Chapter 1: Possessed by a ghost

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“Sister, do you feel better today? do you still not remember anything?” A delicate voice echoed in the small courtyard of the Gu family, a prominent family of medicine in Daqi Kingdom. “It’s such a shame that you finally came back from the village, and now this has happened. It’s really regrettable.”

Although the girl spoke words of regret, her tone betrayed her gleeful delight.

“You’re very kind, little sister.” Gu Yunru replied blandly, her gaze fixed on the girl’s face, not missing any of her expressions.

It couldn’t be helped that while others who transmigrated received the original host’s memories, Gu Yunru was clueless when she arrived in this world. She only knew that she had been rescued from a lake where she had apparently thrown herself in. However, as a skilled traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, she had diagnosed that the original host’s body was only suffering from excessive cold and fear, indicating that she had been greatly frightened, not trying to end her life.

She had spent the past two days lying in bed, claiming to be suffering from excessive fear and memory loss. Fortunately, with her expertise in psychology from her previous life, she had tactfully extracted some information.

The original host’s name was also Gu Yunru, who was born from the deceased wife of the current head of the Gu family, Gu Yan. Since his father married her stepmother, she had been kept on the family estate and had no idea why she was suddenly brought back to the Gu family in a high-profile manner. However, before nightfall, she fell into the lake.

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The girl before her was Gu Yunru’s half-sister, the third young miss of the Gu family, named Gu Junyue.

Gu Yunru clearly saw the hint of resentment and hatred that flashed through her eyes when she spoke just now.

Although it was unlikely that the Gu family suddenly made a big fuss about taking back their original owner for no reason, since they had brought her back, they surely didn’t want to kill her. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be easier to let her die quietly in the Zhuangzi?

Gu Junyue’s expression was so strange, could it be that the original owner’s drowning was related to this younger sister?

“Sister, I can’t remember anything, did I really jump into the lake myself? Why did I jump into the lake? Did Madam treat me badly?” Gu Yunru suddenly asked unexpectedly.

“What nonsense are you talking about! Hasn’t my mother treated you well enough? Look at all the supplements, ginseng, lingzhi, blood swallow, deer antler, and these jewelry, new clothes, what else do you want?” Gu Junyue replied, falling for the trap, her face revealing a hint of unwillingness.

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“Then why did I jump into the lake? Was it because you and the other younger sister bullied me?” Gu Yunru feigned a helpless look and asked in a low voice.

“How could we bully you! Where did we bully you? You wanted to seek death yourself, how would I know why?” Gu Junyue clenched her clothes corner, stood up from the chair, and raised her voice.

She suddenly stood up and raised her voice, which, according to psychology, was intentionally covering up her guilty conscience. She repeatedly emphasized twice that they did not bully Gu Yunru and subconsciously clenched her clothes corner, which in psychology, was a sign of lying.

Why did she have to lie? Because the truth must not be favorable to her.

Gu Yunru was now certain that the original owner’s drowning was definitely related to Gu Junyue. Since she had been treated like a soft persimmon, she might as well attack her heart and scare her.

Gu Yunru came up with an idea in her mind and casually loosened her hair without leaving a trace, then quickly took some ink from the inkstone beside her and smeared it under her eyes. Gu Junyue was preoccupied and deliberately looked out the window, not noticing her little actions.

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“Sister, why did you want to harm me? Give me back my life… Give me back my life… Ah, it’s so cold down there, with knife mountains and oil pots. The ox-headed demon and horse-faced god said I was killed by someone and couldn’t reincarnate, so they asked me to find a scapegoat…” Gu Yunru suddenly stood up, stuck out her tongue, and sighed gloomily.

Gu Junyue was feeling guilty and caught off guard when she suddenly turned her head and saw Gu Yunru with disheveled hair, sticking out her tongue, and approaching her with darkened eyes. She screamed in fright, fell to the ground, covered her eyes, and shouted, “It wasn’t me! It’s because you’re too cowardly–“

“If it weren’t for you causing me to become a lonely ghost, how could I have ended up like this?” Gu Yunru still sinisterly questioned, getting closer and closer.

“It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me! It’s because you’re too cowardly! As soon as you heard that prince Zhao was immoral, cruel, and enjoyed torturing people, you were scared to the point of wanting to call off the marriage! If my mother found out that I told you about prince Zhao, she would make me kneel in front of the ancestral hall. I pushed you in a moment of desperation! I didn’t mean to harm you. I was the one who had someone rescue you,” Gu Junyue, being young, couldn’t withstand Gu Yunru’s scare and wet her pants. Panicked, she revealed everything.

After hearing this, Gu Yunru thought that her guess was correct, and the Gu family’s purpose in bringing back the original owner was indeed for a hidden motive.

“Turns out this was your plan all along. No wonder you’ve been so good to me. I’m sure you’d be furious if I disagreed to this marriage arrangement,” Gu Yunru tricked her into revealing the truth, flipped her hair, and spoke in a normal tone.

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Gu Junyue, who was tightly covering her eyes, suddenly let go of her hands in disbelief and looked at Gu Yunru. She realized what had happened and stood up furiously, pointing at Gu Yunru and saying, “You lowly person! How dare you scare me! Even if I did push you into the lake, so what? My mother would only make me kneel in front of the ancestral hall! You can forget about canceling the marriage!”

Gu Yunru shrugged and honestly said, “So what if I scared you? If you can scare me, why can’t I scare you?”

Gu Junyue blushed and felt both embarrassed and angry. “I didn’t scare you! Prince Zhao is just physically disabled, twisted in personality, cruel, and loves torturing people. He’s even insane! You’re just waiting to die if you marry him!”

“Even if I can’t cancel the marriage, I still want to make a fuss. I won’t feel comfortable if you don’t kneel in front of the ancestral hall,” Gu Yunru smiled slightly and gracefully wiped off the ink stains under her eyes with a handkerchief.

” You-” Gu Junyue couldn’t believe that Gu Yunru, who had almost drowned a few days ago and was scared like a quail, had suddenly transformed into a different person and become so arrogant.

She was both shocked and angry, but she also had a plan. Suddenly, she burst into loud sobs, ran out of the room, and shouted, “Help! Mother! Help! My sister has been possessed by a ghost!”

Gu Yunru remained calm and collected. She calmly adjusted her makeup and clothing, and since this wicked little girl wanted to put on a show, she would join in the performance! She would definitely get revenge for what happened when she almost drowned!

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