Heya, in my last project, someone told me that the site colors are migraine inducing. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone but I actually like this color scheme. As a compromise, I’ll make my stuff available on Google Drive. It’s black on white bg or you can download it and use your own reader. Also, if you notice any typos/mistakes, feel free to suggest edits in the Google doc if you have the time. Thanks, and happy reading!

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「Why do I have to study~?」

「Please don’t ask me such childish questions…」

It’s been a few days since I got locked up here in my room and now I’m lying on the bed, resisting with all I got. Why do I have to deal with this royalty business! I’ve already copped out of it long ago, didn’t I!?

My right to the throne has been reinstated? I don’t believe you! I was just about to embark on a spirit-searching journey and do magic research for some stress relief; but for some reason, I’m now double stressed! Gah! This is the worst! I hate everything!

While I was feeling depressed, Euphie sat on the edge of the bed and started stroking my head. Healing… Euphie’s healing my heart! Best. Assistant. Ever!

“C’mere!” I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close, I pressed my forehead against hers. Yeah, she didn’t like it. Shocking…

While I was busy showering Euphie with my love, I heard a knock on the door. I hastily stood up and called out to the other side.

「Anne-Sophia is currently away. If you have any business with her, you may leave a message through yours truly.」

「The hell is this dolt talking about.」

It was my Father accompanied by Illya. She opened the door and the two of them walked inside.

「Oh Father, it’s so good to see you. It’s about time you took this Anne-Sophia out of her tightly scheduled misery. I was just wondering, is it finally time to let go of this storm brewing in my heart?」

「Stop! Don’t let go! A natural calamity will destroy our country if you do!」

「Then I sure wish it will!」

「Don’t wish for it, you idiot!」

So intense! Why can’t you bond with poor Anise-chan a little more gently!?

「I have summoned Baron Cyan to the Palace this evening. He will be accompanied by Lady Ryeini.」

「Ara. Then am I invited to attend as well?」

Father said something a little unexpected, so I couldn’t help but straighten up my act.

「Umu. I thought you’d be interested.」

「Then I’ll be glad to participate. I’m sure I could work something out when I see them in person.」

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So now I can finally lay my eyes upon the rumored Lady Ryeini, said to be one of the most beautiful ladies in the kingdom. I’m looking forward to see what kind of girl she is. Stop, I can’t get too excited now. First and foremost, I need to figure out how to deal with them from now on.

Dealing with them is my Father’s job though. All I need to do is figure it out. Lady Ryeini is one of the most important puzzle pieces to solve this mystery.

「And because of certain reasons, Euphie will be watching the mansion.」

「Can’t I…」

「Please refrain from doing so. I can see that you still haven’t gotten over that incident, so it’s all the more reason for you to compose yourself in the meantime.」

「…I understand, then I’ll be waiting for your return.」

Euphie’s shoulders slumped in disappointment, but it can’t be helped. I don’t think her heart has completely healed just yet. From here on out, I’ll be helping the adults clean up after this mess to keep her mind at ease.

Speaking of cleaning up, I have to disguise myself as a proper princess if I want to attend an audience with the King. So, I reluctantly let Illya have her way with me, she dunked me into the bath. From cleaning my skin to changing my clothes, it took a lot more time than I thought. Honestly, it’s such a drag.

「The Princess makes such a good royal when she keeps her silence.」

「Illya, Illya, Illya. I’ve been quiet and patient this whole time and this is how you repay my kindness? You’re making the Princess cry you know.」

「You’ll ruin your makeup, kindly don’t waste my time.」


After the usual exchange with Illya, I head out towards the castle. I’m usually holed up in my detached mansion so I find it quite refreshing to be going to the Royal Palace. I’ll keep that thought to myself, though.

The Royal Palace maids treat me warmly and I’ve got a friendly relationship with the Knight Order.  Well, I’m in Princess Mode right now, so I merely gave them a modest smile and went on my way.

