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Episode 24: An Unexplained Invitation

*(E/N: It has been decreed that I shall use -sama.)

Today was a dizzying but fulfilling day; a great deal of progress has been made towards the investigation into the true identity of Ryeini's demon stone and vampirism.

Ryeini has reported that her senses changed ever since she channeled magic through her demon stone. I'll have to keep better track of the details in the future. So far, things are going well. So much so that I want to sing.

Exploration is good. Through it, I learn things I didn't know and absorb them as my own knowledge. I can only imagine what Ryeini will be able to do in the future, and I feel my dreams expanding as I imagine the possibilities. I feel elated with such visions.

Even as the night drags on, the light is on in my room and the scribbling of a pen can be heard. There is a limit to what I can remember, so I write down my thoughts for a record. It's an unimportant list of notes, and even if someone other than me sees it, they likely won't be able to grasp the exact meaning.

Suddenly, someone knocks on my door, as if to mark the exact moment I set down my pen.

"Who is it?"

"Dear Anise, it's me."

"Euphie? I'll open the door. You can come in."

It was Euphie's voice from behind the door. I opened it to find her standing there, having already finished getting ready for bed. I invited her into my room and started prepping tea.

"You can sit down while I get you some tea."

"You know why I'm here. We need to talk."

"Yeah, I kinda got it."

Euphie sat down as I prepared tea for two. I sat down, facing Euphie, as I took a sip of tea. My body, which had been focused on writing until a few minutes ago, was a little stiff, so I put my arms around myself to loosen it.

Euphie also sipped on her tea, before gently sighing. She seemed to be wondering how she should start the conversation, so I decided to wait for her.

"...It's hard to be vulnerable."


"I didn't know Anise-sama and Algarde-sama were estranged."

"I didn't want it to be publicly known. It's a well-known fact that Al-kun and I don't get along, even if the reason was unclear."

It's out of control, I would say. I have no choice but to accept it as the result of my thoughtless actions.

At the time, I didn't give a single thought to the weight of my right to the throne. I would not be king. I optimistically wrote it off, believing Al-kun would be king.

I thought I would support him in the future as his older sister. I thought that as long as I could research magic while helping Al-kun, there would be no problem.

I was too thoughtless and shortsighted. The incident that let to my estrangement with Al-kun was one of my painful failures.

However, I can't keep feeling sorry for myself. To be honest, it would be a lie to say I don't feel wary towards Al-kun. I wonder why he doesn't understand me.

I never intended to hurt him. I never wanted to become his enemy. I didn't want him to worry about what other people said. I always thought it would be good if Al-kun became king and became a great person. I really wanted to tell him that. I wanted him to understand.

But, if I can't get through to him, then there's no point in trying to understand each other. If that's the case, I should just live my life and avoid Al-kun. Under this mindset, the relationship between Al-kun and I grew cold.

"I wonder if Algarde-sama was suffering as well."

"I think he was suffering. Being compared to me was tougher than I thought it'd be."

I was baffled when father told me of the number of people still supporting me despite my unroyal actions.

I had no idea that support for the throne was split between Al-kun and I. Therefore, I was willing to behave in a way that could be considered "eccentric." I thought that if I did that, no one would support me.

(In fact, that's what happened with Ilya's parents. I once maintained contact with them when Ilya first became my personal maid, but I was so upset with the way they treated Ilya that I gave them a little "poke.") *(E/N: I can only assume that "poke" means that she insulted/berated them or did something of the sort to cut off the relationship.)

Then, Ilya's parents stopped talking with me. No matter what I do, I was still just Princess Kiterestu. Despite my accomplishments in magitech, I am still not fit to be a monarch.

*(E/N: So, I'm not really sure what "Kiterestu" means. DeepL just translated it like "Kitteh" and Google translated it as "Kiterestu." Perhaps it's a reference to "Kiterestu Daihyakka," a Japanese manga series about a boy inventor called Eiichi Kite a.k.a. Kiteretsu. Based on that clue, I went with Google's translation.

