「Have you enjoyed your trip, Mother?」

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「Yes, I did. This time we went further beyond the neighboring country.」

While waiting for the audience, I had fun talking and catching up with Mother. Even though she’s a strict mother, it’s interesting to hear her talk about the scenery, lifestyle, technology, and culture she’s experienced in her travels. I liked those kinds of stories the most. This was the only chance for Mother to relax so she was quite talkative. 

Time passed by quickly as we talked over the tea that Illya prepared for us, and before we knew it, it was already time for the audience.

「Sylphine, Anne-Sophia. It is time.」

「Ara. Then we’ll continue this next time, Anise.」

「Yes, Mother.」

Father came to get us. So as a family, the three of us headed for the audience. The number of people in the chamber was kept to the minimum. The only guards present are my Father’s most trusted knights, including Knight Commander Sprought. 

I straightened up my back to avoid embarrassing myself as a member of the Royal Family. As I waited, two people were ushered into the room.

One of them is a large man. He has dark brown hair, piercing gray eyes, and a solid physique. His appearance was a sight to behold, a gruff man dressed like an aristocrat. I know I’m not one to talk but he looks so out of place. He is Baron Cyan, originally an adventurer—one look at him says that much.

Next to him but walking one step behind was Ryeini Cyan. The young lady who stood next to Al-kun at the party in the Aristocratic Academy. She has lustrous black hair and downcast gray eyes. Her slender figure is emphasized even more when standing next to Baron Cyan.

My first impression of her is that she feels hollow. She’s wearing an anxious expression, she looks depressed. Calling her a damsel in distress would be a perfect description.

「Baron Cyan and your daughter Ryeini. I’m glad you came.」

Father addressed Baron Cyan and Ryeini. The kneeling Baron looked so tense it was almost pitiful to watch. His large body looks very small and shrunken.  

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「Raise your head, I allow you to speak.」

「Ha–! I deeply apologize for my daughter’s disrespect! Please, I beg for your forgiveness!」

Baron Cyan pleaded with a loud voice matching his physique. Despite being told to raise his head, the Baron kept his head in a deep bow, likely owing to his desperation. He looks like he’s about to dogeza any moment now.

Father slightly furrowed his eyebrows, but quickly fixed his expression and once again urged Baron Cyan to raise his head. 

「Calm yourself, Baron Cyan. The reason we are here is to find out the truth. I have no intention of placing the blame on anyone without knowing the facts. Before anything else, try to be at ease.」

「Ha– I shall take Your Majesty’s words to heart.」

Baron Cyan finally looks up, though his expression is still tense. No matter what angle I look at him, I can tell that he’s haggard. Considering his noble rank, Baron Cyan is in a difficult position. Although, he and Father may not be so different in terms of what’s stressing them out.

I don’t have a bad impression of Baron Cyan. Looking at him, my suspicion of bad parenting disappeared. With that thought off my mind, I turned my gaze from the Baron to Lady Ryeini; but I can’t see her expression since she’s still kneeling with her head down.

「Algard breaking off his engagement with Euphilia had caused quite a few complications. From what I have gathered, Algard approached your daughter and exchanged feelings with one another.」

「E-exchanged feelings… That is a pretentious coming from us, considering the difference in status. And even if that were true, my daughter would merely become a mistress in that situation. She would never think of getting in the way of the legitimate fiancée…」

「So you mean to say that Algard made that declaration one-sidedly?」

「That is not my intention. As a matter of fact, my daughter Ryeini was adopted. As a result, her education as a noblewoman is inadequate in some aspects. Because of her inadequacies, she often bothers the Prince while studying at the academy. She is deeply grateful for His assistance but my daughter does not share the same feelings that the Prince has for her.」

「However, Algard’s supposedly righteous indignation on behalf of Lady Ryeini led him to break off the engagement and publicly condemn his fiancée. That is a fact, and I don’t see any so-called feelings in that action.」

Baron Cyan shrunk even more out of fear. Father shifted his gaze from the Baron to Lady Ryeini. 

