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I am tired. Too many things happened today. My brain is overloaded with information. Somehow, Fang Qi and I can see and touch the dead. It's not an ability that I want. Why did I not notice this in my last life?

Fang Qi never leaves his home. Chang Meng and Old Fang never force him to leave either. Grandma also never spoke of this matter. When I asked this to Granny Lan in my past life, she never answered me clearly. I found it odd, but I thought that he was just antisocial and weird.

Now, I don't know what to say.

I won't hide in the house to avoid the dead like him.

Then, there is Sung Jun. I am not afraid of the dead. I am afraid of this human.

"Aisa, take this." He calls my name and pushes a bag into my hand. "Eat them at home."

"Did you not hear what I said? Don't call me by my name. We are not close." I shove the bag back into his hands.

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"Never say no to free food."

He gives me a half smile and a sad look.

"I don't want it."

I refuse to take anything that he brought. I walk ahead of him with a strong resolve that I will ignore him from now on. I am not going to school. I am going to take a job and cut my ties with the Fang family. It's my bad luck that I have this ability to see dead people. I don't understand why I can see them now. I didn't see them in my last life. Something probably changed during my rebirth.

It makes sense. Everything comes with a price. Now, I can see the dead.

The ghost lady quietly follows me. I am grateful that she isn't talking anymore. But how do I get rid of her? I need to check on a local priest.

Someone rushes to my other side. It's Sung Jun. I frown at him. Why is he not leaving him alone? I want to be alone right now.

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"I will walk you home." He states his reason before I can ask.

"I can walk myself home," I tell him tiredly. He looks straight ahead. He holds my hand again. Did this guy learn the meaning of personal space? People will get the wrong meaning if they see us holding hands.

"With your pink hair, I have a feeling that you will attract weird people."

"You are the weird one here." I guess that I still have some energy to say things.

"Aisa," He squeezes my hand. My heart skips a beat. We used to walk like this a different a different life.

I steal glances at his side-profile. In the future, he will grow to be a handsome man.

"Hmm?" Beautiful people are distracting.

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I hear him sigh.

"I can't leave you alone." He whispers softly. I stop walking and stare at him. He gazes at me fervently and takes my both hands. I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I bite my lip nervously.

This dangerous guy can kill me with a glance alone.

"I won't leave you alone. I don't know why...but I like you. If I like you, then I like you. It's simple as that. If you don't tell me a good reason why you want to avoid me, I won't leave."

A part of my heart is euphoric. Another part is screaming for me to slap his face. In any way, my head is a bit jammed at the moment to take any action. Why is he saying things like that? Can I believe him?

I cough and look away at the lady ghost who is enjoying the drama. I understand now why Fang Qi wants to avoid going out. There is no such thing as privacy when one can see ghosts.

Is it how my life is going to be? Surrounded by ghosts? What about when I am in the bathroom?

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"Aisa?" I find it disturbing when he says my name. It's familiar and yet, I don't like it at all.

"Oh..." I look back at the Sung Jun. I try not to think about...our relationship at a different time. I ignore my heart and listen to my brain.

This guy betrayed you, Fang Aisa. He left you. He will do that again.

"I don't need to tell you why." I steel my heart and say, "I don't like you. That's enough for you to stay away from me. You can think whatever you want."

Sung Jun looks like I have broken his heart. My chest hurts when I see him like this. I want to get away from him before I cry and ask him why he left me alone.

"Tell me why," He asks again and stares into my eyes. I am scared that he can see through me.

"I...have a fiance," I whisper softly.

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