21. Let’s do a Physical Exam – Part II

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From the first part of the physical exam, I’ve now gotten a feel for Ryeini’s magic energy flow thanks to a little magical exercise. But now that that’s settled, she’s going to have to decide about something serious.

「I’ve gotten a pretty good understanding of Ryeini’s demon stone and there seems to be no problem with her magic energy manipulation. So we’ll be moving on to the next stage!」

「…What do we do?」

「Now that it’s come to this, we’ll have to talk about something.」

It’s going to be a long and serious discussion so I spurred them on to move to the tea party table set in the courtyard. Illya left by herself to prepare the tea.

「There is no problem with Ryeini’s magic energy manipulation. However, her demon stone is in an inactive state; it’s running on ‘low-power mode’ but because it’s not being controlled, the power just leaks out. So to stop that, the “next stage” I mentioned earlier is about controlling that demon stone. But before that, there is something you need to be ready for.」

「Something to be ready for… what is it?」

Ryeini raised her eyebrows anxiously. I answer her with a nod.

「When you activate your demon stone, there is a possibility that your body will undergo physical changes. Psychological changes too. Bluntly speaking, activating your demon stone might turn you into a vampire.」

「I… Will I turn into a different person?」

「Maybe, maybe not. I can’t say anything clear cut until I know for sure. I don’t want to mislead you. Sorry about this, Ryeini.」

「No way…」

Ryeini shook her head side to side in distress. I feel bad scaring her, but I can’t just stop talking, I’ll have to continue.

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「Well, you don’t have to worry so much, there is a precedent after all.」

「A precedent?」

「It’s me.」

Ryeini tilted her head and Euphie paled a little. They both stared at me, as if asking me to clarify.

I haven’t told Ryeini yet because explaining is a bother, but I would have explained it to her properly if it ever came up. And now’s the chance.

「It’s engraved on my body, tattoos made from a demon stone. In other words, it’s practically the same as having a demon stone inside my body.」


「I’ll show you next time. So… because of that, I could say that there’s probably nothing wrong with using the power of your demon stone. However, my case is different from yours because I crushed the demon stone and turned it into paint. My speculation that Ryeini’s body would turn into that of a vampire is because… I’ve been affected in a similar way.」

「Does that mean Anise-sama might also turn into a monster?」

Euphie asked with a sharper-than-normal tone. I nod firmly without denial.

「It’s like a curse. To begin with, I seem to have been cursed by a dragon even before I engraved the demon stone on my body.」


「Yeah, cool huh? So you don’t have to worry too much okay, Ryeini? Because I’m still fine!… Somehow… Anyway, it isn’t much of a curse. I killed a dragon, so the curse was to be stronger than that dragon.」

It took everything I had to slay that dragon. In the end, before its last breath—the dragon cursed me. The loser will have everything stripped away, while the winner takes it all. “Then, you will be the next dragon” he said.

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After I engraved the tattoos on my body, I began to receive the mental interference; telling me to get stronger—to be more like a dragon. Well, it’s not that bad if I don’t use it.

But every time I let magic energy flow through my tattoos, I become more susceptible to the curse. It makes me feel more bloodthirsty and a little hyperactive; but I’m aware of it, so I wouldn’t let it consume me. I know where to draw the line, and I wouldn’t step over it. It’s just an annoyance.

「That’s why even if you get a curse like me, it shouldn’t harm your body because you’re familiar with it. It wouldn’t affect your daily life if you’re careful. However, if anyone else finds out, people won’t take kindly to it.」

Like Euphie over here, or Illya who’s giving off a great vibe in the background… I’m grateful that you’re worried about me but this isn’t an issue, I promise! It’s not a problem so I hope you’ll let me off, I really do.

「Unlike my case, Lady Ryeini has direct possession of a demon stone. I want you to keep in mind the possibility of having the urge to suck blood and other vampire characteristics that may appear in your body.」


「So instead of controlling the demon stone, sealing it may be an alternative but finding a way to do that will take time. Also, know that this method might also have its own side effect, because having your demon stone sealed will be unnatural for your body.」

Since it’s natural for her body to possess a demon stone, even a non-functional one, sealing it might affect Ryeini in some way. At the end of the day, no matter what she does, there’s always a risk involved. It all comes down to whichever method she wants to do.

「…Aren’t you afraid, Princess Anne-Sophia?」


「About not being human anymore.」

「No, not really…?」

「”Not really”!?」

I replied casually to Ryeini, who asked me with a serious expression. But it’s actually how I really feel about it.

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「I think it’s just a matter of what being a human means.」

「What it means?」

「I am what I think I am. I’m not going to quit being human even if I become dragon-like. Well, I‘m not sure if I can still say that when I don’t look like a human anymore; even so, I will choose to be human. As long as I am still myself, I will insist that I am still human—I don’t care what anyone else says.」

I want to be myself. This is why I think I’m not fit to be royalty, because I don’t think being a noble is the right way to live. I do what I want to do and be what I want to be—I want to live freely.

Because magic is real, but I couldn’t use it. So I looked for a way to use it, and I found it. Magic is my life’s meaning, and that will never change. That’s why I won’t give up no matter what. I don’t want to. I’m willing to do anything for it.

It’s still a priority of course, but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to throw away something I was born with.

「There are many different kinds of humans. There’s Euphie, who’s a bundle of talent; Illya, who looks unsympathetic but is actually very compassionate; Ryeini, who may have been born half-monster by accident; and the eccentric me, who just loves magic very much. There’s no way anyone can narrow down the definition of human when people are so unique.」

「…That’s a great argument.」

「If you want to be human, just keep insisting you’re human. I’ll treat you as a human as long as you accept it. Above all, I said I’d take care of Ryeini. Even if you become a vampire yourself, I will still take care of you.」

「You really are unconventional, Princess Anne-Sophia.」

Ryeini let out a still troubled laugh. But that anxious hue on her face earlier is nowhere to be seen.

「Looking at Princess Anne-Sophia makes me feel foolish for worrying about such things.」

「With all due respect, if you become more like the Princess, you will also lose some of your common sense. Please be careful.」

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「You’re really slandering me like it’s natural, Illya.」

「I am only stating facts.」

「Can‘t argue with that.」

Before I knew it, everyone started laughing. Just who did they laugh at?

Of course, this doesn’t mean that the pressure of being non-human is gone. I know that what isn’t accepted by human society cannot be called human.

Still, I can’t be anyone other than myself. And neither can anyone be anybody else. So, if you want to be what you want to be and still insist on being human, you should be proud of what you are. The choice is yours.

「So, Ryeini.」


「What do you want to do?」

It’s a simple question. I just wanted to hear it from her.

Ryeini closed her eyes for a moment. Once she opened them again, there was certain strength behind those eyes.

「I would like to accept my power. The power I’ve been dealing with my whole life.」

「I see.」


If that’s what she has chosen, then I will lend her my strength.

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