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Episode 29: Goodbye1

The morning after my fight with Al-kun, we were all summoned to my father's office.

With my father, my mother, and the Duke of Magenta all present, I could only lower my head. Euphie and Ryeini also seemed uncomfortable; the only ones not present were Ilya and Al-kun.

"..." (Father)

Father holds his forehead, as if having a headache, but he stands there speechless. Conflicting thoughts could be seen running through his head, and he seemed to be caught between anger and sadness. I could understand his feelings quite well.

The Duke of Magenta pointedly stares at me while Mother stands there quietly. Ugh, the atmosphere is so heavy, and my stomach is beginning to ache. I desperately want to go back to bed and sleep. My body is honestly aching from last night's fight, so please forgive me.

"...What even should I be asking about...?" (Father)

"...What should I be telling you about...?" (Anise)

When Father finally spoke, I found it difficult to respond.

After our fight, it seems that both Al-kun and I lost consciousness at almost the exact same time. Ilya reported to me that the commotion at the exhibition had reached Father, who apparently became dizzy and nearly fainted upon hearing the state of Al-kun and I.

Fortunately, most of the aristocrats who attended the exhibition had not left the venue, and the quarrel between Al-kun and I ended during the confusion, so few people actually knew we fought. Even so, the knights who attended were aware that there was a battle near the detached palace, and it seems that a gag order was put in place.1

I heard about this from Ilya after waking up, so I don't have a clear grasp of the details. Al-kun was put in the detached palace with me, so he's in a similar situation as me.

"Then... first report on Ryeini-san's and Algarde's bodies..." (Father)

"Yes. First of all, Ryeini has completely vampirized. The only things different from before are that she's gained complete control over her powers, and that her body has become undead, meaning she now requires human blood for sustenance." (Anise)

Ryeini has become a full vampire. As I told Father, her power is now completely under her control. As a drawback, she requires regular consumption of human blood; otherwise, she'd experience withdrawal symptoms. It appears she's received blood from Ilya this morning.

It will be necessary to follow up on how much blood Ryeini needs to ingest from now on. Additionally, I heard that she has the ability to vampirize targets, though this won't be a problem since it's a matter of Ryeini's will.1

Although her unconscious hypnotism has been solved, an equally big problem has emerged.

"...Al-kun... has become a vampire, though... not a complete one like Ryeini. Because his magic stone was stolen from Ryeini, he is less adapted to the power than Ryeini and cannot manipulate it as well as her. Additionally, perhaps due to my fight with him, his demon stone seems more focused on survival instinct, or in other words, on regeneration rather than fascination. There is a possibility his powers might grow in the future, but Al-kun appears to be better at controlling it than Ryeini." (Anise)1

"That in of itself could be a problem...! Ha-ha..." (Father)

Al-kun, is in the state mentioned to Father. He is now a "half-vampire". He's similar to Ryeini's old self, but he doesn't unconsciously charm people like Ryeini did. Al-kun laughed sarcastically upon learning of his condition.

If I had not intervened in his vampirization, his abilities very well might have leaned towards hypnotism rather than regeneration.

"Can you remove his demon stone?" (Father)

"That would be impossible. It has already completely integrated with Al-kun. We cannot prevent Al-kun's vampirization." (Anise)

"..." (Father)

Father leaned back into his chair as if he were silently looking up towards the heavens. He looked as if he was going to call on me at any moment. I really don't know what to say to him!

"...Vampirization is hereditary, correct?" (Father)

"I'm not completely sure, but it's very likely." (Anise)

"So, you're saying that Algarde's children will be vampires too?" (Father)

"...There's a high probability of it." (Anise)

"...I see..." (Father)

Father opens his eyes and turns to face Al-kun, appearing to have made a decision.

Al-kun silently returns Father's gaze, and the two face each other in silence for a while, before Father breaks it.

"Algarde." (Father)

"Yes, Father." (Algarde)

"...Do you have anything you wish to expand on?" (Father)

"No. Sister has explained everything." (Algarde) (1)

"Do you admit that you tried to rule this country with hypnotism?" (Father)

"I realized that that was the only thing I had." (Algarde)

"...You fool." (Father)

The voice Father squeezed out had no force. He continued speaking quietly, holding his fingers to his forehead to smooth out the wrinkles.