I am a popular figure among the commoners, so perhaps they support me. However, it's nobles that run this country. So, even if I had popular support, it would stop there.

Many nobles pride themselves on magical ability, so naturally I thought no one would support me due to my lack of magic. Even if some did, I wouldn't be able to stop them.

Therefore, no one expected anything from me. Even if some did, they would only be the ones who understood me, and I would lack the power to sway public opinion. Maybe if I made a big announcement and popularized the results of my magical research it would change. That change would cause great turmoil in the country.

So, it would have been best for Al-kun to become the king, as the situation would have been settled. This is the result though.

"...Would anything have changed if I had been closer to Algarde-sama?" (Euphie)

"Euphie really dwells on past mistakes."

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It was an inevitable failure. It wasn't the fault of any one person; rather, everyone held a little bit of guilt. It was every little thing combined that led to this incident. No one person truly holds blame.

If we blame someone, we'd have to blame everyone. I think there is guilt to be had. If that's the case, I think it's good that we are punished for causing this situation.

"You can't pretend you didn't fail, but you can make up for it with the next success. It's impossible to be successful all the time. That's why we all work hard, despite fear of failure. I have faith you will learn from this failure and make up for it with your next big success."

"Anise-sama is... really positive. I really envy you."

"We shouldn't dwell on our past. The world is big, and our dream has yet to be accomplished."

Magic used to be a pipe dream. A dream vision that was out of reach. But now, it seems within the realm of feasibility. I can't help but reach for it. So, there is no time to turn back. Time is finite. You never know when it'll end.

I am who I am. But, the day may come when I suddenly cease to be me. Because, it's just a coincidence that I happened to regain my previous life's memories. I don't know the exact reason why, and because I don't know, I have already prepared myself for the worst.


That's why I don't want to stop. I just want to fly straight and true towards my dream. I want to live my life to the fullest.

"...I haven't decided what I want to be yet."

"Take your time and think about it. I have my life, you have yours. We all live our lives that way. We just happen to be on the same path now. There may come a time when we will part, and even so, our paths may cross again. You never know what the future holds."

"That, I see."

Euphie chuckled. Next, she cast her eyes down as if she were lost. She stares at the ground for a while, but they slowly ascend till she looks straight at me.

"Dear... Anise. May I ask a favor of you?"

"Hm? What?"

"...May I sleep with you today?"

"Sleeping together? I don't mind."

"Thank you very much. I've been feeling a little anxious... I'm a afraid to go to be like this."

"If that's the case, I'd be happy to."

What a cute request; I can't help but laugh a little. But, I think it's a good trend. Euphie is allowed to be selfish. I guess she hasn't acted like that before. Well, you can gain some selfishness now.

My bed is spacious, like a royal bed. There's enough space for both of us to sleep. I get into bed first, inviting Euphie to join me, and then pull her close to me.

"Have you ever had someone sleep with you?"

"When I was a little girl, my mother would..."

"I see. Then, I'll treat you as a kid today. Come on. Come on."

"I'm not old enough to be called a kid anymore." *(E/N: "Kid" was originally "baby")

"It's fine, it's fine." *(E/N: Originally, "I don't care" x2, but I didn't think that fit the atmosphere.)

We lay on the bed side by side and covered ourselves with the blanket. We lay there looking at each other and laughter came from both of us.

"Good night, Euphie."

I lifted Euphie's bangs like she was a young child and dropped a kiss on her forehead. It wasn't easy to do because Euphie is taller than me when standing. She rolled her eyes at the kiss and laughed, somewhat embarrassed and troubled.

"...Good night."

Sleep came quickly. Before I fell asleep, I felt Euphie's hand grab mine. I squeezed it back as I fell into a deep sleep.


"Now, we're going to evaluate Ryeini's abilities in earnest today."

"Yes, thank you."