「…What a scammer.」

「So she’s actually a princess when she shuts up…」

I heard that! I’ll remember your faces I swear!

Those who revealed me of being a fraud, vengeance will be mine. While swearing to get back at them later, I was led to a waiting room to stay in until it’s time for the audience.

「I’ve been expecting you, Anise.」

The moment I walked in, I started to turn tail and run. Someone I didn’t want to see has been waiting here for me.

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「Ara, where do you think you’re going, Anise?」

「M-mother… What brings you here?」

My biological mother, Sylphine Myze Palletia. She’s right in front of me, the one person in this world I can’t be a smartass with.

She’s usually in charge of diplomacy for the Kingdom of Palletia so it’s rare for her to be here in the Royal Palace… Why is she here!?

「Why are you looking at me like that? I’ve heard news of Algard breaking off his engagement to Euphilia, so I went back home. What, did you expect me to prioritize my work over such a controversy?」

「No, b-but…」

「Well, I’m just glad that you reinstated your claim to the throne. That said, Algard must be disciplined indeed. This is a great opportunity to carve some common sense onto that blockhead of his.」


M-mother… Yeah, I really can’t go against you.

As a matter of fact, I’ve heard that she had a very difficult delivery with me; both of us were in danger of dying. Then, despite that precarious birth; she loved me so much that the moment she saw me, she forgot all about the pain. I was just a baby back then, so all I could do was relax and look cute.

A few years later… I suddenly announced that I’ll never get married! Then threw away my claim to the throne. Mother was so shocked, she wanted to be alone for a period of time.

I wish I could have bonded with such a loving mother, but I was so absorbed in my single-minded quest for magic. So much so that we’ve rarely seen one another, but because of that, my mother regained her spirits and transformed into a strong beautiful woman. Well, that was her personality in the first place, her original character fell apart all because of my cuteness.

Mother, who had reverted to her outstanding self, worked zealously to make sure Al-kun’s education was perfect. Unfortunately, Al-kun somewhat lacked the talent to shine brightly, so she advised him to take on a fiancé—Euphie, rumored to be a brilliant young lady. And to further secure his future, she applied herself in diplomacy, winning over the national interests of the Kingdom of Palletia. What a strong independent woman.

On the other hand, I was neglected, but it seems like the reason for that is because she was vigilantly watching for an opportunity to re-educate me. As if saying “If you’re so determined, then let’s see what you can do; if it doesn’t amount to much then that’s the end of the line for you.” She quickly changed her mind once I’ve accomplished excellent results in Magicology.

So basically, she milked me like her personal cash cow… and she milked me dry. If my parents were workplace bosses; Father would be the understanding type while Mother would be the “meet your quota or else” type. She’s also the type to go on business trips abroad, mainly because she likes to travel—she rarely stays for long here in the country…

「It makes me sad that the first conversation of our long-awaited reunion is about this kind of issue. I wonder if you even think of me as family, given that I’m always away…」

「T-that’s not the case! It’s been a long time dear Mother, I missed you! Anne-Sophia is very happy!」

「Me too, Anise.」

That was close! I shouldn’t let her feel like she’s been a terrible parent, I’ll have to assure her that she’s a great mother, or else she’ll raise me with her tough love from now on.

“The Accomplished Woman” describes Mother perfectly, especially since her achievements are quite extraordinary. In terms of fame, her name is well-known internationally, even more than Father, a literal king. Still, I’m very happy that my parents get along and complement each other well.

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Father, who’s always been the greatest at managing domestic affairs and Mother, who’s unrivalled in negotiating ability and toughness for conducting diplomacy. She even has the beauty that most women would be envious of. It’s no exaggeration to say that the two of them are the pillars supporting this country.

I can’t help but wonder, is it because of Mother that I have very high expectations for Euphie?

