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Episode 25: And the Conspiracy Begins

The day of the Ministry of Magic's Magic Tool Exhibition Party had arrived. Since there were not enough people to carry Air Drake, let alone the other magic tools, I decided to call in workers from the royal palace.

Curiously, people from the Ministry of Magic are intertwined with the workers... They don't usually come to the palace, but perhaps it's natural for the sake of preparation.

"Anise-sama, your brow is furrowed."

Even if you point that out Euphie, these wrinkles are unlikely to disappear. To be honest, I don't want my magic tools to be touched by the Ministry's people. I have a feeling they might intentionally break them and make things difficult for me.

Magic tools are not like magic, where the quality of the same spell can vary depending on the skill of the wielder. Magic tools were designed to be standardized. If they weren't, mass production would be difficult.

This is one reason the jerks from the Ministry look down on magitech. "Magic tools are inferior to magic," they say. They're always complaining how "Magic tools can't showcase the skill of the user."

That's exactly the point. I'm not aiming for magitech to be a copy of magic; the goal is for them to be easy for anyone to use!

For magic tools designed for daily necessities, constantly being asked "Why do you use spirit stones for these things when other tools exist" makes my blood boil.

Usually, I avoid people like that because their troublesome, but it doesn't alleviate the anger I feel. I can't help but snarl.

"Princess Anne-Sophia, will that be all the magic tools you will be showing at the exhibition?"

"...Please check the inventory list. Once you've done that, we've prepared instructions for each magic tool. Please read the notes first. We will not be held responsible if you use them incorrectly. Also, please listen to the instructions of my personal maid. If anything goes wrong, you will be in trouble."

The man from the Ministry of Magic's face twitched upon receiving the manual I had prepared. He has a look saying, "Do you really expect me to read this?" Well, I mean, yeah. That's your job and you can't complain because I did my job. I've done all you've asked me to do. You guys were the ones who invited me.

...No, that's the wrong attitude to have. I can't be picking a fight before anything starts. My purpose is to end the exhibition party without any troubles. Let's smile and act amicably.

"If you have any problems, please ask me or Euphie. We will explain anything in an easy-to-understand manner."


What do you mean, "Huh...!" The person in charge bowed and quickly returned to his superior. I could feel the smile on his face waver. Even though I smiled, why is he reacting like that?

"...Anise-sama, your smile is leaking murderous intent."

"...Oh, I see."

"And you were the one to say that you didn't want to cause a stir..."

Euphie let out a sigh of exasperation. That's exactly why I responded with a smile! It's their fault for being scared! It's not my fault!

While thinking such childish things, I had to go to the royal palace to get ready for the day. Since Ilya is on leave today, so I have to get someone from the palace to help me.

It's times like these when I feel the low number of staff is quite inconvenient. Being a throne seeker is tough. I want to quit as soon as possible. Should I hit my father with a paper airplane carrying the title of heir? Oh no. If I do that and Mother finds out, she'll kill me. *(E/N: I think she's joking that she wants the paper airplane to be successor?)

"After all, my mother is the last boss!"

"What are you saying...? Well, I'm off."

I nodded reluctantly, prompted by the sighing Euphie.

"Well then, Ilya, I'm also off."

"Yes, please be careful."

"Remember, you can call me if you need me."


There are some prototype magic tools that can be used at a distance as far as the royal palace. I really want to develop telecommunications. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make a phone, and I wish I had some ideas.

Well, it's a hassle, but I'd better go. Feeling queasy in my stomach, I headed to the royal palace with Euphie.

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The exhibition venue prepared by the Ministry of Magic is one of the halls used for royal banquets. There are several halls in the royal palace purposed for different events and the venue changes depending on the event.

This time, it was the least prestigious hall because the scale of the event was small. Even so, the hall is in the royal palace, so the decorations are first-class, and considering the scale, it is gorgeous enough. Considering that, it was natural that the participants had to dress up nicely.

"This dress is heavy and long. It keeps getting in the way."


I complain about my dress. It was prepared by the attendants of the royal palace, and I had been needing to wear it more frequently lately. Really, dresses are heavy and painful. I really prefer a one-piece dress with a knight motif for daily wear. Would this dress look like that if I put a medal on it?

