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A random pedestrian shivers when he passes by a certain young boy. The pedestrian wonders why it is freezing on such a bright day. The certain boy, who was called a 'pig' a while ago by a ghost, dials the number and waits for the person to pick up. The phone is picked up after three rings.

Person: Who?

Sung Jun: Send Kyubok to H city.

Person: Jun? Is it you, Jun?

Sung Jun: He should be here by tomorrow. I don't care how.

Person: Jun, where have you been? President is driving me crazy. I have to pull all-nighters since you disappeared. His underlings keep eyes on me like hawks. I can't even watch xxx videos without looking over my shoulder. Your fan girls are harassing me every day for your phone number. I am going crazy here. Please save me. I will kill myself if you don't.

Sung Jun: can come here and live with me. But there is something that I want you to do.

Person: I will do anything to get out of this hell hole.

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Sung Jun: I want you to find information on the Fang family in H city.

Person: That's easy. What else do you need?

Sung Jun: Find information on the humans who can touch ghosts.

Person: Touch ghosts? They are not troubling you, are they?

Sung Jun: They are not troubling me. There is someone else.

Person: Someone who can touch ghosts? Are you sure that he is human? Seeing ghosts is bad enough, but touching them? I don't know...I have never heard of it.

Sung Jun: That's why I want you to find out. Use my access Id to hack the database.

Person: Really? Tell me the password.

Sung Jun: The password is ******. Get all the information. Come to H city with Kyubok by tomorrow.

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Person: Are you sure that he will come? He is the president's pet.

Sung Jun: Tell him that I called.

Person: But the president will find out your whereabouts.

Sung Jun: He knows.

Sung Jun ends the call and resumes walking to his home with satisfaction. The person on the other line stares at the phone for a long time before he swears at a certain president of the council. If the president knew where his son was, why did he make his life hell?


In the eyes of onlookers, a certain girl with pink hair is running alone on the street. Her left arm is outstretched in front of her awkwardly. She is wearing a black long dress with wide sleeves and black sandals. The girl stops in front of a house and gasps for breaths. Her oval face is red with a layer of sweat on her forehead.

The ghost lady releases a sigh of relief. They have reached the destination safely. This girl doesn't meet any other ghost on the way. She can protect this girl from the ghosts, but she can't do much about the humans. She is interested in seeing some drama among the youngsters...but not that. She firmly disapproves of these youngsters who don't understand the sweetness of waiting and courting.

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She understands that the 'pig' likes this girl, but attacking her like that is not good. That 'pig' was going to cook the rice right there on the spot.

Then, she remembers the important matter. The daughter of Fang Qi has been taken advantage of. What will happen when that man finds out?

The ghost lady has been hanging around the Fang family as long as she can remember. She has her reasons. She also knows some deepest secret of the Fang family.

There are three existences who can quieten the ghosts of H city: Fang Qi, that pest and the council.

"Thanks." She hears the girl say.

This girl is odd. When Fang Qi found out that he could see the ghosts, he had colourful reactions. He was a bright man until...that happened.

The girl is nothing like him. She is neither bright like young Fang Qi nor brooding and boring like the current Fang Qi. She doesn't get scared or look at her with disgust. She almost treats her like a person.

It's not good. This girl will be in danger If this girl treats all ghosts the same way she treats her.

"Little Aisa," The ghost lady calls out before the girl can enter the house.

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"What?" She looks back at her.

"If you see any other ghost, pretend...that you can't see or smell them."

"You are a ghost too."

"I am." The ghost lady smiles sadly. "But there are bad ghosts and good ghosts. In your case, they can harm you because they can touch you. So, it's better if you pretend not to see them. Be careful and take notice of the things around you."

The girl nods her pink head obediently.

"I need to go somewhere." The ghost lady likes this girl. "I will come back to find you soon."

"Don't come," The girl replies in monotone. "My house will smell like sewage if you come here."

The smile on the ghost lady's face freezes. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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