Perhaps due to a good night's sleep and rest, Ryeini's complexion became much better. After all, one can do one's best when progress is visible. I hope that she will continue to gain confidence in herself and gain control over her abilities.

"Let's start with an examination. What's the condition of your demon stone?"

"It is fine. As for my physical condition, there are no problems. Rather, my senses have become sharper, and I feel very refreshed. Also, I can feel magic power flowing through my demon stone."

"It is possible to control the demon stone's power?"

"Yes. Rather than trying to stifle the magic, it's less suffocating to let it flow somewhat. That way, it doesn't feel like the magic is overwhelming my demon stone."

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"I see..."

During my examination of Ryeini, I have come to understand something about her. Ryeini's demon stone is very similar to the nature of my tattoos.

The difference is that hers is always active. My tattoos will not exert its power unless I pour my magical power into it. Sometimes, it siphons off magical power on its own as a defensive reaction, but it never goes out of control. I think this is the result of a lot of adaptation.

In contrast, in Ryeini, the demon stone is in constant operation. Because it is integrated with her heart, Ryeini feels suffocated when she tries to stop its function, in other words, when she tries to stifle the flow of magic power.

Instead, it has the advantage of being able to keep magic power flowing through it. This is an advantage my tattoos do not have. The tattoo can only be used when necessary because it has such a strong reaction whenever magic cycles through it.

As for the vampire's power, this was honestly good news, because it seems that if I'm properly aware of it, I can weaken its power by focusing my own magical power to stop the demon stone from triggering.

"Illya, how do you think Ryeini is compared to yesterday?"

"Well... she doesn't seem particularly different."

"Hm, I wonder if once you are mesmerized, the perception is imprinted on you, even if the hypnotism isn't triggered. So, maybe we can't tell the difference. This is indeed troubling, but I can't try something new."1

"Thank you for your time..."

I really wanted to check the comparison between when she was using her power and when she wasn't, but I couldn't publicize Ryeini's power, so I decided not to.

According to Ryeini, she could naturally channel magic power into her eyes, throat, teeth, and claws. I confirmed that the eyes and throat can be used as a catalyst for hypnotism, while the claws and fangs can be strengthened and transformed. I'm impressed that they truly befit vampirism.

"The physical enhancement is easier than before. However, I didn't feel any growth in my spirit magic, though the sensation became clearer..."

"Magic sourced from spirits and magic sourced from demon stones are similar and different. They are derived from the same origin, so maybe Ryeini doesn't have a high aptitude for normal magic. In fact, since she is adapted to her vampire demon stone, it's possible that she's more naturally inclined to that type of magic."

"I see. Even if vampires have magic, your father didn't have it." *(E/N: Originally, "Even if vampires are wizards, your father is a commoner." I was unsure of its meaning.)

"But I hear you are a great adventurer. Would you like to practice Ryeini? Maybe you have a talent for it?"

"I'll think about it..."

Ryeini smiles, worried, but without a hint of darkness. It's not very ladylike, but it suits her more than her previous smiles.

But, maybe she should continue working on her body. The more magic power she puts into her nails, the stronger they will become, and the more strength she puts into them, the stronger they will be, comparable to steel. The person in question was the most surprised.

"In this way, vampires are fearsome beings... Even if they don't carry hidden weapons, their claws can turn into them. The hypnotic ability of fascination, the adaptability of physical enhancement... If these are truly the abilities of vampires, they are nothing short of terrifying."

"You'd be a great asset for assassinations... You don't think the vampire is being kept around as a secret agent for some country, do you?"

"That isn't funny."


But, Ilya's fears are understandable. Vampires may have faded into legends and myths, but Ryeini's existence indicates that they might have survived to the present day.

I shudder to think what would have happened if vampires were employed as spies for another country. We must protect Ryeini at all costs.

Mother would probably be better at appraising the Ryeini's danger potential and could probably create appropriate countermeasures. So far, it doesn't seem like Mother is involved with other countries. *(E/N: Not too sure about this paragraph. I did my best.)

