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I take a deep breath and brace myself. I am going back to this classroom after more than fifteen years. I feel both unnerving and awkward.

Last night, I looked up the information on homeschooling and jobs. After meeting Fang Qi and Old Fang, I was a bit concerned about my future. The ability to see the dead is useless. It will only bring me problems.

I find that there is barely anything legal that I can do without parental approval. My legal guardian was my grandmother before she died. Now, it's Fang Qi. Asking him is out of the question. Life of a teenager is hard.

The job market is tough. There is no way that I am going to become the fake heiress again. I will go to college and get a degree. I need a high school diploma first.

For the sake of my bright future, I return to H high school.

Here, we go!

At first, nobody notices me. The classroom is full of lively and young students. The bookworms have their noses in their notebooks. The 'wannabe rock stars' have headphones on and the 'future journalists' quietly taking notes of everything to report later to teachers. The 'perverts' are standing in a circle, talking in low voice with a suspicious redness on their faces with a magazine between them. It is not rocket science to guess what they are looking at. A 'popular' ones are chatting about the latest fashion trends. The bullies and the delinquents are sitting on the back like predators waiting for their preys to appear. 'The 'strange' ones are quiet and staring at the ceiling. There are the jealous ones who are gnashing their teeth while glaring at a certain boy. There are shameless fangirls. Lastly, the 'normal' ones. who actually make a small percentage of this class, are sitting on the front and ignoring everything.

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Sung Jun is also sitting on the back among the troublemakers, but nobody dares to trouble this harmless looking boy. Well, they don't dare to. His fangirls are quite threatening when they come to protect the boy who can smile like the sunshine in spring.

Currently, his eyes are closed. He has pure and serene celestial aura around him. The invisible halo around him acts as a barrier and stops from anyone to come and disturb his early morning nap.

In my previous life, Sung Jun transferred in the middle of the semester. He had to take the empty seat next to me because it was the only one available. Wang Mei and I were the only girls who sat on the back with the delinquents.

I quietly make my way to the class president who is reading.

"Class president." I don't remember her name.

"Who?" She frowns when she sees me. She doesn't recognise me either. Fair enough!

"I am Fang Aisa," I say quietly.

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She looks at me from top to down. "You are the girl who didn't come to class for a month?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Fang Aisa, do you know that it's against the rules to dye hair?" The perfect school model decided to chastise me. I shake my head. Wang Mei and I chose H high school because nobody cares about rules here.

"Class president," I put my hand on her desk. "I am here to exchange my seat with you."

She isn't intimated. Instead, she stands up and loudly announces, "That's against the rules."

Everyone eyes turn to me. This girl likes to attract attention for sure. She wants to show that I am demanding something like a spoiled girl.

"My seat is next to Sung Jun," I speak in a low voice. Her eyes go wide when she hears me. There is a faint blush on her face. But it is gone like a flicker.

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"So?" She steals a glance at Sung Jun and then, at the delinquents and the fangirls. The seat is troublesome despite the advantages.

"The doctor has asked me to take a lot of fresh air." My voice is loud this time. "Your seat is next to the window, class president. I know that I am causing you a problem, but I am also one of your responsibility. What will happen if you refuse me and I am sick again? You won't like bad karma haunting you around."

The class president blinks, surprised and mumble something to herself. She looks behind me. There are infatuation, fear and hesitation in her eyes. She needs a slight push.

"Class president, it is a good opportunity to get close to him." I make sure that she is the only one who can hear me. "You are the prettiest girl with perfect records and background. There is no way that he will reject you. He just needs to see your good sides more."

Her face turns into a deeper shade of red. She nervously looks at me and says in a low voice, "Fang Aisa, what will you gain by helping me?"

"I will get a seat near the window and enjoy the scenery."

"You were fine with that seat before."

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"The seat is troublesome. His fangirls are quite noisy. I won't get sleep there."

She nods. It seems like a good enough reason for her. The young girls in love are easiest to manipulate.

"You can take my seat." Her voice is loud enough for everyone. "I understand your situation, Fang Aisa. You should take care of your health." I hear whispers behind me and smile. Just like that, she maintains her image of being the good and considerate girl.

Nevertheless, the deal is done. Both parties are satisfied. She won't get the anger of the fangirls and still, get the seat next to her crush. With her good girl image, she can easily fool the obsessed fan girls. Heck! She might even become the head of those fangirls.

I don't have to sit near him. I also get a window seat. There is peace.

After a while, it's a gloomy Wang Mei who enters the classroom. There are dark circles around her eyes. She is surprised to see me, but her expression changes to coldness. She looks way and walks to her seat with an overbearing demeanour.

"It starts again." I gaze out of the window. "This time, it's a bit early."

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