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As soon as I feel his lips on mine, I feel an electric shock. It barely lasts a second. I step back and keep a large distance between us. I feel my blood rushing to my cheeks. My heart is erratically beating. I am too old to not understand what it means.

I am ashamed. I am mentally thirty years old. Sung Jun is only fifteen, both mentally and physically. Did this brat take advantage of me?

"You perv-" Wang Mei opens her mouth to say something. Just then, Granny Lan knocks on the door and comes in with a tray full of snacks and cups of tea.

"Is something wrong, young miss?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously.

"No!" I look away from Sung Jun. Looking anywhere else is better than looking at him.

Granny Lan sets the table and asks us to sit down for the tea. Wang Mei and I sit together while Sung Jun takes a seat opposite of me. He picks up the cup of tea and drinks. His movements are sophisticated and precise. I don't know who he is trying to impress. But I want to shove the cup of tea on his face.

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Granny Lan watches us quietly. Nobody is talking. I guess that she can sense something. Even Wang Mei is quiet.

"Are you staying for lunch?" Granny Lan breaks the silence.

"No," I answer for them. I want them to leave as soon as possible.

"Yes." Sung Jun ignores me and invites himself shamelessly.

"ooonsh..." I have no idea what Wang Mei is trying to say.

We watch Wang Mei stuffing snacks into her mouth. She tries to speak with her mouth full.

"0msahying~" Granny Lan seems to understand her and nods.

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"I will prepare the lunch." Granny Lan finally leaves us alone. There is a long silence after she is gone.

With wronged and annoyed expressions, Sung Jun says, "Miss Fang should apologise."

I furrow my brows. Did this idiot just ask me to apologise to him?

"Why should I?" I raise my brows.

"Miss Fang was the one who caused the misunderstanding between Miss Wang and me." Sung Jun's eyes twinkles. He smiles mockingly. "Just a while ago, Miss Fang tried to seduce me."

"Sung Jun, You #$!#-" Sung Jun ignores my cursing and carries on with the farce.

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"You intentionally stood close to me when it's inappropriate for a man and woman to stand that close." He takes another sip of tea and speaks like a headmaster is scolding his student. "That morning when I asked you the way to high school, you tried to flirt with me. You even said that I should recognise you when we have clearly never met before."

I have had enough. This guy keeps breaking the limit of shamelessness. I can't tolerate him.

"I didn't seduce you. I didn't flirt with you. I don't even like sissy boys like you."

"What did you say?" Sung Jun growls. I know that it's his sore spot. Sung Jun's face is too pretty. Like a girl. He is tall but slender and lean. In my past life, when we went out on dates, he was often mistaken as a girl in boy's clothes. There were even men who flirted with him in front of me. I had to 'save' my ex-boyfriend from leering men. He played me well in my past life.

"Boy with a baby face." I gloat on my victory when I see him getting furious. "If you wear a wig and a dress, you can easily pass for a girl."

"Fang Aisa!" He bellows.

"Besides, I like older men. Well built men in suits. Men who are in their thirties. Not someone like you." His face gets darker with each word.

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"Like I would ever try to seduce someone with a face like you."


"Ahh!" It's Wang Mei who shouts suddenly. "Stop arguing. My head is hurting. I don't understand at all." She looks like she is ready to burst.

"Aisa, is he your friend or enemy?"

Enemy. I want to say.

"Stranger," I tell.

Sung Jun gets up and leaves.

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