Chapter 28 Pursuit

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Sinthea was fuming when she thought of Leo’s various deeds.


All of a sudden, the communicator on her waist rang. “Miss Sinthea, it’s Katr. I’ve made preparations for the pursuit, and am currently heading to the entrance. Have you prepared?”


Sinthea snapped out of her daze when she heard Katr’s words. She placed the chip control terminal into her pocket and hurriedly headed towards the base entrance.


She wanted to find Leo and personally kill him!


Since the garage at the base entrance was too conspicuous, Leo did not find any opportunities to place explosives. Hence, every vehicle was still there.


Katr started a jeep and was waiting for Sinthea.


Sinthea ignored Katr’s ordinary jeep when she arrived at the garage. Instead, she walked to the end of the garage and used her I.D. card to open a secret door. She drove an extremely fierce-looking jeep out of it.


She waved her hand hinting Katr to sit on the passenger seat.


“This jeep was modified by Dr. Zola and its average speed is 1.8 faster than a normal jeep. This way, we can catch up with Leo and the others faster.”


“The others? Leo is not the only one who escaped?” Katr did not know Bucky had escaped with Leo and continued asking, “Also, didn’t you go to wake the Winter Soldier up? Where is he?”


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“I’m afraid the Winter Soldier had betrayed the organization with Leo. Leo that kid is not simple, he’s not an ordinary man. If we met them, our chances of winning are not much. Later during the fight, don’t drop your guard down.”


Sinthea explained briefly to Katr as she turned on the radio of the modified jeep and said, “Hey! I’m Sinthea. Base 033’s central control room, can you hear me?”


“This is 033’s central control room. Leader, please give your orders.”


“Can you find out the location of the jeep that Leo drives?”


“The jeep’s G.P.S. system is offline, we can’t determine his location.”


It was as Sinthea expected and she continued, “Is Dr. Zola there? Ask him to connect the communication channel.”


After some static noise, Dr. Zola’s half-destroyed robotic body was carried to the central control room by the H.Y.D.R.A. agents. Then, he used his in-built communication device to connect the channel.


“Miss Sinthea, it’s Armin Zola. What is your request, please order.”


Sinthea hastily explained Leo and the Winter Soldier’s situation to Dr. Zola and asked, “Dr. Zola, can the chip control terminal still control the Winter Soldier?”


“He even brought the Winter Soldier away?!” Dr. Zola was bewildered when he heard Leo brought the Winter Soldier away. 


He stayed silent for a while and said. “The control chip in the Winter Soldier’s brain has one program setting only and that is loyal to H.Y.D.R.A. . Unless the chip is taken out by cracking his skull open, the chip will definitely affect him at all times. I don’t know what method Leo used to interfere with the chip. However, through my calculations, as long as you get close to the Winter Soldier within a certain range, the control terminal will work or at least be able to make the Winter Soldier unable to resist.”


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“That’s good. That way I have a chance to take both of them down.” Sinthea gritted her teeth as her eyes had an ominous glint.


She pondered for a while and said, “033’s central control room, pass this order down. Send out every armed force in the base and follow behind me. We are leaving immediately.”


The order had been passed down as more and more jeeps began gathering at the base entrance.


At this moment, Dr. Zola who remained silent for some time spoke with his raspy voice, “Miss Sinthea, if it’s possible, please capture Leo back alive. I have many things to ask him directly.”


Sinthea thought for a bit and gave a small “um”.


Followed by that, Sinthea chased after Leo based on the tire tracks Leo left behind. She stepped on the gas pedal to increase the horsepower and rushed out.




In the forest, Leo had driven the jeep away from the base for a while. On the way, he was chatting with Bucky.


For convenience, Bucky climbed from the back seat and sat on the front seat.


At this moment, Leo asked Bucky, “Bucky, although I should not bring up your sadness, I’m curious. Is your relationship good with Howard Stark?”


Bucky became silent when he heard Leo’s question.


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“I’m sorry. If it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to answer it.”


“It’s fine.” Bucky smiled wryly at Leo and continued, “Mr. Stark and I were not that close, but I respected him just like every other American soldier. Both Mr. Stark and I were born in 1917. I first met Mr. Stark in 1943. At that time, Steve and I went to the World Exposition of Tomorrow hosted by Mr. Stark. You know who Steve is, right? Steve Rogers, he’s my best friend.”


Leo nodded, “The famous Captain America, I know him. I used his name to wake you up for the first time.”


Bucky suddenly remembered the memory from that time and immediately wanted to ask Leo anxiously, but he was interrupted by Leo.


“I know what you want to ask, calm down. You can continue talking about you and Stark first. Captain America is a long story. I can slowly tell you.”


Bucky held back his anxiety and straightened his mind. He continued, “It was a shame for me to say this! At 26 years old,  Mr. Stark already was a famous scientist and inventor while I was just a small sergeant. The reason Mr. Stark and I were closed was Steve. During the exposition, Steve accidentally met Dr. Erksine… In the end, in 1945 during a mission to track down H.Y.D.R.A., I fell into a canyon. What happened next, I’m sure you are clear with it. It was unimaginable, I used the first half of my life to fight against H.Y.D.R.A., and in the end, I became a killing tool for HYDRA.”


Bucky recounted everything about himself and Stark and most of which had something to do with Steve. In general, Bucky had a lot of respect for Stark and felt Stark was an American hero, the World’s hero.


Moreover, he had great regret for killing Stark himself.


“Bucky, you don’t have to blame yourself too much. This matter is caused by H.Y.D.R.A. and you’re just a knife. The real sin-bearer is the H.Y.D.R.A., Sinthea.” 


Leo comforted Bucky and changed Bucky’s attention. He began talking about Captain America’s story.


“Actually, your best friend, Steve Rogers, went missing. It was in 1945 after you fell into the canyon. Steve searched for you for a long time and couldn’t find you, he thought you were gone. Thus, he became furious. To avenge you, he stormed into the H.Y.D.R.A. base and found John Schmidt… Finally, he and Schmidt fell into the Arctic Ocean, ending with mutual destruction.”

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Bucky was stupefied when he heard all of this. He instantly questioned why Leo knew all of this and where’s the proof.


“Most of this was written in U.S. history. You can verify it anytime you want. Some parts of the story and detail were known to me from the H.Y.D.R.A.”


Leo gave Bucky an ample amount of evidence and continued, “But based on my knowledge, mutual destruction was something only H.Y.D.R.A. said. They did not confirm whether Steve died or not. Perhaps he’s still alive! Who knows.”


However, Bucky was still silent and depressed.


Leo did not know how to console Bucky, seeing him stay silent for so long.


In the end, Leo bit the bullet to break the silence and secretly regretted that he talked about Howard Stark and Steve.


“Bucky Barnes!”


Leo formally called Bucky attracting his attention as he continued, “Do you know? You are free!”


The next moment, Leo was unsure whether Bucky had recovered from the sadness of Steve’s death or not. However, Leo stopped paying attention to Bucky.


He even slowed down the car as he was distracted by the system notifications in front of his eyes.


Since he said those words, rows of system notifications appeared in front of him.

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