Maybe Ilya or Mother would reject my suggestion with a smile, but... I'll never give up in trying to get rid of this stiff dress.

"Princess Anne-Sophia, Lady Euphilia, you are ready. Please proceed to the venue."

The maid reverently bows her head and explains to us. The exhibition hall for the magic tools has been set up, and it is time for me to enter the hall for my presentation.

The centerpiece of the exhibition is Air Drake-chan. I guess they're probing into what I did with all the dragon materials.

To put it simply, this is a presentation. However, I don't think I'll obtain their approval for my work because we have different values. They're likely trying to confiscate the materials. *(E/N: "Confiscate the materials" was originally "trying to get me to expose them" from DeepL and "I'm aiming to get rid of it anyway" from Google. Pretty confusing.)

"...It will be fine, Anise-sama."


"I know what I'm doing."

Euphie's words, delivered with a smile, were as if she saw straight through my heart, causing my face to heat up slightly. I could feel butterflies in my stomach and my heartbeat quickened. *(E/N: "Causing my face to heat up" originally "making me feel embarrassed.)

She's really cunning, isn't she. But, that's okay. It's nice to have someone who understands. Someone who sees value in it. That alone makes me happy. So, it's okay.

Once we entered the venue, all eyes turned towards us. Air Drake-chan was laid to rest on the stage where I was headed. Euphie and I went up to the stage and bowed.

"Good day, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure for me to attend this event today. I am grateful to hear that you all have come to deepen your understandings of magitech." *(E/N: "you all have come to" originally "today was a day to")


When I lifted my head to greet them, the reactions were mixed. As I predicted, many of them were merely gauging the value I held. More surprisingly, a good number of them were eager to listen to what I had to say.

Well, what is it? I can't think of any reason why they would be interested. While being a little surprised by this, I continued to explain.

"First of all, I would like to introduce to you the Air Drake, a flying magic tool that I have developed. It is made of dragon material and has a hull that can withstand the propulsive force of the dragon's breath it uses to fly. This one was created to push the limits of its performance, but we are also considering a design more suitable for mass production based on its design."

Catch your breath and continue explaining. Explain the purpose of Air Drake-chan and flying magic tools, the economic effects of the spread of flying magic tools, the revolution of itineraries, etc. *(E/N: Itineraries referring to the boon to tourism most likely.)

The reactions to this were also mixed. While watching the audience, I reach the end of the presentation.

"That's all I have to say about the flying magic tools..."

Euphie steps forward just as I end the presentation. Oh, I don't remember this being part of the plan.

I stand confused, as Euphie takes a bow, before opening her mouth.

"My name is Euphilia Magenta, and I am the assistant to Princess Anne-Sophia. I am very happy that the people of the Ministry of Magic have given us this opportunity to explain the promising future of magitech. Princess Anne-Sophia has explained the economic benefits to magitech, but there are some in the Ministry of Magic who are skeptical that this field is a blasphemy to the spirits and gods."

Yikes! Euphie, you're really cutting the point there. Look, there are a few who've clearly changed colors just now.

"It is true that Princess Anne-Sophia's ideas may be bold and unconventional, something incomprehensible to the rest of the world. However, as someone who has witnessed magitech firsthand, I would like to convey that magitech is a unique manifestation of respect towards the spirits and gods, different from spiritual beliefs and theology."

Euphie talks plainly, but she draws attention from her mere appearance. Still, I can't take my eyes off here.

"The study of magic is a combination of our knowledge of the world, knowledge of reason, and knowledge of magic. Magitech is a field of study, and it does not disparage faith or tradition. Rather, it was born out of the traditions and wisdom we have inherited, and I believe that our Kingdom should be proud that the talents of Princess Sophia were brought into this world."

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I feel that pride is unnecessary, but I can read the air. I tighten my expression and straighten my back. For a moment, I thought I saw Euphie look at me and smile, but it was only for a moment, so I'm not sure.