「Ha~ And here I was thinking of retirement, but turns out Algard is a huge good-for-nothing.」

「Eh, retirement?」

「Of course, I can’t be a diplomat for the rest of my life. The next generation have all grown up, I think it’s about time for me to step down.」

It’s just like Mother to be so thoughtful of her juniors. Ignoring the fact that she’s a little too quick to throw hands, she’s an accomplished woman, a reliable and alluring woman. She’s got the feel of a very capable older woman. I honestly look up to her.

Speaking of looking up to her, there are some areas where she comes up short… Yeah, I meant her height.



I’m actually taller than Mother. Moreover, she’s got a baby face, if you look at us right now, you wouldn’t know for sure which one’s the mother or the daughter.

Fiery red hair and blue eyes reflecting her intelligence, looking all calm and collected. She’s what you might call a cool beauty, except she’s a little girl.

Although her dignity has made up for her childish appearance, she still looks out of place. This is only because I know her true nature, but if you look at my smiling Mother without knowing any better, I think you’ll find her “dainty.”

However, if you were to tell her she looks “dainty,” with just her eyes she’ll be laying on heavy pressure on you. It’s like taking a tiny body and stuffing a huge lion in it… and because it’s so compressed, she’s probably stronger the smaller she is. Terrifying.

「I’m not going to be young forever, you know.」

「Eh? I mean, yeah…」

If I asked her if she was joking, I can’t even begin to imagine what she’ll do to me.

Unlike Euphie, Mother doesn’t possess the affinity to all kinds of spirits, but that just made her all the more specialized. And that specialization is nothing else but combat.

Mother is a master of wind magic. She rampages across the battlefield wielding a spear using that small body of hers. She’s a fierce warrior recognized as one of the strongest. The world is full of strange things.

「Illya, this stupid daughter must be giving you a lot of trouble.」

「Your Highness’ words alone is enough of a reward.」

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Showing her respect to Mother, Illya makes a perfect bow. Well, she’s said to be one of the few people that could stop me from running off. I won’t deny it either.

「I wanted to meet Euphilia, but I held back. She’ll only be more affected if we did meet.」

「I agree, Mother should refrain from doing so.」

No matter what she does, because of her imposing image, people tend to think Mother is an authoritarian. Well, she does seem like it, but there’s lots of love behind that stern look of hers. That deep love made her the way she is, and there’s no one else who can shine as vividly as Mother.

It’s something people wouldn’t notice unless they can keep up with her intensity. Mother is very well aware of her own personality and even uses it to her advantage, but that doesn’t mean she uses it carelessly. She’s strong because she can use it properly, is what I think.

「When she becomes a little more composed, please meet her then.」

「I will. But before that, we’ve got an important job to do.」

「It’s about Al-kun isn’t it?」

「Yes, you have been looking into it I assume? What do you think of the situation?」

Mother looks at me seriously and asks for my opinion about Al-kun breaking his engagement. I told her about the events leading up to the incident, the persons involved, and my speculations of the intent behind their actions.

「…Is what I think.」

「I appreciate your hard work. Then you think there is no conspiracy behind this, Anise?」

「I don’t. I’m about 80% sure.」

「What about the other 20%?」

「It’s just a hunch I doubt that it’s true and I have no evidence to support it. It’s just that my intuition is telling me otherwise… 」

「…I think your hunch makes sense. I can’t guess that far, but I think we shouldn’t rule it out just yet.」

Mother gives a small nod and puts a hand on her chin. Now that I think of it, Mother often trusts my intuition, even though it’s unfounded.

When I questionably looked at Mother’s face, her eyes met with mine.

「It’s because you’re you. I think that your intuition is worth consideration, even if it is outrageous. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be the person you are right now. You are my daughter after all.」

「Thank you.」

It’s no good. She’s too strong, I don’t think I’ll ever win against her. She really is a strict boss. And yet, I have no doubts she’s my Mother, the woman I could never measure up to.

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