Still, now that we confirmed their existence, we can't afford to stand by. Because of her origins, many of Ryeini's options have been closed off.

"...Though, there's always the wild card option of making her queen."

"Are you going to brainwash the people?"

"Haha, then it would be areal dictatorship. Just kidding, just kidding."

Ryeini's conversation with Ilya made her pale and she shook her head vigorously from side to side. Perhaps because she has come to better understand herself, Ryeini's expression is softer these days. She seems somewhat like a small animal, and I find myself wanting to love her.

However, after examining Ryeini again, I've begun pondering about the difference between magic tattoos and demon stones. A tattoo is something that borrows power. But, a magic stone is something that transforms someone. No matter how much you adjust the engraving to fit your body, it will never be the same as a magic stone.

(I have no intention of renouncing my humanity, but I guess that's the difference.)

If I had tried to surgically implant a dragon's demon stone within me to acquire magic, I would have become something besides a human by now. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, but in the end, I didn't choose that option.

So, I imagine. I wonder what would have happened if I had pursued magic until I became a dragon.

"I guess if I went that far... I wouldn't be me anymore."

If I did choose to renounce my humanity, then I would be a different person at that point. Would I be able to remember why I forsook people and pursued magic? Would I remember what I really wanted to use that magic for?


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Suddenly, in a daze, Euphie called out to me. When my consciousness came back to reality, Euphie was staring at me.

"Sorry, I was a bit out of it. What is it?"

"Actually, a messenger came by earlier."

"Sent from...?"

"The Ministry of Magic."


A messenger from the Ministry of Magic? They don't usually bother me. What the hell do they want?

"What did the messenger say?"

"The other day, his Majesty was riding on a magic stool. He wants an explanation."

"You got Air Drake? I wonder if... the materials caught their eye."

It was my private property. I don't think they'll take it from me, but I am sure they will make a fuss, saying I hunted it alone, which is a lie, ask where I got it from, and accuse me of abusing the government treasury. It's really depressing.

"No, it's... They would love you to explain it. He would like to have the opportunity to unveil it at the Ministry of Magic. They were wondering if they could hold an exhibition of magical tools to deepen our understanding of each other as well as the Air Drake."



The Ministry of Magic said such an auspicious thing? Will it be raining spears tomorrow? Are they the kind of people who would come flirting with me if I produced a magic tool? You want to throw a party for the exhibition? That way, they're hosting it?

There are some practical wizards in the Ministry of Magic who understand me, but the most powerful members are those who study magical beliefs and theology. The status of the practitioners is not that high, and they are on neutral terms with each other.

One of the reasons is that the main stance of the Practical Faction is that they should not involve themselves in politics or fights for the executive's seat. Therefore, even if individuals are friendly, as a whole they are neutral about any dispute between the Ministry of Magic and me, so they are not my allies. *(E/N: Either "executive's seat" refers to the battle for the throne, or it refers to an internal battle to be the head of the Ministry of Magic. I can't tell.)

"They also said that they would also love for me to attend as an assistant..."

"I wonder if... they're targeting Euphie."

Certainly, if I were to let Euphie out right now, she would get invited because she is my assistant. It would be difficult for me to refuse if Euphie was asked to accompany me as an assistant.

Even if I attended the meeting by myself, if Euphie was not there, it would be extremely troublesome if rumors spread that she wasn't suitable to be my assistant. *(E/N: Somewhat unsure if these previous two paragraphs were particularly accurate.)

On the other hand, what would happen if I refused the Ministry of Magic's invitation? It would probably deepen our conflict. If that happens, they might even interfere with the budget allocated to me. If I don't show my face to some extent, they will become fussy.

If that is the case, the Ministry of Magic's goal is probably Euphie. No matter how much they praise magic tools, it's hard to believe that the nature of the Ministry of Magic, where there are so many magician-oriented mages, will change anytime soon. Therefore, it's sophistry to say that they want to get along with me.