"...I have no choice but to renounce you as illegitimate. I cannot let you or your progeny take the throne." (Father)

"Understood." (Algarde)

Showing no emotion, Algarde quietly nodded, as if accepting everything.

There is no other choice. Al-kun's progression to vampirism is inevitable. And if he becomes a vampire, he cannot inherit the country. This decision is a fair one, and the conclusion a natural response.

"...Anne-Sophia. I have one question." (Father)

"What is it, Father?" (Anise)

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"Is Algarde worth using?" (Father)

I hesitated to answer Father's question. It was hard to answer immediately... Is Al-kun worth using...?

"...It is our urgent need to understand more about vampire biology. Gaining more information is of high priority." (Anise)

"I see. Well, Algarde... I ask that you devote yourself to the service of this country." (Father)

At Father's declaration, Al-kun kept his eyes down, remaining steadfastly silent.

Father stared at Al-kun's figure as if to glare at him. His clenched fist quivered for a moment.

"There is no freedom in your future... If you do anything in opposition to this country, you will be executed. Use your flesh and blood to atone for your sins until you turn to dust. That is all the warmth of my feelings. Farewell, Algarde!" (Father)1

"Ha-ha! I am deeply indebted to His Magesty, the King, for his great hospitality!" (Algarde)

Father shook a little to Al-kun, who bowed deeply, like a vassal.


No freedom, huh? Perhaps it's cruel? (2) But I would make the same decision. There are still many things to investigate about vampiric biology. Al-kun is valuable in the sense that he can be compared with Ryeini... He's already a sinner anyways... If Father orders it, human experimentation is possible, unlike with Ryeini.

These are the decisions that have to be made as king. We've learned that the vampires of legend truly exist. Therefore, it is important to accurately measure their threat. For that reason, we must understand. Even if it means sacrificing Al-kun as the foundation for that understanding.

"...Algarde." (Father)

"Yes?" (Algarde)

"Do you hate me...?" (Father)

"No." (Algarde)

Raising his head, Al-kun quietly shakes his head. He smiles with a haunted face.

"What I resented was everything in this world. I was born, then I fell, and then this day happened... that's all." (Algarde)

"...Ha-ha... I see. All of it...? You resent everything? You've come a long way." (Father)

Finally, Father's face contorted, dyed with regret. Mother's mouth was bleeding, as if biting her lips. Even so, she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"My own immorality was due to my deep stagnant grudge. Not towards anyone. All this was for me... there is no redemption for me... I admit that. For me, that was all. I resented it. I resented everything." (Algarde)

Al-kun spoke quietly, but with a certain weight in his words. I could not see into his heart. The heat in his words did not disappear, but it did not rage like a flame. He still gives the impression of smoldering ash.

But why? The ashes won't light. I'm convinced of that. It was a certainty I felt myself, but it seems there was still a hole in my heart.

"Everything is in the past. The river of time never reverses. (3) Now I would like to face... my sins. I'm sorry I could not live up to your expectations. Father, Mother." (Algarde)

Hearing him call her "Mother" was unbearable for our mother, and she sputtered, shedding tears. They started and didn't stop, and Father looked down regretfully.

"I'm sorry... I'm just sorry. Algarde... Even though, I should've have been a better mother..." (Mother)1

Mother was on her knees, looking at Al-kun with tears. Al-kun's expression towards her was so gentle, as if it would disappear at any moment.

"You were a good mother. Please, don't cry on my behalf. You were the beloved mother of this nation. Please be proud of that. This is the only filial piety I can give you, as I was a poor son." (Algarde)

"Filial piety? What filial piety? You are an unfaithful person... Your eyes have already turned... red..." (Mother)

Mother let out a shaky breath, as she put her hands on Al-kun's cheeks and brought their foreheads together. She tried to look at Al-kun's face while shedding constant tears, but had to keep her eyes down because they became blocked with tears.

"...My Queen. Are you okay?" (Grantz) (4)*(E/N: Reminder, Grantz is the Duke of Magenta)

"...Yes, Duke Magenta. I am sorry for this scene." (Mother)

When Grantz, who had been silent up until now, called out, Mother stopped crying as if on command and returned to Father's side. She regained her normal appearance, though her eyes were still red.

