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When Fang Aisa chokes on the dumpling, her face turns blue. Sung doesn't wait for a second and slams her back hard. The half-eaten dumpling falls out of her mouth, straight on to the ghost lady's face. It passes right through her like she is nothing but air. The ghost lady doesn't pay attention to the dumpling that passed through her. Instead, she holds Fang Aisa's other hand and urges her to breathe. Flabbergasted, Sung Jun moves his hand away from Fang Aisa's back.

"Stinky girl, I don't want you to die." She rubs her back in circular motion. "If you die, I will be exorcised."

Sung Jun pinches his lips and eyes them with wariness. So, this annoying girl can see them too. To him, the ghost lady appears like a semi-transparent being. He can see ghosts, but he has learned to ignore them like air. But...he has never seen any ghost being able to touch any human in broad daylight. This ghost can touch Fang Aisa like another living being.

He sneakily touches the ghost lady's long hair on her back. The ghost lady is busy with Fang Aisa and doesn't pay attention to Sung Jun's actions. He doesn't feel anything when his hand passes right through the ghost's hair and her back.

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Why is it different for Fang Aisa? Who is she? He has never heard of anyone like her.

"Are you okay?" Sung Jun ignores the irritating ghost.

"I am okay." Fang Aisa mumbles. She turns to face him with a sly look in her eyes. He can guess that she will say something to antagonise him again.

"I nearly died today. Something bad is always happening whenever you are around. I think that you are really unlucky for me."

There, she goes again. He wants to chortle her sometimes. She is fine with ghosts that can touch her, but not him. What's wrong with her? She also knows exactly what words to make him lose his temper. He won't be played by her again.

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He can read her face like a newspaper. She thinks that she found another excuse to get away from him. She is trying to hold her premature victory grin like she is constipated. Her attempts are idiotic and not well planned. He really wants to laugh at her, but he gazes at her like he is offended.

He will not let her get away.

He smiles at her brightly and says, "Miss Fang, you are wrong again. Today, I saved your life. I think that I am really lucky for you. We should always hang out together. Also, you owe me your life."


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"But we are friends." He chuckles lightly. "You don't have to become my slave for owing your life. Just treat me for a meal."

She looks at him like a child who has lost a match against an adult. She looks like a doll with pink hair, pink eyelashes and pink brows. When Sung Jun saw those pink hair, he didn't know what to think. Before, he thought that colourful hair suited only the clowns. Now, he actually likes them on her. It's not that she didn't look cute before. He will like her in any way. Even if she can see ghosts.

Did he admit that he likes her? Why does he like her? He has seen prettier girls than her and felt nothing. He runs his fingers through his dark hair. This girl knows how to say the exact words that can infuriate him. She is fine with this ghost holding her hand, but she runs away whenever she sees him. Earlier, he even lost to dumplings.

She prefers dumplings and ghosts over him. He doesn't know what to feel about that.

"We don't owe each other anything." She glares at him stubbornly.

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"I didn't know that Miss Fang doesn't like to return life favours." He isn't going to let this go when she dug her own grave. "So, ungrateful."

It's the ghost lady who responds. "This boy is really something. I never have seen someone like him before. Little Aisa, you should stay away from black-bellied characters like him. You should better marry Mu Qing. Isn't he your fiance?"

Fang Aisa doesn't react to the ghost lady's words. Instead, she sighs loudly like she lost a battle.

"Mu Qing is studying abroad right now. After he comes back, you can marry him. I have seen him once before he left. He is quite handsome. He is also gentle and honest. His family is also rich." The ghost lady doesn't see the black lines that are appearing on Sung Jun's forehead. She dreamily remembers Mu Qing who looked a lot like someone she once loved. "He is the second handsome man that I have seen. You should believe me. I have seen a lot of men before and after my death."

The ghost lady didn't know that Sung Jun could hear her clearly. If she did, she wouldn't have said it so carelessly. The boy wants to incinerate her because of her words.

"I am not going to waste my time arguing." Fang Aisa seems tired of everything. "Try to understand that I don't want to be associated with you. Leave me alone."

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