That is why I think their target is Euphie. It makes sense if you think they want to pull out Euphie, who is a genius magician, or that they want to create an opportunity to do so.

I couldn't help but think of Count Lang Voltaire's words. I clenched my teeth because I was so unintentionally miffed.

*(E/N: I am unsure about the following bit of dialogue, so I took some liberties to make it make some sense. I'll leave the original machine translation at the end. I believe these are memories of Count Voltaire's words.)

"You find Euphie lovely? You think she's a 'rough magic tool?' I wonder where your heart's at."

"...She is my true love."

"You just want a bride. For her bloodline, so you can have powerful offspring."

At these memories, I recoil in disgust. This aristocratic mindset, I hate it. I don't think Euphie wants to become a bride. At this point, I'm actually hoping someone doesn't come alone to try and make Euphie happy.

If Euphie is happy, I'll have no choice but to accept it, no matter how much I hate it. Well, it's the only thing I can do. It won't be fun though.

Still, I will protect Euphie. I'll keep an eye out and not complain.

"...It's suspicious for sure." *(E/N: Originally, "...It's not a very interesting story. It's a shame.")

"The Ministry of Magic will never leave me alone. As long as I don't worship the spirits fervently. I'm not without faith though." *(E/N: "Never leave me alone" originally "rub off on me" or "sneak up on me" depending on Google or DeepL.)

"But you aren't fanatically religious."

"Well, yeah. I won't deny that."

Well, what shall we do? It would be very bad if I refused this. It's a time when we can't make a fuss, as it would be extremely troublesome.

It's a given that Euphie and I will be attending. It would be out of the question to let Euphie go alone, but if I go alone, I might get in trouble for not bringing Euphie. But, if both of us attend the meeting together, we would be doing just what they wanted. Ugh, I'm so angry.

"I'd like Ilya to come with me, but they'll probably refuse to admit my personal maid."

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"Not that there isn't a way for her to attend..."

All eyes glance towards Ryeini. She shrinks with our gazes.

Yes, I can't take Ilya with me. Considering that I'd have to get Ryeini to come with her. Then, I have no choice but to do what the Ministry of Magic wants... I have a hunch.

"I don't have a choice. Let's attend. I'll bring something that won't make a scene, if possible. Ilya, take care of Ryeini."

"Okay your highness."

Well, this is depressing. Hopefully nothing bad happens...


"Ready to go."

"...I see."

In a dark room, avoiding sight and attention, dark figures exchange words.

"All for you and for us..."

"Oh well. Whatever happens, you guys are coming along for the ride."

"Of course, sir. Our plans have been derailed so much. We cannot afford to fail."


The presence of the conversers fades away as if lost to the darkness.

Those who remain let out a small sigh.


These words were whispered in a small voice but with an emotion so great it could not be contained in that small word.

It was anger. It was hatred. It was hot like a raging fire.

Yet, at the same time, it was cool-headed to the point of freezing. It was a contradictory emotion that continued to rage.

The shadow, so cool-headed it stifled the intense emotion, also disappeared into the darkness.

The shadows stir. They crawl silently in the darkness. Until that time comes...



Voltaire's words


"I wish I could find the favorite Yuffie, the rough magic tool. I wonder if that's the place."

"... Is it my favorite?"

"You want your bride. What a next generation, leaving an excellent pedigree."


"The main objective Yuffie, it would be good if you can find the coarse of the magic tool. That's about it."

"...... am I your true love?"

"You want her for your wife. You want to leave an excellent bloodline for the next generation."

My Edits:

"You find Euphie lovely? You think she's a 'rough magic tool?' I wonder where your heart's at."

"...She is my true love."

"You just want a bride. For her bloodline, so you can have powerful offspring."

Honestly, this chapter was really difficult to edit, since the machine was very vague.

Well, I hope y'all enjoyed! Feel free to point out mistakes.

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