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Wang Mei and Fang Aisa's friendship is decided before they are even born. They meet when they are toddlers. Ever since then, Wang Mei has been following Fang Aisa around. When Grandfather Wang meets Little Aisa, he snorts and declares "Another one of that devil woman." The devil lady in question is no other than Grandmother Fang.

It's well known in Fang and Wang families that Grandfather Fang hates Grandmother Wang and Grandfather Wang hates Grandmother Fang. Why? It remains a mystery to this date. Though, Grandfather Fang and Grandfather Wang are good friends. Just like that, their sons and daughter in laws are also friends. Fang Aisa and Wang Mei also inherit that friendship.

One can doubt the relationship between the same blood, but the friendship between Grandmother Fang and Grandmother Wang is thicker than blood. Even after Grandmother Fang dies, Grandmother Wang treats Little Aisa like her true granddaughter. She loves her even more than she loves her real grandchildren.

However, Wang Ying Ying never likes Fang Aisa. Wang Mei never understands why. Wang Ying Ying and Wang Mei are identical twins. If their temperaments are not the polar opposite, they can't be told apart.

Wang Ying Ying is as beautiful as a fairy. Her image is pure and feminine, unlike the fiery and tomboyish Wang Mei. Wang Ying Ying is soft-spoken and portrays herself like a celestial beauty. To sum up her image, Wang Ying Ying is the traditional white lotus. She is not much different than Sung Jun. Even her father and mother are not aware of her true personality.

Despite the differences between the two sisters, they are actually quite protective of each other. Wang Mei beats up any 'predator' that try to eye her 'docile' sister while Wang Ying Ying deals with her angry father and her distressed mother who are worried about 'delinquent' Wang Mei's future.

On that day, Wang Ying Ying is taking her 'beauty' nap when Wang Mei suddenly barges in not so quietly.

"What do you want, Kiki?"

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"YiYi, there is an emergency."

Wang Ying Ying narrows her grey eyes. She wonders how does her twin anger their parents this time. Wang Ying Ying shakes her head slowly.

"Yi Yi, it's about Aisa," Wang Mei divulges slowly when she sees that her twin has no intention of helping her this time.

"What?" Wang Ying Ying's face twists after she hears her twin. Wang Mei and Fang Aisa are close friends. They are closer than the twin sisters. Wang Ying Ying is sometimes jealous of their relationship, but she knows her limits.

"I hurt her." Wang Mei breaks into tears. When she finishes speaking, Wang Ying Ying is slapping her younger twin's head.

"How could you hurt the Fang's nose?" Wang Ying Ying yells. "The FANG NOSE!"

Wang Mei covers her mouth to stop her from screaming. Heavens knows that Wang Mei never wants to hurt Fang Aisa. Even in her dreams, Wang Mei can never hurt Fang Aisa.

"Don't scream. What if Grandma hears us?" Wang Mei pleads with her twin to calm down. Wang Ying Ying starts to take deep breaths to calm down. She glares at Wang Mei like she is her mortal enemy.

To be honest, Wang Mei knows that her twin never likes Fang Aisa. Wang Ying Ying wants to befriend Fang Aisa, but Fang Aisa is always cold and aloof to her. There is one time when she leaves Wang Ying Ying and Fang Aisa alone together in the playroom. When she returns, Wang Ying Ying has already left and Fang Aisa is leisurely reading the comic book alone.

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After that, Wang Ying Ying never approaches Fang Aisa. She evades her like a plague. Wang Ying Ying even avoids looking at Fang Aisa. Wang Mei finds it rather odd.

"Oh My God!" Wang Ying Ying buries her fingers in her smooth and silky ink black hair. "She will kill us."

"Who?" Seeing that her twin is more scared than her, Wang Mei's head clears a bit.

"She...the devil girl." Wang Ying Ying starts to panic. "How could you? You are her friend. How could you make this mistake?"

Wang Mei never thinks that her twin is that scared of her best friend. Seeing her like this, Wang Mei is really curious to know the reason.

"Please, don't get angry Grandma Fang!" Wang Ying Ying looks up at the ceiling and prays. "We will fix her nose. I promise that I will fix her nose and punish my little sister."

Wang Mei gulps.

"Go and ask about her situation. Don't say a word to anyone else. Ask Granny Lan to not say anything to anyone." Just like that, the twins start the emergency 'FIX FANG NOSE' operation.

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Wang Mei nods and runs out of the house. She wants to cry when she hears Granny Lan say that Aisa doesn't want to meet her. Wang Mei is scared, guilty and sad. Scared, because her grandmother will skin her alive if she finds out that Wang Mei hurt Aisa. Sad, because her friend is clearly angry with her. Guilty, because she is extremely ashamed of what she did.

"She has a scar on her nose. I hope it goes away." Grandma Lan doesn't understand Wang Mei's worries. She is worried about the scar, but not like Wang Mei.

Wang Mei says goodbye to her life. Wang Mei runs back to her sister and tells her about the scar. Wang Ying Ying starts sobbing and acts like her twin is already dead.

"YiYi, stop crying and tell me." Wang Mei points at her sister's vanity table. "Don't you have any magic cream or powder?"

Wang Ying Ying feels that her twin is not as dumb as she thinks. She does have a scar removal cream. It is an expensive cream. But compared to this catastrophe, it is nothing. She gives that cream to Wang Mei gladly and asks her to deliver it to Granny Lan.

Wang Mei does that exactly. Granny Lan is surprised to see that cream.

"Actually," Granny Lan informs to the red-headed sweaty girl. "I am already using this cream on her. The scar is barely visible, but it is still there." After that, Granny Lan leaves with an excuse that she needs to prepare dinner.

Wang Mei starts crying. She has no idea what to do. Her best friend refuses to meet her. Her sister is acting like she is dead. She has not faced her grandma yet. On top of that, why does she always meet the 'culprit' whenever she runs to Aisa's house? Why is he always here?

"I stay there." The 'culprit' points at the neighbourhood building. "My flat number is 523."

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"Aisa got hurt because of you." Wang Mei gnashes her teeth. "First, you moved when I was trying to kick your head. Then, you agitated her. She fell off the bed because of you."

"How did I agitate her? Did you see me pushing?" The 'culprit' denies the blames shamelessly. "It was you who jumped to conclusions and decided to kick my head. I don't want to imagine my fate if your kick had found its mark."

"You would be slightly broken in the head." Wang Mei rolls her eyes. "You might have turned into an idiot. But you are already an idiot. It wouldn't be waste anyway."

The 'culprit' shrugs. "It's your foot that gave her the scar."

Wang Mei can't refuse his words. It is indeed her foot that gave her the scar. If there is a possibility of no scar, the fall from the bed seals that scar on that Fang's nose.

"I am going to die." Wang Mei sits down on the road. "I deserve to die. I hurt my best friend."

The 'culprit' wants to laugh. He holds it in to keep his 'gentleman' image. He sits down next to sobbing Wang Mei.

"We should come here every day and show our sincerity. Maybe Granny Lan will convince her to meet us."

Wang Mei sees a ray of hope. Since that day, Wang Mei and the 'culprit' comes twice a day. They often brought sweets and fruits. After a week, Granny Lan finally softens to the two young 'sincere' friends of Fang Aisa and convinces her to meet them.

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