"Please don't shut down this path of learning. Everything is with the will of the spirits. It is not that Princess Anne-Sophia did not receive the blessings of the spirits, but rather she received her talents from them. How much time has passed since our country first made a contract with the spirits? I wonder now. Now is the time for us to embrace change. With the foundation we have built so far, I would like to work together with you all and aim for the future. I only hope that today will be the first step towards that enviable day."

Euphie ends her speech with a smile. At the same time, a quiet applause fills the room. The applause only builds with time, little by little, and before long, applause envelops the entire hall.

...Euphie is amazing. Her words must come from straight from the bottom of her heart. That's why it resonated. I don't think I could've done that.

I was staring at Euphie, did she notice? She smiled softly. I think she is really cunning. That's why I'm quite proud that Euphie is standing next to me. I'm proud she thinks it's worth it to stand by me.


(Really, she's so cunning... can I do my best too?)

After Euphie's speech, I gave a presentation of the other magical tools I brought in, and it ended in calmly. Next came the dinner, where the waiter actually used hot water from a magitech pot, giving us a nice laugh.

It's my hope that people will find my inventions useful. I don't care about fame or glory, but it would be nice if the people who used the inventions truly found that using them made their lives easier.

The atmosphere in the hall was calm from beginning to end. The Ministry of Magic, as well as some from the Practical Faction, came to see me.

"Princess Anne-Sophia, you have a good assistant."

"Yes, I think she's really too good for me."

"Hahaha! What are you saying? You're a throne seeker, you're too modest."


I believe I told you I don't want to be king!? Well, I better put a smile on my face...

"I'm happy to see this exhibition. Magic tools are useful and help people enrich their lives. This is my genuine opinion."

"Do you have no desire... Well, Princess Anne-Sophia is an interesting person."

Although I enjoy chatting, I honestly prefer that you'd leave. I'm worried about Euphie, so I end the conversation to look for her.

I notice there are many more people gathered around Euphie than around me, which makes me smile a bit. There are some people who attract others more, after all.

I try to get closer to Euphie, but someone stops me before I can do so.

"Princess Anne-Sophia, allow me to give my greetings."

"...And you are?"

I smile towards him, since I don't want to cause a stir, but honestly he's such a hinderance. Hm... I think I've seen him somewhere. He is a young man, around my age or younger, and he seems nervous.

He has silver hair and bewitching purple eyes. I don't have many chances to meet others, so I should be able to remember the few people I've met, but nothing comes to mind.

The young man steps towards me, with a smile, before bowing and introducing himself. At last, I finally realized who he was.

"My name is Moritz Chartreuse." *(E/N: Are the nobles' last names colors or something?)

"Oh, the son of the Head of Magic?"

"Yes, the head of the Ministry of Magic is my father."

The son of the Head of Magic who hates me... Ah, I remember. I thought I saw his face somewhere, but it's just one of Al-kun's entourage. Does that mean this child was also mesmerized by Ryeini?

I'm really not in the mood to talk, but I try to hide it under a smile.

"I would like to formally thank Princess Anne-Sophia for all the help you have given me. I also apologize for the troubles I have caused you."

"I'm sorry? I don't believe we've had direct contact before?"

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"It's about Euphilia-sama. My father scolded me for my shortsightedness."


He smiles, but I can't tell what he's thinking. Or rather, I can't see his true intentions. His heart is hidden from view. He may be saying these things with his mouth, but how he truly sees Euphie is uncertain. I can't feel any sincerity from his words.


"I was the one who proposed this opportunity. I thought it would be a good opportunity to redeem myself somehow. I hope you will remember my name."

"If you don't mind, may I ask why? Were you not on good terms with Al... Algarde?"

I was wondering who planned today, but to think it was the son of the Head of the Ministry of Magic. This is honestly surprising. Especially considering he was originally on Al-kun's side. I don't understand his motives.

"Yes, that's true. But, I have had a change of heart. I would like to hear from the Princess who developed the magitech that I have been... shunning... and hear her explanations on the subject."

"By "change of heart," do you've decided to influence me instead?"

"No, that's not the case. I've told my father that as well."

I don't like this. I can't see his intentions at all. Besides, I'm already frustrated because I wanted to see Euphie, but I'm stuck here. Let's cut to the chase and call it a night.

