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"Young Miss, how are you feeling now?" Granny Lan examines my nose. The wound is healed and leaving a faint scar on the bridge of my nose. When I fell off the bed, my nose was hit the corner of the table. I fainted because of the pain. When I woke up, I was at home with Granny Lan fussing around me. She has been with my grandmother for more than twenty years. After my grandmother passed away when I was twelve, she chose to stay by my side.

In my past life, Granny Lan was the only one who never left my side. Granny Lan passed way when I was twenty-three. At that time, I went abroad for a business deal. I found out after I came back. Nobody informed me of her demise.

I don't think that I can forgive my grandfather or my relatives.

"Granny, I am okay."

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It's been a week since that day. Wang Mei and Sung Jun visit every day, but I refuse to meet them. I don't want to see their faces ever again.

"Young miss, they are here again." Granny Lan informs me.

"I don't want to see them, Granny Lan."

"I know what they did, young miss." Granny Lan smoothens my hair gently. "You should not be angry with them anymore. It was an accident."

In my past life, Granny Lan never stopped worrying about me. After Wang Mei refused to meet me, she often saw me crying. After I decided to chase Sung Jun to Korea, she supported me despite my grandfather's anger. Granny Lan was the only one who stood beside me until her death.

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"All right." I give in. I didn't want her to worry about me anymore. In this life, I will treat her like my real grandmother. "I will meet them."

Granny Lan calls Chen Lu to help me dress. Chen Lu is her daughter in law. She is a kind and honest woman. Chen Lu quit working after she was pregnant. But she often visits to help Granny Lan. After Granny Lan died, Chen Lu wanted to work in her place. I denied her request.

This mansion is left to me by my grandmother after she died. There are only Granny Lan and me living here. Granny Lan's son works at my grandfather's place.

Chen Lu helps me clean my face and tie my hair into a ponytail. I change into a loose white shirt and blue denim. In the reflection, I have an oval face, some fat on my cheeks and a faint scar on the bridge of my straight nose. My grandmother told me once that I inherited the fang nose. My great-grandfather, my grandfather, my father and I have the same straight and high nose. However, that's where the resemblance ends. My grandmother never talked about my deceased mother. I guess that my brown hair, tawny skin and dark eyes are inherited from my mother.

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I go to the living room. Sung Jun and Wang Mei are sitting on the couch. They stand up when they see me. Wang Mei is dressed in navy jeans and a brown shirt. Her red hair is tied into two braids. She gapes at me with nervousness, guilt and worry. Sung Jun is dressed in a white shirt and black trousers. Sung Jun has a lofty smile plastered on his face. He is at ease like he owns the place.

"Aisa, how are you?" Wang Mei rushes to me and scrutinises at my nose. I purse my lips and say nothing. Wang Mei never cares about scars. She is born pretty, but her knees and arms are full of scars because of her hard training.

"I am good, Kiki." Wang Mei relaxes a bit when she hears me using her pet name. She beams and gushes, "Aisa, if that scar doesn't leave, you can marry my brother."

I am not surprised. Wang Mei's younger brother is only eleven at the time. It is not the first time that she offers her brother like that. When I scraped my knees once, my grandmother scolded me a lot. Wang Mei was there when she heard my grandmother say, "You won't get married if you have scars." Ever since then, Wang Mei always offers her brother to marry me when I get scars.

"Kiki, I don't want to marry your brother," I tell her and sigh. I don't know the reason why she refused to meet me in my past life, but I don't treat her bad now. Currently, her love and care for me are authentic. I can't treat her bad when she is like that. Feelings change over time. When she refuses to meet me in the future, I will let her go easily this time.

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"You can marry him." Wang Mei points at Sung Jun. "Don't worry, Aisa. I will make my father force this pretty boy to marry you."

I slap my head. Something is wrong with this girl's head.

"I don't want to-"

"Miss Wang, I said that I will take responsibility for Miss Fang." Sung Jun breaks his silence and chimes in. He looks at me with amused eyes. "I will marry you, Miss Fang."

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