand. We are patching him through now… The call went through. Your Majesty, feel free to ask for more details if you’d like.”


As soon as the messenger finished speaking, a young man from the Border tribe with his face painted with peculiar oil patterns, appeared in the meeting group.


The young man seemed rather inexperienced and faced with numerous influential figures from Wakanda, his speech was somewhat nervous. “I was standing guard right next to the generator, with it next to my right side. But out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly felt something amiss. And when I turned my head, the generator was gone.”


“Did you hear or see anything?” Tamama asked.


“No, madam,” the young man firmly shook his head.


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“But that’s a three-meter-tall and one-meter-wide ‘Azure Firmament Generator’. How can something that big just disappears without a trace?! Are you certain you didn’t see anything?” Tamama found it unbelievable and raised her voice as she pressed on.


The young man grew even more nervous as he stuttered, “I-I-I really didn’t see anything. I-I swear I wasn’t slacking off. I was being diligent, and the generator really did vanish!”


Feeling unjustly accused, the young man’s face in the oil painting revealed a contorted expression, teetering on the verge of tears.


T’Chaka frowned and waved his hand, dismissing the young man’s holographic projection. He then asked, “Has the Ministry of Defense investigated if there were any drones or cameras that captured the moment the generator vanished?”


Occasionally, it’s easy to deceive a human’s eyes. But in T’Chaka’s view, Wakanda’s various advanced technologies forged from Vibranium were more dependable.


“No, Your Majesty,” the messenger succinctly responded, offering no further explanation.


Each generator was equipped with cameras and the lack of surveillance footage evidently indicated sabotage. The situation suddenly became perplexing as the unknown enemy continued to wreak havoc in Wakanda. Although Wakanda possessed advanced technology, they were rendered blind in this situation.


Suddenly, the voice of the messenger rang out, “Your Majesty, another urgent news. The missing 108 miners and two operators have been found at the perimeter of the shield. They are all in a state of unconsciousness, and medical personnel are rushing to provide treatment.”


Falling silent for a moment, T’Chaka solemnly said, “Once they wake up, contact them right away.”


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Then, he placed his attention back on the meeting. The members of the meeting, armed with the newly acquired intelligence, resumed their discussion but ultimately failed to arrive at any conclusions.


Meanwhile, the culprit behind the chaos in Wakanda, Leo, had already arrived at the boundary between the Azure Firmament and the outside world.


Currently, he was as big as his palm and perfectly hid himself in the shrubbery at the boundary. Raising his hands with the shield decoder that was as huge as him, he surged his Mechanical Force and clicked its button.


The decoder emitted a continuous stream of electromagnetic waves and the nearby shield immediately flicker with a faint light as hexagonal shapes started to materialize one by one.


With the decoder in his arms, he swiftly darted beyond the shield. His movements were as silent as a mouse and didn’t arouse any suspicion in Wakanda. As soon as he stepped outside the shield, the scenery behind him suddenly transformed.


The grassy plains vanished and were replaced by towering trees, forming a primitive forest. However, the moon above remained round and quietly hung in the sky, casting a golden hue upon the earth beneath his feet. 


He stashed the decoder away and patted the Storage Belt around his waist, feeling a sense of fulfillment.


As per his plan, he took countless treasures from Wakanda and stored all of them within the belt. Now, he was brimming with contentment.


Distinguishing the direction, he leaped into the air and prepared to return home.


This visit to Wakanda was undoubtedly a fruitful one, leaving him fully satisfied.

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