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「Ryeini Cyan, Raise your head.」

Lady Ryeini slowly raises her head. Her hollow nature makes her feel like she’s about to be taken away by the wind. Her face is tense, but without a hint of emotion. Her eyes are so devoid of light that they seem to be empty.

Looking at her again, she’s a real lovely lady. No doubt that once her distress fades away, any man who sees her smiling will instantly fall for her.

She’s certainly a beauty, just with a different color and shine than Euphie. To be honest, I have my doubts that she’s a real person. If you told me that she’s a doll, I would have believed you without a second thought.

「Excuse my blunt phrasing but I will ask you frankly… Do you have an affair with Algard?」

Father asked her directly to the point. All eyes and ears are now focused on Lady Ryeini, and she replied without even flinching.


Her voice.

Her voice was so beautiful that I doubted my ears for a moment. That one word alone let her take full control of the reins of the situation.

「…We do not. Such a thought is beyond an unworthy person like myself. I never would have found myself to be deserving of such affection. It would be a lie if I said I was not fond of Algard-sama, but I have no intention of darkening the future of the Royal Family.」

Everyone listened as she spoke with her melodious voice. It was as if anyone watching couldn’t help but look at Lady Ryeini’s downcast eyes; even the way her lips trembled slightly as she exhaled remained in our minds. 

How long did the silence last?

Father straightened up his shoulders to regain his composure, he played it off by clearing his throat.

「…I see. It seems that your words contain no lie.」

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Unease. Such a feeling spreads in the chamber. As if someone is pulling a thin, transparent wool over our eyes. Nobody found anything wrong with Father’s declaration. Everyone lowered their gazes, simply accepting that “It can’t be helped.” Everyone knows Lady Ryeini is not at fault. Such a feeling spreads.


My nose was itchy so I sneezed as hard as I could. The place went silent again, but this time, it’s different. All eyes focused on Lady Ryeini turned to me. T-this is bad, Mother just smiled at me. She’s gonna kill me.

Baron Cyan was looking at me with his eyes wide; and Lady Ryeini turned to me with her mouth wide open. Father stood up, his shoulders trembling in anger.

「…Anise… …Is there no… end… to your!–」

「N-no! Father! Please forgive my interruption. This Anne-Sophia has something to say!」

「I will not hear your excuses!」

「It’s not that! Please give me some time!」

「Sure! If it’s to blow your nose!」

「I would like to have time to talk with Lady Ryeini alone!」


Father glared at me with eyes saying “What is it this time!?” But I can’t back down from this. If it’s just a misunderstanding or needless anxiety, then that’s fine.

However, based on my lingering feeling of unease, if my hunch is correct then I couldn’t just ignore it. But I can’t do it without grasping the truth first; and for this reason, I would like to confirm it with Lady Ryeini alone.

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「Father. Please trust me. I am not joking around when I asked of this.」

「Why is it so important that you want some time alone? Isn’t it possible to go into details right here, right now?」

「It’s because I haven’t confirmed it yet.」

Father stared at my face and fell into thought. Baron Cyan, Lady Ryeini, Knight Commander Sprought, and all the guards looked at me with baffled expressions.

「Isn’t it fine, Your Highness?」


「I trust Anne-Sophia’s intuition. And I don’t think a little time is too much to ask for.」

「But… Umu. However, is it really objectionable to have someone else in the room with you?」

「Yes. I want only the two of us please. I have no intention of harming her in any way. I’m prepared to be punished for my misbehavior after I’ve confirmed it.」

「Alright, I’ll have the two of you brought into a private room. Is that enough?」

「Yes, thank you very much.」

I let out a sigh of relief and patted my chest. After thanking Father, I looked at mother and gave her a silent bow. She didn’t say anything else, just a small nod.

Maybe unable to keep up with the unexpected developments, Baron Cyan and Lady Ryeini simply stared at me. I walked up to Lady Ryeini and held out my hand.

「Lady Ryeini, your hand please. I would like to have a moment of your time.」

「Eh… O-okay…」

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