Chapter 27 Everything Was Caused by Leo!

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Rewinding the time for a bit, in Base 033’s Super Soldier laboratory, a group of people was as busy as bees.


As Dr. Zola kept pressing the buttons, the Super Soldier serum was injected into Katr’s body by the automatic injectors in the Super Soldier Nurturer.


Followed by the end of the injection process, Dr. Zola gradually increased the power supply of the ray emitter. The Super Soldier Nurturer began releasing an increasingly intense Beta ray within it.


Even the people who were standing outside the nurturer were blinded by the bright light from it.


At the same time, within the nurturer came out Katr’s painful screams.


The screams were too horrifying, even Dr. Zola hesitated whether the experiment should be continued or not.


“Miss Sinthea, should we stop the experiment? I think Agent Katr cannot hold any longer.”


Siinthea who was standing beside Dr. Zola heard his suggestion and frowned.


As Katr’s screamed louder and louder, Sinthea frowned and pondered for a bit. She abruptly took the controller from Dr. Zola’s hand and increased the power to its maximum.


At the same time, The Super Soldier Nurturer began emitting a dazzling whitish-blue light while the electric currents from above began crackling.


Katr suddenly let out an ear-splitting howl and soon the nurturer became quiet.


Dr. Zola immediately shut down the power supply. The light from the nurturer dispersed but it was still silent.


At the moment, no one knew whether the Super Soldier experiment was a success or not. Everyone held their breath and stared at the nurturer’s hatch.

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The whole laboratory fell silent to the point it felt eerie.


A wail of alarms sounded in the laboratory all of a sudden and surprised everyone.


Sinthea furiously picked up her communicator and shouted, “You useless fools, what happened outside? Why did the alarm sound suddenly?”


From the communicator came an anxious voice as someone answered, “This is the central control room. Through the surveillance camera, we saw Mr. Erwin… He killed Director Shadan at the base exit and drove a jeep away.”


“What? That’s impossible!”, Dr. Zola who was at the side was in disbelief and could not help but shouted.


Sinthea was going to confirm the situation with the central control room. But the next moment, countless explosions happened all around the base including the Super Soldier laboratory.


The sudden explosion knocked over many of the H.Y.D.R.A.’s researchers and support staff. Some of them died instantly but most of them suffered some light or heavy injuries and were laying on the ground wailing in pain.


The whole situation was in chaos.


Dr. Zola was heavily injured as one of his robotic legs was destroyed and his body was hit by the wall. The screen on his chest was cracked and his body was releasing smoke. His injuries were too heavy and could not even stand up after struggling for a while.


Sinthea was covered in dust due to the explosion and her clothes were blown to pieces. Although she was in sorry shape, she did not suffer any injuries.


Sinthea coughed a couple of times and patted the dust off her body, she was fuming.


Suddenly, Sinthea heard another explosion beside her. As she faced the direction, a metal plate was flying towards her.


She angrily shouted and smashed the metal plate to the ground with her fist.

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Only then did she notice the metal plate she smashed was the Super Soldier Nurturer’s hatch. She immediately looked at the nurturer fearing the Super Soldier experiment had gone wrong.


However, the next moment, she heaved a sigh of relief!


At this moment, within the hatchless nurturer, Katr who had become more muscular took back his fist. He struggled to stand and the metal shackles were broken by him.


From the look of it, the Super Soldier experiment was a success.


Sinthea finally knew why the hatch was flying towards her. But she did not blame it on Katr because he did not do it purposely.


Thus, Sinthea placed all the blame on Leo’s head.


“Leo Erwin!”


Sinthea’s furious wail echoed across the Super Soldier laboratory and mixed with the injured people’s wailing, it became more terrifying.


Katr, who had broken free from the shackles, saw the mess in the laboratory and was confused.


He ran to Sinthea with his upper body naked and asked, “Leader, what happened here?”


Katr’s height was 10 centimeters taller before the experiment and his muscle became more robust as if it was a wall.


He suddenly stood beside Sinthea and this made her feel a sense of pressure.


Sinthea looked at Katr’s body, which was much stronger than before and had some thoughts in her heart.


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From the look of it, Katr had been successfully enhanced by the serum and he will be one of the H.Y.D.R.A. ‘s strongest forces. However, Katr was not like the Winter Soldier that was at Sinthea’s mercy since he was controlled by the chip.


Furthermore, Sinthea felt now was not the best time to try mind-controlling Katr.


In the past, Sinthea could ask Katr to do anything. But now it would be better for her to show some respect.


After the problem at hand was resolved, Sinthea felt she had ways to control Katr.


At this thought, Sinthea suppressed the anxiety and anger in her heart and patiently explained everything to Katr.


“Leo did something like this?!”, after listening to Sinthea’s explanation, Katr was astonished.


Even though he had only known Leo for a month, in his impression, Leo had always been a scientist that was dedicated to the H.Y.D.R.A.


Before the experiment started, he even heard Leo fall into sickness due to preparing the experiment instruments and being too exhausted.


Why after a short while, Leo suddenly changed into another person?!


“You don’t believe it?”


Sinthea saw Katr’s shocked face and knew what he was thinking. She continued, “If you don’t believe it, then no need to mention Dr. Zola and me. We still can’t believe Leo would do something like this! So, Mr. Katr, are you willing to go with me to capture Leo back and asked why he betrayed H.Y.D.R.A.?”


When Katr heard Sinthea address him as Mister, he was overjoyed. He patted his sturdy chest and said, “Of course, beautiful Miss Sinthea. I am willing to work for you.”


Sinthea’s heart felt a bit uncomfortable when Katr did not address her as the leader anymore. However, she did not mention it and continued, “Mr. Katr, go change your clothing and prepare some weapons. I will go to the cold storage to wake the Winter Soldier. With three of us, a single Leo has nothing against us.”


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“If it’s dealing with Leo, there’s no need to wake the Winter Soldier, right?”


“There’s nothing wrong with being cautious. The eastern proverb says, “When a lion hunts rabbits, it will use all its strength”.”


After saying that, she hastily heads towards the basement cold storage.


However, Sinthea wanted to wake the Winter Soldier, not because of Leo’s escape. It was due to her seeing Katr starting to have his own ideas. She wanted to bring the Winter Soldier and deal with Katr as well.


Then, she would ask Dr. Zola to put a chip into Katr’s brain. This way she could only be at ease.




A few minutes later.


“Leo! LEO! Leo, I will kill you!”


In the basement cold storage, Sinthea was yelling in fury! She had discovered Leo had brought Bucky away.


Sinthea immediately rushed back to her bedroom and took the Winter Soldier’s chip control terminal. However, she found out that the display of the terminal showed an error message.


The next moment, Sinthea finally understood everything.


The error message on the terminal, the power failure in the cotton production factory, the Black Widow’s escape…


It was Leo, everything was caused by Leo!


At this moment, Leo had become a thorn in Sinthea’s flesh.

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