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With that line of thought Charz realized that he needed to go to the past and witness or discover the reasons for his findings and see if his speculations are true. If his speculation are true someone purposefully cut off this path of evolution preventing all Saiyans from going this way as the only path left to gain more power than Super Saiyan 3 is to use God Ki by doing the ritual with 6 righteous Saiyans.

This action can be seen to be a countermeasure which was put in place to prevent evil Saiyans or just lawless and criminal Saiyans from gaining more power than Super Saiyan 3. It was like a permanent shackle or weakness that could not be undone as long as you are a modern Saiyan preventing you from further moving up in power without possessing a righteous heart and righteous friends.

This was a deadly and cruel but very effective countermeasure for those who would want to twist things to their will. If Saiyans never turned righteous they would forever be limited to Super Saiyan 3 forever unable to progress any step further even if it meant annihilation.

Cold sweat appeared on Charz face as he thought about these topics, he really need to go to the past now if not to witness the events of history at least break this bloodline shackle that was placed upon him by those from the ancient times.

While Charz's was lost in thought, thinking about the various events that may have occurred in the past, the elder's words brought him out of his revere and back to the present "I will have the others gather the dragon balls for you from the different villages"

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"Ah thanks elder, your help is much appreciated" said Charz as he thanked the elder Namekian.

"Your potential is the greatest that I have seen, I only managed to activate part of it. I hope if they are any emergencies you would come and help us out and not treat us like dogs after you got what you wanted" said the elder as they were waiting for the others to bring the dragon balls here.

"Of course not elder, I would never do that to persons that I have owed a favour or those who helped me when I'm in need and right now you fit the categories perfectly, so why would I abandon you like a stray dog. I am a man of honor and integrity and I will not turn my back on those who helped me so believe me when I tell I will help if any situation befalls this planet and its people." Said Charz passionately as he looked at the elder Namekian.

"OK, child I believe and will hold you true to your promise if anything befalls Namek" the elder said. The two conversed on small subjects as they waited for the dragon balls. Charz inquired about the Namekian language and the chant to summon Porunga and details about the great catastrophe that befell planet Namek and the reason why he was the only elder to survive.

The elder taught Charz the Namekian language chant for the summoning of Porunga, when he was about to speak about the other stuff the elder seemed especially tired, so Charz decided that if was enough and very taxing for the elder to answer any more question.

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The only reason the elder answered so much was due to being a guest, bringing important information and because of the power Charz showed at the beginning and the amount that was displayed after the unlocking of his potential.

Charz went outside to wait with the Namekian who tried to block his way earlier, the Namekian was now a little more vigilant of Charz, he was staring at him with hints of respect, fear, anger and dread there was even a bit of envy in his eyes.

It was quite understandable he was one of the best warriors of his race on the planet and was tasked to protect the elder at all cost to prevent him from dying to early. But a young boy from another race had so much more power than him that when it was unleashed he could not move and was completely at the mercy at the child's hands.

If it wasn't for the elder and the child was an enemy he would fail miserably at the most important job of his life he didn't know what he would do after something like that happened the consequences were too big.

The emotions in his eyes represented the confusion or the awkward situation he was in. The respect was because the boy was strong and the strong is always respected in this kind of world, the fear was the massive distance in strength between him and the boy and how the gap increased more than double after a simple visit to the elder.

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The anger was due to his inability to do anything while he was locked in the aura of the boy, he even had hints of shame due to it being the elder who he had to protect being the one to get him out of the situation he caused. He could never forgive himself for that shameful display he showed the elder.

For the dread, it was for knowing that his opponent who shamed him completely in front of the elder and made him unable to move under the mighty aura was a mere child. A child! Not an unparalleled expert that was in the older generation or the same age with him but a child that probably didn't even surpass ten years old.

When the horror filled his heart when he came to the realization he tried to deny it and come up with a lot of excuses, with some being the boy was of a race that simply looked a lot like children when they became adults or that maybe it was an accident during training and he was left in a childish body but he was a real monster who had already lived for a few hundred years already.

This was the excuses he came up with himself and he even believe one of them were right thinking that if he had so many years under his belt he would be as strong as him too. But all of his fantasies were shattered to pieces when the elder rest his hand upon the boy's head and mentioned how he was a child during their conversation.

He was shocked extremely shocked, a person having so much formidable strength when he was just a child imagine the amount of strength he would acquire as he grew older, the dread threatened to overthrow his heart. He could feel his heart in his mouth unable to say anything and not daring to.

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He had a mind to believe that the child was possibly tricking everyone and he wasn't so young or he used secret arts to change his figure but upon hearing the elder's conversation he couldn't.

He could distrust and not believe anybody even himself but he could not doubt the elder's words. The elder's words were like gospel or divine messages, what was said was always true without question and questioning the elder's words was like blaspheme and he didn't dare.

So all he did when Charz walked out of the building to wait for the dragon balls while giving the elder some rest was just staring at him with his gaze filled with many complex emotions. When Charz came out and noticed the Namekian staring at him with a complicated gaze filled with complex emotions he just shrugged it off and went to find a rock sit, while awaiting the arrival of the dragon balls unaware of the complex thoughts running through the Namekian mind as he stared at him.

Charz sat to think about the future more importantly his wishes that he was about to ask for. He had to find a suitable planet for the Saiyans to live on not for one generation or for now but for the future generations to come to serve as a home planet for a future operations of the Saiyans in the time to come.

He also needed to find a way for the Saiyans to be able to reach the Earth without the long time for space travels he needed and instantaneous transmission like teleportation from one planet to the next. A lot of ideas came up in his head but a lot were shot down as fast as they came, he spent all his time sitting on the rock mumbling to himself, shaking and nodding his head. If an ordinary person from earth saw this they would think that Charz was an asylum patient who escaped and was discussing topics with himself. If he was on earth someone would have called an ambulance to carry him back to the asylum.

But luckily he was on planet Namek and his only company outside was the Namekian who kept staring at him with an intense gaze for no reason at all. Under his gaze Charz broke out of his thoughts a few times because the gaze felt like the Namekian wanted to burn two holes on his back with that gaze.

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