"That's right, I hope you will continue to watch my actions."

"Ah, Princess Anne-Sophia, if you don't mind, would you please give me a lecture on magic tools?"

"That will have to wait for another time."

"The time is now. Please, I beg of you."

What a persistent person. My brow almost wrinkled up, but I forcibly suppressed it. I wonder, him being so persistent... Is he trying to keep me away from Euphie?

"There are other people's eyes on you, you know. Please refrain from forcing me. I have already finished my lecture for this evening."

"Somehow, there—"

Really persistent here! I should end the conversation and head to Euphie. I don't know why he suddenly approached me, but I don't have the time to deal with him.

I said no again and was about to turn heels, but...


A high-pitched sound echoed from a distance.

My eyes widen at the sound resounding through the venue. I know this sound. How could I not? I was the one who developed it.


It's an alarm I gave to Ilya for emergency situations. I immediately try to act on the warning sound, which has never been used before today. However, I was stopped.

"What was that sound? Gather the people! Don't let them out!"

Moritz, who was standing nearby, shouted instructions. Those people whispering about the sound gathered under the guidance of those commanded by Moritz.

I tried to run against the flow, but Moritz grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going, Princess Anne-Sophia!?"

"Please let go! I need to go!"

"—Who is there!? What do you need!? Princess Anne-Sophia is getting hysterical! Hold her back!" *(E/N: "Hysterical" was originally "a state of disarray" by DeepL and "crazy" by Google.)

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Huh!? Who said I'm hysterical!? What do you know!?

"Get out of my way!"


I grabbed the arm grasping on to me and I performed a backwards throw. I threw Moritz, someone lighter than a squire, and shook off his grasp.

I tried going to the exit as it was, but knights gathered to block the path, so I clicked my tongue.

I pulled up my dress, grabbed a mana blade out from the holder on my calf, and cut off my dress. Tying the ends of my torn dress together, I ran as fast as I could, not worrying about my exposed legs. I headed for the window of the venue.

"!@#$!!! What are you all doing!? Stop Princess Anne-Sophia!"

Moritz's angry voice rings out, and the knights start moving in confusion. You're really just trying to get in the way, aren't you!?

"Ah, Princess Anne-Sophia! Where are you going?"

"You're in the way! Get out of my way!"

Some of the knights tried to stop me, but they were not as persistent as Moritz. I shook off their confused arms and plunged toward the window with my arms crossed, applying physical reinforcement to my body.

If I broke through the window as I was, my body would be thrown into the air. If I landed on the ground, I'd break a bone at best, and die at worst.



Euphie, who had launched herself in the same way, jumped towards me. She caught me, likely using magic, and held me in her arms.

"When you're doing something reckless, at least bring me!"

"I'll can explain later! Euphie, fly us to the palace! I'll take care of the landing."

Euphie nodded as she hugged m tightly. Calling on wind spirits, our bodies fly towards the palace like bullets. As the ground approached, a membrane of wind acted as a cushion, causing us to bound several times after landing.

Euphie buckles her knees, and I get up, killing the impact as I slip out of Euphie's arms and roll. I look up and see the palace is just a stone's throw away.

"...What does this mean?"

What I saw there was a sight that made me doubt my eyes.

Ryeini hung helplessly, bleeding out, the smell of blood permeating from her. Ilya hugged Ryeini as if she were clinging to her, and tears spilled out of her eyes. Ilya is crying. She's battered and bruised.

"...Answer me."

Someone stands there.

The light of the moon, hidden by clouds, shone down on that person as if highlighting him. What stood out more than anything were his eyes. His suspicious "red irises" shone in the darkness.

In his upper body, exposed till his chest, had a "demon stone" embedded in it.


There stood my younger brother, Algarde Bona Palette. *(E/N: Google translated it as "Palettia" and DeepL as "Palettiere" but I decided to stick with the color theme of the nobility and use "Palette.")



That went of the rails quickly. Well, we got to see Euphie being a great partner and assistant. On the other hand, Ryeini and Ilya were all battered and bruised...

Well, I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to point out mistakes or errors. I will do my best to fix them.

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