22. What Leads to Madness 

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Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess
and the Genius Young Lady (Web Version)
Original Author: Kurasu Piero

Posted: October 18, 2021
Translated by: Oπ

[21. Let’s do a Physical Exam – Part III]

There’s a new part I edited on to the previous release!

「It’s very likely that the monsters we call “vampires” have survived to the present day. My first assumption was that, vampires were humans that turned themselves into monsters. That was probably both right and wrong. To clear things up, I think the term “vampire” refers to people who inherited the magic system that grants them the abilities of a monster known as a “vampire.”」

The origins of vampires began with the struggles and challenges of a magician who realized his impending death.

Throwing away his humanity, he created magic that allowed him to maintain his body—to keep his own life even if he had to take it from others.

「Vampire abilities such as, stealing life from others through blood and hypnotism to keep their victims quiet.」

It is thought that vampires gather allies using these two skills, or by passing down their magic.

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Vampires can exceed a human’s lifespan; there have been many who sought after youth and eternal life, no matter how outrageous and unethical the method is.

Vampires also have advanced magic; there may have been many who wanted to become disciples and reap the benefits of better magic.

Perhaps that’s the reason why vampires were considered as monsters. What they do is more than enough to be branded as heretics. They deserved to be ostracized for bringing such harm to others.

Despite that, the desperate magician still tried to transcend death. Was it for insurance? Or did he have to adapt and evolve out of necessity? There’s no way of knowing what his original motive was; the creatures we know as vampires remade their own reason for existence.

「The culmination of his life’s work is the vampire’s demon stone. Maybe it’s the organ used to pass down this magic system. An instrument to inherit the necessary abilities of vampires. As the successor grows, so does the demon stone. Then that demon stone will be passed on to the next generation.」

This means that vampires can indeed multiply. Do they give birth like ordinary people? Or do they propagate through biting others, as told in fairy tales?

The answer is unknown, but it can be predicted; because vampires are close to people. Perhaps we can call them a new race born from humans.

「I think the reason why Ryeini had never felt vampiric urges before was because her body didn’t need it. After all, the demon stone was inactive. In Ryeini’s case we can classify her as an inherent vampire—the child of a vampire—rather than someone who was bitten then “infected” with vampirism.」

「Then, what if my demon stone was needed and I used its abilities?」

「If you were aware from the start that you’re a vampire and you wanted to use your abilities by pouring in magic energy into your demon stone, then your demon stone may have been needed naturally by your body. Perhaps ordinary people don’t have enough magic energy to use a vampire’s demon stone. That’s why you would know how to siphon life from others as if it’s natural, like some kind of hardwired instinct.」

「But… I never wanted to use hypnotism myself…」

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Ryeini seems like she didn’t fully understand what I meant. Seeing her shake her head from side to side, I snapped my fingers to get her attention.

「I have a theory about that. Ryeini had a reason to affect the minds of people around her.」

「What reason?」

「Ryeini, sorry for being blunt but, when was the happiest time of your life?」

Ryeini looked confused at my sudden question. After struggling for a bit, she replied in a slightly pained voice.

「…When my mother was alive.」

「You mean the mother who gave birth to you and not Baron Cyan’s current wife right?」

「Yes. I think the time I spent with mother was my happiest.」

「Then, were you ever happy after that?」


She lost her mother but still, she had to go on living. Then came her real father who adopted her. And so, Ryeini’s new life as a baron’s daughter began—until she wound up at the academy. But how did she really feel about it? Judging from her reply, it’s hard to say that she was happy.

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The girl who lived her whole life as a commoner suddenly had to become a noble lady. With her freedom barred, she received strict noble education and so, she was expected to turn into a prim and proper noble lady. I’m not saying that there aren’t any commoners who would be happy to live the glamorous life of a noble, but for Ryeini, that wasn’t her kind of happiness.

「My theory is that Ryeini had been under a lot of stress. I think that’s why she subconsciously wanted to use hypnotism. It’s a known ability of vampires and like I said before, using vampire abilities is already instinctual for you. That’s why the vampire demon stone, or vampire stone for short, showed its powers even without you intending to do so.」

「So it’s because of stress…」

「When you’re stressed, your body will push back and try to maintain its stable condition. Just like how being tired makes you not want to move your body, it’s a kind of defense mechanism. So we can assume that Ryeini’s hypnosis was a stress response, an instinct for self-preservation. She unknowingly used charm so that people wouldn’t stress her out further and treat her kindly. But it’s a thoughtless power. It would be easy to charm a person for the first time… but after that, they’d be a loose cannon. The victims’ emotions will be so disturbed, the charm would have the opposite effect.」

Euphie and Illya nodded as if they were satisfied with my explanation. Ryeini’s situation was completely in no fault of her own, it would be hard for us to make her take responsibility. If we did that, then we’d be blaming her for being born. That’s just unreasonable.

The fact is, Ryeini’s charm was just a result of her own survival instincts working to keep her alive. The problem is, no one knew that was the case; and because everyone was oblivious to the facts, no one could have taken care of it. No one thought that vampires might be real, their reality of their existence was unknown.

「I think it was because of Euphie’s mentality and principles that made it seem like the charm didn’t work on her, or rather that it didn’t work on her.」

「That’s… for sure, if you ask me.」

Euphie, it seems to me that every time your emotions overflow and rises upwards, you just casually force it to flatline. It’s become a habit of yours, a compulsive one—to immediately cast off “unnecessary” emotions, to play your role as a queen perfectly.

「I guess Euphie was called out by Al-kun’s gang because of her own self-discipline—she remained unmoved while others were swayed by Ryeini’s hypnosis. Actually, didn’t Ryeini’s hypnosis caused too much trouble? Especially at the academy where premature kids surrounded her. I hate to be the one to say it but, aren’t you two a terrible combination?」

「Tell me about it.」

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As soon as the words left Ryeini’s mouth, she covered her face with her hands and Euphie stared into empty space. Illya also looked like she didn’t know what to say.

Well, “it can’t be helped” so I burst out laughing—that confrontation was bound to happen. Honestly, I have no idea how things didn’t get any worse that day, especially when there was nothing anyone could have done about the situation. Except me of course. A round of applause for me for breaking in through the window at that moment. It’s all thanks to me—yep—all me!

「…Ah, how could I ever apologize for–」

「No… I should have been more… considerate in the past…」

「But it’s my…」

「No, no…」

Ryeini and Euphie apologized to each other with emotionless eyes; well, I can’t really say “emotionless” since I know how they feel.

「Now, now, all’s well that ends well. Let’s just be glad that we now know the root of the problem and we can start solving it. Besides, Ryeini’s power would be wonderful when she learns how to control it. Personally, I think it’s a great talent just like Euphie’s.」

「…Is it really? The power that can hypnotize people… that might eventually allow me drink their blood…?」

「You’ll just have to accept it as an inborn trait, we don’t get to choose how we’re born after all. That’s why I think you should use that power to do the right things. Being able to influence people’s minds is not always a bad thing. You can use your powers for the good. For example, therapy.」


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