Chapter 2: Awakening the Heavenly Eye

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Sure enough, after Gu Junyue had cried and complained for a while, two maids were sent from the main courtyard to invite Gu Yunru to see Madam Gu.

Gu Yunru naturally followed and, upon arriving at the flower hall of the main courtyard, she smiled and greeted Madam Gu before asking in a low voice, “Does Madam need something from me?”

“Yunru, earlier Junyue went to visit you and came back saying that you were possessed by a ghost and scared her. Is there any truth to this?” Although Madam Gu wore a fake smile on her face, her words were sharp and straightforward.

Gu Junyue was trembling on the side, crying, “Mother, older sister really was possessed by a ghost, and she even said she wanted to eat me! Please quickly invite a Taoist priest to perform a ritual!”

Upon hearing this, Gu Yunru instantly understood the little girl’s intentions. If she admitted to being possessed, then the Taoist priest that Madam Gu invited would cause her a lot of trouble. But if she denied it, then she would be accused of frightening her younger sister and would likely end up kneeling in the ancestral hall.

Truly, appearances can be deceiving. Although this little girl was young, she was skilled in palace intrigue, even knowing to make the first accusation.

“In response to Madam, Yunru was indeed possessed by a ghost.” Gu Yunru raised her head and smiled lightly, sweeping a glance at the people around her without changing her expression. “I fell into the lake and passed through the gates of hell. The ox-headed and horse-faced guardians said that my life was not meant to end yet, but I still suffered a lot. As compensation, they opened my Heavenly Eye, and now that it has been successful, I have retired from the task.”

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“Heavenly Eye?” Madam Gu had not expected Gu Yunru to come up with such a story. The Gu family was known for their expertise in medicine, and although she herself did not understand medical skills, she often heard her husband say that death was like the extinguishing of a candle, and ghosts and spirits were simply unfounded rumors. When Gu Junyue came to cry to her earlier, she had already understood what had happened and that Gu Yunru was frightening her younger sister, causing her to wet her pants and lose face. Madam Gu now wanted to make her suffer a little in return.

She thought that Gu Yunru would definitely deny the existence of ghosts, so she could use this as leverage to punish her. But unexpectedly, this girl actually talked about the cow-headed and horse-faced ghost, and even claimed that they gave her the “divine sight”!

Gu Yunru was not following the expected script. She brought up the cow-headed and horse-faced ghost, claiming that they had already left after accomplishing their goal, blocking any possible way to bring in a Taoist priest to exorcise the ghost. For a moment, she was at a loss for words.

“Sister, if you’re not possessed by a ghost, then you’re intentionally pretending to be one to scare me. And what’s with claiming that you have divine sight? It’s truly ridiculous! Mother, she’s bullying me!” Gu Junyue was defiant, crying and saying, “If you don’t speak up for me, I will tell grandfather, grandmother, and father…”

“Enough, stop crying. Yunru, how can you pretend to be a ghost and scare your younger sister like this, and even lie in front of your mother?” Madam Gu regained her composure and rebuked her coldly.

Gu Yunru had an innocent and sincere look on her face. “Madam, I really did not lie. The cow-headed and horse-faced ghost really possessed me, and I truly have divine sight. If you don’t believe me, I can prove it to you.”

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Madam Gu thought to herself, “This girl is not playing by the rules. Alright, let’s see what she can come up with!” She coughed twice and spoke with a stern voice, “Alright then, show me the proof. If you’re lying in front of your mother, you’ll be punished.”

“Madam, how could I lie?” Gu Yunru still had a sincere expression on her face, her gaze seemingly casual as she swept it around the people in the room.

In fact, she noticed an interesting phenomenon when she first entered the room. That was the young servant standing at the door, and the maid standing beside Madam Gu.

Although she was born into a family of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in her previous life and learned medical skills from her grandfather since childhood, she chose to major in psychology during university due to her strong interest. Due to her professional habits, she likes to observe people’s micro-expressions in order to infer their thoughts.

From the moment she entered the room until now, in less than a quarter of an hour, the young servant secretly glanced at the maid three times, his eyes burning with desire, but his movements were covered up.

As for the maid, she didn’t even cast a sidelong glance in this direction, but her hand unconsciously clenched the handkerchief, and she made a waving gesture.

Then, the young servant’s gaze became somewhat dim, and he lowered his head.

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This frequent and tacit interaction indicates that these two people have a very good relationship in private. The emotions in the servant’s eyes cannot deceive people. He often looks at the maid, which obviously shows that he likes her very much.

Looking at the maid’s neat appearance with not a single crease on her clothes, tidy hair, and even her shoes are clean, her behavior and speech are impeccable. She even deliberately avoids looking in his direction, which shows that she is cautious and careful. It also indicates that Madam Gu is unaware of their relationship.

Her concerns clearly show that she doesn’t want Madam Gu to notice any clues between them.

“Congratulations, Madam Gu. There will be a happy event in your household.” Gu Yunru had already been confident and spoke with a smile to Madam Gu

“A happy event? What kind of happy event?” Could it be that she knows about the engagement? Madam Gu was on edge, and her pupils instinctively tightened as she asked, “What do you mean?”

“The sister by Madam’s side is about to have a big happy event.” Suddenly, Gu Yunru approached and took the hand of the maid next to Madam Gu, speaking with sincerity.

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The maid was really caught off guard and terrified, but Madam Gu directly shook her head and refuted, “You mean Biyun? I wanted to arrange a marriage for her earlier, but she refused and said that she wanted to serve by my side for two more years. If I don’t make the decision for her, how can she have a happy event?”

Gu Yunru’s smile did not diminish as she spoke firmly, “But I saw Biyun and this young man through Heavenly Eyes. They already have feelings for each other and have promised to spend their lives together. Perhaps they even have a child in her belly.”

When it came to the child, she had just noticed Biyun, although standing straight, kept glancing at her lower abdomen with reluctance and regret. She had a guess that she had already been pregnant for two months. Just now, taking advantage of pulling her aside, she looked at her pulse and found that it was true.

“Madam, have mercy! Have mercy on the child, I beg you!” Biyun couldn’t bear it anymore and cried out for mercy, falling to her knees with a thud.

“Madam, the servant and Biyun have indeed promised to spend our lives together. The servant knows that as a lowly servant, he is not worthy of Biyun. Please show mercy and help us fulfill our wishes!” The servant was overjoyed when he heard that Biyun was pregnant, and he knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

“Please have mercy, Madam!” Biyun couldn’t stop kowtowing, feeling both heartbroken and terrified at the same time.

“Xiao Qingzi…Biyun…you two…” Madam Gu was completely caught off guard. She had no idea that something like this was happening right under her nose.

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