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"Stinky girl who can see dead people," The woman in red runs around me like a little child. "Are you really not scared?"

"Do you know how many horror movies I have seen?" I tilt my head to the right and cross my arms. "You are doing a poor job at being a dead person."

"Argh!" The woman in red grits her teeth in anger. "Those movies are stealing our thunder. Nowadays, nobody is scared. Do you know how boring it is for us, ghosts?"

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"I don't know." I keep walking. The unlucky thing is following me since I left the Fang main house. She is trying different antics to scare me. They are nothing but cheap parlour tricks compared to the movies I have seen on MetFleexTickles online. "I don't want to know how you can't find anything entertaining. Why are you following me?"

"Your sweet father is calling the wormy one." Her lips curl downward. Where is this woman coming up with names? Pest? Worm?

"Who is this wormy one?" I am curious about the person. Earlier, Fang Qi threatened this woman with that 'pest'. If that pest can scare her, I should call him too. That way, I can get rid of this chatterbox.

"He is a shaman." She waves her hands. "A poor one. There have been many before him, but I am not a weak ghost. The effects of their chanting only remain for a month at most. It's expected...blah blah blah ....with time, people are...blah blah blah ....culture and ---blah blah blah--- This generation even dares to speak...blah blah blah front of their grandfathers...blah...blah...blah...Nobody remembers filial piety...blah blah blah...Are you paying attention to my words?"

"No, I am not. I am starving and I am going to get food. I want to make plans for my future rather than hear a ghost lecture me on filial piety."

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She starts the lecture again. I feel like tearing my ears off. I ignore her and go to the street with food stalls. I remember a stall here with delicious dumplings.

"Miss Fang?"

Not again! If I keep walking, I can escape him right. It's a crowded street. He won't be able to find me if I run. Is it mature of me to run? It doesn't matter. I am going to run.

He grabs my hand firmly before I can sprint. It doesn't hurt, but I can't jerk it away. When did this skinny guy get strong?

"I missed you so much." It is barely a whisper, but I hear him clearly.

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"You only saw me yesterday and you missed me?" Nope, it won't work on me. I won't fall for your words, Devil boy!

"I did." He drags me along with him. I can't free my hand from his grasp. Does all the food he eats turn into strength and no fat? It's unfair. When I eat a lot, it turns into a lot of fat. Some people are so lucky.

"I don't believe you." I give up on freeing my hand. I will take my chances. When he is careless, I will escape.

"It's okay, Miss Fang." Sung Jun gives me a sunny smile with a gleam in his eyes. I notice that he is wearing a navy blue shirt and black jeans. No matter what he wears, it looks good on him. He also smells good...wait! Did I think that he smells good?

Look away, Aisa! Look at those dumplings. They smell really good. Sung Jun is nothing compares to them. It's immoral to think that he smells good. He is the devil. Don't repeat the mistake. Besides, you will probably go to hell for thinking like that for a brat who is mentally fifteen years younger than you.

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"Aisa?" Sung Jun pinches my cheek. "You are lost in dreamland again?"

"I am no-" Before I can finish, he shoves a hot dumpling in my mouth. I can neither eat it or throw it away. I let it burn my tongue with tears in my eyes.

"Is it hot?" He doesn't let go of my hand. Instead, he shifts closer and leans toward me.

"Don't worry." He whispers into my ear. His hot breath tickles. "I will cool your mouth later."

"This boy is interesting." Suddenly, the woman in red emerges in front of me. "I wonder how he intends to cool your he going to use his tongue?"

I choke on the dumpling.

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