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"I will marry you, Fang Aisa," Sung Jun declares merrily.

In her fifteen years of life, Wang Mei has seen her friend get angry twice.

The first time, it's when Wang Mei's classmate says something bad about Wang Mei. Fang Aisa stands up and glares at those boys. She can't see her friend's expression because she is standing behind Fang Aisa. But she sees the boys wet their pants from Aisa's deathly gaze alone.

The second time, she sees her friend get angry at Grandmother Fang's funeral. Fang Aisa meets her Grandfather, father and stepmother for the first time. She keeps her face expressionless throughout the day. Both parties ignore each other like air. It's Fang Aisa's cousin who says something about Grandmother Fang that rages the storms inside Fang Aisa. Fang Aisa slaps her cousin brother. The slap is so loud that all eyes turned to Fang Aisa and her cousin. Fang Aisa doesn't utter a word. Her expression is so dark that Wang Mei doesn't dare to ask a question. That slap ruins Fang Aisa's reputation.

Just like that, Wang Mei is only scared of three people in the world: Grandmother Wang, Grandmother Fang and her best friend, Fang Aisa.

Wang Mei starts sweating when she sees her best friend's expression darken like the clouds. She steps back away from her and the 'culprit'. Wang Mei doesn't know what's going to follow. She keeps her distance to 'avoid' what is going to come. She pities the pretty boy. A part of her also admires Sung Jun for not wetting his pants.

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"What did you say?" Fang Aisa laughs. Her laugh is cold and penetrating like sharp ice.

"I will marry-" The 'culprit' stops when he sees Fang Aisa step closer to him. Fang Aisa looks like a silent volcano ready to erupt. He says nothing and smiles lightly. This girl is interesting.

"You want to marry me?" Fang Aisa cracks her knuckles. She doesn't notice the 'culprit' leaning closer to her. Granny Lan is not there, else she would have warned her. Wang Mei is too scared to say anything.

"What happened to your fiance?"

Sung Jun looks confused. He doesn't have a fiance. He is just fifteen. He is at an age when he is supposed to experience summer love. Even talking about marriage to Fang Aisa is heavy, but he decides to say it because...??? Sung Jun starts questioning why is he even here and asking this odd girl to marry him. They are too young to talk about marriage. Shouldn't he ask her to become his girlfriend instead? When he says that he will take responsibility, that's only because he wants to know how this girl knows him. But he hears Miss Wang offering her brother to marry this girl, he says it on impulse.

Why is this girl angry? Does she not find him attractive? This is the first time.

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"I don't have a fiance," Sung Jun says quietly. They are standing so close that Sung Jun can breathe in her sweet scent. His gaze follows to the girl's lips. If he 'accidentally' leans closer, he can kiss those cherry lips.

"Liar!" Fang Aisa scoffs and looks into his eyes. "If you don't have any fiance now, you will have one in future." Does she not have any brain? Song Jun wants to ask this scary girl.

Of course, he will have a fiance in the future. He will get married someday.

"I don't like your ugly face." Fang Aisa spits out the words before he can say anything. "You are ugly. You stay away from me."

Wang Mei thinks that the 'culprit' is her best friend's friend or her crush. She has heard her younger brother practice those 'cheesy' pick up lines at home. Even her twin sister speaks of similar pickup lines that one of her admirers used once. Wang Mei is already feeling sorry that she has hurt her best friend's crush thoughtlessly. Now, she doesn't know what to say.

"Get out of here!" Fang Aisa's words are cold and low.

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Sung Jun is not affected. But he is confused. The girl clearly knows him. He has never seen her before. He doesn't remember ever coming across someone like her before.

How does he manage to make her this angry? She hates him.

"Why are you not leaving?" Fang Aisa and Sung Jun are standing too close. Wang Mei wants to separate them, but she doesn't dare to move. Fang Aisa is too scary right now. Wang Mei is the one who brought this 'culprit' to her home. She fears that Fang Aisa will deal with her next.

"Say," Sung Jun doesn't smile anymore. His eyes are serious and cold. "How did I offend you, girl?"

Just like that, Sung Jun shreds his 'gentlemanly' image.

"You offended me in our past life." Fang Aisa blurts out. "You are *$#@%"

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Sung Jun grabs her chin and carefully observes Fang Aisa's face. The girl doesn't seem to be lying or joking. But she is speaking nonsense. What should he do with her, hmm?

Several moments later, the girl and the boy are glaring at each other. Their noses are almost touching. Things are not looking good. Sung Jun is smiling, but he is emitting a dangerous aura. Wang Mei wants to intervene. Her friend is in 'danger'. Sung Jun is definitely not Fang Aisa's friend or crush. She should beat the guy for the crisis he has caused her and her friend.

Before she can move, Fang Aisa waves her hand for her to stop. She doesn't spare a glance to Wang Mei. Wang Mei doesn't take another step like it's the Emperor's decree.

"I don't like you, Fang Aisa." Sung Jun professes. His 'almost' smile doesn't leave his face. Fang Aisa looks like she wants to break his teeth.

"You are annoying."

"You are the one who is annoying."

So, he wants to teach this girl a lesson. He leans and kisses those cherry lips that he has been eyeing for a while.

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