Chapter 254 Let Bucky Handles It

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TL: Kyous


Since Leo was still in the proximity of Wakanda and was slightly guilty, he flew neither too high nor too fast when leaving.


But “ too fast” was quite relative. Before long, he had already crossed vast mountains, forests, and plains, distancing himself from Wakanda by at least six kilometers. Then, he prepared to accelerate and ascend into the sky.


Unfortunately though, just before he could take off, he suddenly noticed a row of six jeeps tearing across the plains beneath him, vigorously racing away from Wakanda. The roar of their engines filled in the air.


Intrigued, Leo quickly caught up with the leading jeep.


It was a seven-seat jeep, but only the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat were occupied.


Both of them were African men dressed in military uniforms that bore a resemblance to each other stained with blood and dirt. The man in the passenger seat clutched a submachine gun tightly in his hands, occasionally glancing nervously through the side mirror on the right side of the vehicle.


Leo flew to the other jeeps to take a look and found that the situation inside each jeep was more or less the same. Everyone onboard looked disheveled, and there was even a lifeless body lying on the backseat of one of the jeeps.


It appeared that this poor fellow had sustained severe injuries while charging into battle, and managed to climb onto the vehicle but met his end during their escape. The driver continued to frantically drive, completely oblivious to his unfortunate comrade.


Seeing this, Leo had already guessed the identity of these people. They must be the H.Y.D.R.A., the fools who dared to invade Wakanda without knowing their fate. However, these fleeing individuals, all with dark skin and African features, piqued Leo’s curiosity.

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It looked like H.Y.D.R.A.’s influence was deep-rooted!


Even among the Africans who lived in primitive conditions and struggled to scrape enough food, there were still loyal members of H.Y.D.R.A.


Leo wondered what they were after. Perhaps H.Y.D.R.A.’s doctrine in Africa revolved around providing food in abundance!


In fact, this group of H.Y.D.R.A. managed to escape with their lives thanks to Leo, the mastermind behind the scenes. It was Leo who sparked a major uproar within Wakanda, forcing T’Chaka to order the Border tribe warriors who were slaughtering H.Y.D.R.A. outside the Azure Firmament to swiftly wrap up their operations and return to aid in Wakanda’s defense. 


Besides, they were quick-witted and agile. When they witnessed the unprecedented chaos caused by Wakandan forces deploying unusual fighter jets and wielding highly powerful weapons to massacre their comrades, they immediately retreated by jumping into whichever vehicles they could find and speeding away.


By the time Captain Barundi led his warriors to wrecked H.Y.D.R.A.’s assault, these cunning escapees had long vanished into thin air. Following T’Chaka’s orders, Captain Barundi refrained from pursuing them, allowing this group of escapees to cling to their puny lives.


Unfortunately for them, they would soon bump into Leo once more.


His system panel still displayed the incomplete “Immortal H.Y.D.R.A.” Now, unexpectedly encountering this group of fleeing H.Y.D.R.A. members was akin to having a piece of fat meat dangling in front of him. He wouldn’t pass up such an opportunity.


The term “fat meat” naturally referred not to the dozen H.Y.D.R.A. members in these six jeeps, but rather to the H.Y.D.R.A. base located in Africa.


Looking at the desperate state of these H.Y.D.R.A. members, it was clear that their priority was to return to the base as soon as possible and report the situation. So, all Leo needed to do was stay in one of the jeeps and patiently floor these escapees. With a bit of luck, after a day or two, he might uncover the location of their base.

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But did Leo have that kind of time?


The answer was evidently no.


Having just departed from Wakanda with a full load, Leo was eager to return to Erwin Research Center to upgrade his weapon and equipment. Particularly with Captain Marvel’s imminent return, he was determined to seize the opportunity to claim the Tesseract in outer space. 


Time was of the essence.


Thus, he couldn’t afford any delays.


Nevertheless, letting go of this piece of fat meat in front of him was simply not in his nature and luckily, he had Bucky.


Just let Bucky go, and everything would be taken care of!


Flying ahead of the jeeps for a distance, Leo found a concealed spot and descended to the ground before reverting to his normal size. As he ran his hand over his Storage Belt, he retrieved the Hibernation Pod and tossed it onto the ground.


While the Hibernation Pod was falling, it enlarged. And by the time it reached the ground, it had already returned to its normal size.


Surging his Mechanical Force, Leo gently opened the pod’s hatch, revealing Bucky lying inside dressed in Winter.

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The exterior of the pod was equipped with a shock-absorbing layer, and its interior boasted excellent soundproofing. Thus, Bucky had been comfortably lying inside, completely unaware of outside matters as he peacefully slept.


When Leo opened the Hibernation Pod, Bucky immediately woke up, springing to his feet with a sharp focus.


“Leo, you’re done? Where are we now?”


Leo briefly explained the situation to Bucky while gesturing towards the jeeps that happened to whiz by nearby, explaining his plan.


“Sure, leave it to me. I’m more than happy to take on H.Y.D.R.A.!” Bucky declared. His deep-rooted hatred for H.Y.D.R.A. was evident as he firmly patted his chest.


Nodding in agreement, Leo replied, “I’m not worried about anything. With your capability and Winter, you can easily crush every H.Y.D.R.A. But the control chip in your brain is still an issue.”


“No way, right? Do they have chip controllers everywhere?” Bucky expressed disbelief, “Also, as long as I don’t take off my helmet, they won’t know who I am. Even if they have a controller, they won’t think about using it.”


“I just want to remind you not to take off your helmet no matter what,” Leo emphasized. “Just to be safe, I’ve built a special signal jammer inside your helmet to specifically deal with any controller that might affect you.”


With his Mechanical Force – Insight and Mechanical Force Analysis, he had long ago acquired the blueprint of the chip in Bucky’s brain, making this task relatively easy.


Upon hearing this, a smile appeared on Bucky’s face as he playfully punched Leo’s shoulder, “I can always count on you, Leo. You’ve already thought of everything. With you around, I feel safe.”

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Leo smiled albeit their helmets prevented them from seeing each other’s faces, rendering any facial expressions futile. 


He casually took a brand new Daimi phone from his Storage Belt and after checking its battery, he handed it to Bucky. “If you’re done or there’s any problem, just give me a call.”


Bucky took the phone and tucked it into a pocket of his Winter. He gave Leo a thumbs-up and then pressed the shrink button on his palm. In an instant, he shrank down to the size of an ant. With a leap, he shot off like a bullet towards the distance where the convoy of jeeps had already fled.


Leo watched as Bucky disappeared into the distance before soaring into the sky and toward their base in New York.


However, before he could ascend to the stratosphere, Bucky’s voice came through the communicator, “Leo, I’ve caught up with them.”




“What I mean is, you promised to build me a small flying vehicle. Don’t forget about it. I also want to be a man who can fly.”


Leo chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely give you a pleasant surprise.”


With the blueprints of Black Panther Suit and an ample supply of Vibranium, he couldn’t only make the Winter indestructible but also ensure it could fly effortlessly while maintaining its agility when shrunken down.


These improvements certainly would satisfy Bucky.

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