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Sung Jun already knows about her Fiance. He doesn't care. He is focused on a different matter. This girl has feelings for him. She is fighting her feelings for him. Sung Jun, despite being young, knows the difference between love and infatuation. This girl loves him, but she refuses to accept him.

That's not all of it. She also hates him.

He isn't unfamiliar with these tornadoes of emotions inside her eyes. He saw similar things in his mother's eyes when his father left her. He never met this girl before. When did he hurt her? What did he do to receive her hate?

Sung Jun may not feel the love for her the way she feels for him, but he likes her. When he doesn't see her, he misses her. When he sees her angry, he wants to make her angrier. When he sees her hurt, he wants to take her pain away. When he sees her blushing, he wants to kiss her badly. He likes it when he is with her. If he wants to be with her, then she is going to be with him.

It's not that he wants to force her feelings. But she has feelings for him, right? He isn't forcing anything.

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If she doesn't want to tell him why she hates him, then so be it. He will make her forget the hate and accept him. He will love her so much that she will not resist him anymore.

"What are you doing?" She fidgets when he cups her face with his face. Her skin is soft and warm. "Didn't you hear that I have a fiance?"

"Does it matter?" He asks her quietly. Her face turns hot when she hears him. Her cherry lips tremble with an uneasiness. To Sung Jun, her actions are quite seductive.

"I am someone else's woman." The emotions in her eyes change into defiance. She is like a child. When she can't control something, she becomes angry. "Stay away from me."

"You have a fiance." He speaks in a straightforward manner. "But you have feelings for me. I also have feelings for you. Do you want to cheat on your husband after you marry him?"

She turns beet red and squirms to get away.

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"You can have ten husbands," He tells her seriously.

"What?" She stops squirming and looks up at him with surprise.

"You can even have male escorts." He wraps his arm around her waist.

"Hey Sung Jun, what kind of person do you think I am?" She is easily provoked.

"You can even flirt with other men." He smiles at her. This girl is an idiot.

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"Sung Jun!!!!!" She throws a punch toward his face. He catches her punch with his left hand.

"But it's only me who can touch you, okay?" He lowers his head and licks her lips. "Only me."

He chuckles when he sees her startled expression. Her anger is gone and replaced by a dumb expression. He takes this chance to lock her tightly in his arms. This time, he won't let her run away. He will take those lips first.

"Only me." He repeats and kisses her again. "Nail these words in your head. You can only be mine. I told you. If I like you, I like you. You are definitely mine."

"Are you out of your-" He kisses her deeply before she could finish yelling. His body reacts to her rapid heartbeat and heat. She is frozen when she feels it.

But he forgets that there is a ghost lady who is watching them with shock.

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"NO!" The ghost lady shrieks and grabs Aisa's hand. She pulls her out of his arms. He looks like someone took his favourite dish out of his mouth literally. He swears loudly. He is going to get someone to exorcise this ghost. He will call the best exorcist to get rid of the ghosts in this city.

The ghosts of a certain city and a certain exorcist feel goosebumps all over them.

"Little Aisa, I will not let you get eaten by this pig." She declares hysterically.

The 'pig' curses the day she died and became a ghost.

"I will protect your chastity, Little Aisa." The ghost lady runs away with Fang Aisa from the 'Pig' like they are being chased by dogs.

The 'pig' doesn't run after the ghost lady and his girl. He has important things to do like calling a certain exorcist to kill a certain ghost.

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