Chapter 3: Taking Advantage of the Opportunity

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Gu Yunru had only been to her own courtyard once before and didn’t even recognize Xiao Qingzi and Biyun. Could it be that she really had the ability to see things others couldn’t?

“Madam, this is a good thing. Since they are both in the same courtyard, and have committed to spending their lives together and have children, why not fulfill their wishes?” Gu Yunru said with a serious face. “I even saw how I fell into the water from my ‘heavenly eye.’ It wasn’t like what the servants said about me jumping into the lake. It was actually Third Sister who pushed me!”

Gu Yunru had been earnestly advising Madam Gu, but then suddenly turned the tables and pointed at Gu Junyue with a cold and stern expression. “Third Sister also said that His Majesty gave Second Sister to the Marquis of Zhao as a wife, but he behaved badly and was cruel. Madam couldn’t bear to let Second Sister suffer, so she asked me to take her place!”

Madam Gu was completely shocked by this.

Gu Yunru had only been at the Gu Mansion for three days, and had just returned from falling into the lake, lying in bed for two days. She had specifically ordered that news of the marriage agreement not be leaked!

Could there really be some sort of ghost or monster at play?

“Mother, don’t listen to her nonsense. I didn’t push her, I just pulled her in a moment of urgency,” Gu Junyue said. She had also been shocked by Gu Yunru’s ability and was now panicked as the blame seemed to be shifting to her.

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“Shut up! How dare you do something like this!” Madam Gu was furious and pointed at Gu Junyue. “How can you fight with your elder sister? Have you no manners? Someone, take Third Miss to kneel in front of the ancestral shrine! She cannot eat tonight!”

“Mother!” Gu Junyue wanted to argue and explain that it was she who had spoken about the Marquis of Zhao’s bad behavior, not what Gu Yunru had seen with her ‘heavenly eye’. But the servants didn’t give her a chance and took her away.

Gu Yunru, however, didn’t believe that Madam Gu was really so merciless. She had pushed Gu Junyue aside, believing that Madam Gu had even more severe means to deal with her.

“Junru, you were right just now. It is true that our Gu family has been promised a marriage with His Highness Zhao, but it is not for your second younger sister. The emperor’s decree clearly states that the marriage is to be granted to the Miss of the Gu family, and you are the Miss of our Gu family. You cannot run away from this marriage.” Madam Gu composed herself and spoke seriously.

Initially, she had wanted to deceive this wild girl who had been raised in the village and let her marry off, but she never expected to be disrupted by Jun Yue like this. Since she already knew about it, there was no point in concealing it anymore. Regardless of what kind of supernatural ability she had, even if she could fly to the sky, she was still the designated Miss of the Gu family, and marrying Prince Zhao was inevitable.

Madam Gu thought that Junru would make a fuss about breaking off the engagement, and she would find an excuse to punish her. But unexpectedly, Junru surprised her again.

“If it is a marriage bestowed by the emperor, it is a great honor. How can I dare not comply? However, since my mother passed away early, I will have to trouble Madam to take care of the wedding arrangements and dowry for me. It’s really hard work for Madam.” Junru spoke obediently and politely.

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Madam Gu: “…”

Although Junru had always been raised in the village, she had also sent someone to investigate her. The report from the servants was that she was timid, dull, and somewhat foolish. How could she have the intelligent and clever appearance in front of her now? Could it be that she really had some kind of supernatural ability that had transformed her?

Madam Gu gritted her teeth secretly and came up with an idea, “Since you can think like this, that’s the best. Tomorrow, I am going to the Great Compassion Temple to burn incense. You can come with me.”

Whether it was supernatural or not, she didn’t care. It was a matter of ghosts and monsters, and once they entered the Buddhist temple, the abbot could chant the sutras to expel the evil spirits. Wouldn’t Junru reveal her true form then?

Upon hearing Madam Gu’s words, Junru was clear-minded. However, the concept of crossing over through magnetic fields and space-time cracks was something that the ancients like Madam Gu couldn’t understand.

She secretly smiled to herself, but put on a sad expression on her face and said softly, “Madam, please forgive me. It’s not that I don’t want to accompany you to burn incense, but I have never left my wet nurse since I was young. Suddenly returning to the mansion and being separated from my wet nurse, I can’t think of anything else and have no mood to climb the mountain to burn incense.”

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When she was taken back to the Gu mansion, she only brought a little maid named Qingxing with her. News of her drowning had spread, and her original wet nurse was worried sick. She had bribed many people just to deliver a letter to her.

Since she took over someone else’s body, it was only right for her to take good care of the original wer nurse. Madam Gu was now eager to drive away evil spirits for her and didn’t care about these small matters. She immediately agreed, “It was the mother’s negligence. I will send someone to pick up your wet nurse from the village and you should focus on eating properly.”

“Thank you, Madam.” Gu Yunru benefited from this and didn’t mind being obedient to her. She lowered her eyes and said.

Madam Gu was indeed anxious, but the next day, Gu Yunru saw the original nurse.

She was about to settle down the nurse when someone from the main house couldn’t wait any longer and hurriedly sent a message, “Miss, the carriage is ready. Madam is waiting for you. The journey to the Dabeisi Temple is not short. Go early and come back early to avoid getting dark.”

“Miss, since Madam has called for you, you should go first to avoid being found fault with.” The nurse’s eyes were a little red and she whispered.

“Okay.” Gu Yunru was good at observing people’s words and actions. The wet nurse was sincere, and it seemed that this transaction was worth it.

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She followed the messenger to the door of the Gu residence. Madam Gu gave her a cold glance and ordered the coachman to leave.

At the Dabeisi Temple, Madam Gu didn’t beat around the bush and led Gu Yunru straight to the abbot, saying, “Abbot, my daughter had a near-death experience a few days ago and walked through the gates of hell. When she woke up, she was a bit confused and kept saying that she had opened her heavenly eyes. Abbot, you are a respected and virtuous person. Please recite some sutras for her and drive away the evil spirits in her body.”

After hearing this, the abbot stopped tapping the wooden fish and looked calmly at Gu Yunru. His voice was calm and deep, “Did the young lady really have such an experience?”

While he was asking, Gu Yunru was also observing him. Seeing the abbot’s kind eyebrows and gentle eyes, his demeanor was dignified and respectful towards Buddha. It was evident that he was truly devoted to Buddhism and not someone who sought fame and reputation.

“Indeed.” Gu Yunru calculated in her heart, nodded naturally, and replied.

The abbot took out a mirror inscribed with Buddhist scriptures from his pocket and handed it to Gu Yunru, saying in a slow voice, “Since the lady has opened her heavenly eyes, could she tell the poor monk what she has seen?”

Gu Yunru took a glance at the small mirror and saw her own reflection, with delicate eyebrows, eyes like cut gems, cherry lips, a petite nose, and skin as smooth as mutton fat. She straightened her expression and recited a verse from Buddhist teachings, “A flower is a world, a leaf is enlightenment. The abbot is a sage, and I am a mere mortal. What I see is a prosperous and beautiful world, while what the abbot sees is the mirror of enlightenment. Even if I tell the abbot, can he truly understand?”

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