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Charz was not going to let that happen since he planned to return the dragon balls to their original position without affecting the story of Goku's search for the dragon balls. Charz jumped into the air and caught all the dragon balls before they flew out. He placed them in a bag with him and slung them over his shoulders.

After collecting the dragon balls Charz was teleported to planet Namek after a minute. After orienting himself Charz sensed his surrounding trying to locate the energy signature of the elder of the Namekians. After a few seconds Charz found the location of the elder and started to fly in that direction at his fastest speed. In few minutes Charz was outside what looked like to be the home of the Namekian elder.

As he approached the house of the elder he was stopped by a Namekian outside of the building. "No one is allowed to disturb the elder no matter the reason" said the Namekian

"This is important business I need to speak with the elder"

"No one is allowed to meet the elder"

"I don't want to hurt you now move aside unless you don't care about the future of Namek and your fellow Namekians"

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"I already told you to leave don't make me repeat myself"

"You really won't move huh" after saying that Charz released some of his battle power, just that simple release stunned the Namekian and made him immobile. All the Namekian could do was stare at Charz with his eyes unable to create even the slightest form of resistance or struggle.

Just after Charz's battle power was released a voice sounding like it was from an elderly on the cusps of death was heard from the house. "Guest please let him go he was just trying to protect me since I was the last elder to remain alive. Nail don't' try and stop this guest anymore stand aside"

Charz retracted his aura and the Namekian Nail was released from his immobile state his clothes were soaked in sweat as he fell to the ground and started to pant for breath. Even though he was just stopped from moving the tremendous pressure that was placed on his body made him feel like was under the threat of death and anything he did would lead to death.

After retracting his aura Charz entered the building to see the elder. The old Namekian was around 5 metres tall sitting on a big chair which looked like a throne due to its size. Charz could not even reach his knee while he was sitting on the chair which only further emphasized the differences in size between the two parties.

"Greetings elder of the Namekian, I have come to relay some important information that will concern you while also asking for a few favours"

"Come let me read the information directly it is faster than speaking here" the elder said as he gestured for Charz to approach his knee. After approaching the elder's knee Charz felt the elders huge hands close in and rest on his head, it felt like was wearing a rather large hat. "Direct the information you want to relay to me, to the connection you feel in your head" said the elder as he placed his hands on Charz's head.

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Charz complied with what the elder said and directed information about the coming catastrophe namely Frieza and his men and his request of unlocking his potential and the collection of the dragon balls, he also transferred information on how the Saiyans are under the control of Frieza and how he planned to destroy planet Vegeta and annihilate the Saiyan race. The last thing Charz conveyed was his plan to save his people and start a new life while also taking revenge on Frieza.

After reading and processing the information that was sent to him the great elder said through telepathy "Thank you friend this is very important information for us, don't move allow me to unlock your potential."

Afterwards a surge of energy rose from the grand elder and transferred into Charz. Charz felt his body become quite hot for a short period of time before cooling to the normal temperature, he felt his strength rising quickly he used his Blood Awareness technique to sense the rise in strength.




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Astonished couldn't describe the emotion shown on Charz face, the increase was way too much even though it was only double, double of different numbers mean different results. Double of ten would only give you 20 but double a thousand and that's two thousand the gap between the differences are extremely clear.

Charz never thought that his battle power would double so much after unlocking his potential from the elder. But then Charz noticed something with his Blood awareness technique, it was observed that his body and Ki was not in total harmony in his body the two elements weren't balanced properly. It was like having the ability to destroy a city with a single strike but being able to be killed by a stray rock moving at a fast speed that collides with your head if there is no energy protection.

This is one of things prevalent in this universe persons don't focus as much energy on their body than their Ki (battle power). This was one of the reasons Goku and Vegeta could never really stay in SSJ4 form for long and switched out to using God Ki and so on.

The amount of strain the body is placed under in SSJ4 transformation is the strongest out of every transformation available which is why it could only last a short while on weaker bodies. While the Super Saiyan transformations 1-3 are energy based and only put a limited amount of strain on the body but the SSJ4 or True Saiyan transformation is a physical/bodily transformation which puts far more pressure on the body and if the body is not strong enough to withstand the strain you revert.

That's why the True Saiyan transformation is only used a few times, but the benefit of this is the mass increase in power when it comes to the amount of energy available after the transformation. The True Saiyan form has the highest multiplier in all the transformations, it is the condensed form X Super Saiyan form which is 25/35 depending on whether the person is a normal Saiyan or Legendary Super Saiyan X the Super Saiyan transformation which are X50, X100, X300. The Legendary Super Saiyans would have X125, X250 X375 which is a shocking amount.

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Understanding this and knowing that the path he chose to tread required him to have an exceptional physical body and sturdiness Charz decided to train his physical body to the limit to accommodate the power that will be flowing through his veins in the future but soon Charz realized something. If the True Saiyan transformation was the strongest line transformation without God Ki why was it abandoned and not used more often.

If it was due to the body being not strong enough why not train the body until it becomes strong enough to withstand the strain placed on the transformation. That would be the logical thing to do train until you can withstand it, but what if the body couldn't withstand it on a fundamental level like genes.

What if the genetic structure of modern day Saiyans couldn't withstand the pressure and energy that is generated with the True Saiyan transformation line? What if the reason that the Saiyans couldn't stay in that form long was simply because their genes, blood was too diluted to withstand the stress brought about by the transformation and the other forms along this line were impossible to access.

Or what if the other forms were deliberately cut off from the evolution pathway of the Saiyans, what if they were removed from the line because of the power it brought. As Charz thought about this fear gripped his heart as he wrapped his head around the two possibilities.

It was mentioned that back in ancient times the Saiyans were an evil and powerful race which self-destructed due to its own nature. Yamoshi the first Saiyan that was said to be able to go Super Saiyan God was said to have died trying to fix his brethren's wrongdoings and their evil nature and behavior.

Charz had read before that the North Kai, King Kai said that 'the modern Saiyans have a different Ki compared to their ancestors, they were akin to rocks and eggs, no matter how large an egg is a rock can still break it'. When Charz recalled that statement he realized that no matter how degenerate a race got it would still hold the possibilities to return to its former glory as it would be stored in its genetic code.

For starters the Saiyans in Universe 7 and 6 are different one has tails and one does not but both of them could still enter the Super Saiyan transformation meaning it was still hidden in their genetic code and it only belonged to them.

Cell was able to obtain the transformation because he stole some of Goku's blood and copied his genes leading to the unlocking of the evolution path of this line of transformations. So unless the path was deliberately cut off by someone of extremely great power, it was impossible from preventing the later generation to achieve what their predecessors did before them.

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