Al-kun raises from his kneeled position and stands immobile. Hm...? What's he doing? He's acting quite untactful in this situation. He was never the most tactful, but... what is it, really? (5)


"Prince Algarde. May I ask you a question?" (Grantz)

"The Duke of Magenta... I am at your service." (Algarde)

"Did you plan everything? From scratch? All the way back from the case of Baron Cyan?" (Grantz)

Ryeini, who had been extremely stiff, shuddered slightly. (6) It's strange, while Al-kun admitted he was charmed, he acted strangely calm. I wonder what was going through his mind back then.

In response to Grantz's question, Al-kun breathed as if to catch his breath, and then looked straight at Grantz.

"No. Not everything was my idea. Moritz of the Chartreuse family was involved." (Algarde)

"Involved? In the case of the annulment of your engagement?" (Grantz)

Hm... Was it intentional that you tried to block me at that time? Was it the same with the engagement annulment? So, there was more going on than just hypnotism?

"Moritz had a deep knowledge of magic. Charmed by Ryeini, Moritz noticed the abnormality of his condition and came to know about vampires, approaching me. He asked me if I wanted to secure the throne." (Algarde)

"...What? But, the throne was secured for you? If it had been before your engagement was broken off, I had already renounced my claim." (Anise)

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I involuntarily raised a voice of doubt. Al-kun already had the right to succeed the throne at that time. He was already supposed to be king. Moritz's suggestion was so strange.

Al-kun, hearing my doubts, became troubled, his expression distorting.

"When I think about it now, it seems quite dumb. Moritz was particularly keen on Euphilia as a rival. Also, at that time, I felt my position was suspect. I thought the King preferred you as a successor." (Algarde) (7)

"I would've opposed that." (Anise)

"I knew you'd say that."

This is suspicious. Was your head empty at the time?

"That's how we became allies. To be honest, I only half heard about it, but upon learning of Ryeini's power... I was attracted by it. Vampires are the pinnacle of magic. Who better to sit on the throne than one of them?" (Algarde)

"...It is true that the Chartreuse family were obsessed with their magical faiths, but to think they wanted to bring a vampire to the throne." (Grantz?)

"Should we crush them?" (Anise)

I couldn't stay silent. Even if you call it magical "faiths", it's really just fanaticism.

It may be true that vampires are the pinnacle of magic, and there are many advantages save for their blood-sucking tendencies, but the disadvantages are just a great. I don't know how long vampires live, but it would be a headache for one person to be on the throne for so long.

"Maybe he wanted to change the country by having a vampire ascend, allowing himself to become one and further pursue magic. If the country itself became favorable to vampires, the disadvantages would largely be eliminated." (Ilya?)

"They're just bad people, aren't they? That's totally messed up!" (Anise)

"...This is coming from you...?" (Ilya)

"I don't do my research to bother others, Ilya!" (Anise)

Don't put us in the same category! Seriously, my magic research is for academics, not religion.

Duke Grantz, listening to the story, touched his chin as if to stroke it, before sharpening his intimidating eyes and murmuring.

"Let's make a move. I heard that he called Anne-Sophia crazy and acted against her. I think that's enough to crush their house if we also throw in the conspiracy with Prince Algarde." (Grantz)


"...Aside the problems with Prince Algarde, isn't Anne-Sophia being crazy a usual occurrence?" (Father)

"Father!?" (Anise)

I'm not crazy! I'm completely sane!

"Was anyone other than the Count of chartreuse involved?" (Grantz?)

"I received a lot of support behind the scenes... I was told vampirizing Mother would be a boon for our country's diplomacy." (Algarde)

"...What?" (Father)

Ooh, Father snapped. Ah, Mother as a vampire. That's too dangerous in many ways. It's such a horrifying vision of the future. Mother, with her diplomatic skills, would be a perfect match for vampiric hypnotism.1

Mother, who was unknowingly apart of the conspiracy plans, smiled like a lion. Ah, it's over for the Count of Chartreuse. Scary, scary.

"...I mean, how could you keep accepting that kind of talk?" (Anise)

"I thought that's how it was. I thought it was just a matter of killing my heart and weighing it against the scales of profit. Then I could accept it." (Algarde)

"...That's similar to Euphie in some ways." (Anise)

"Maybe we were similar..." (Algarde)

Al0kun then turned to Euphie again. Euphie remained silent, but turned when Al-kun looked at her.

"...Again, should I apologize?" (Algarde)

"No. If you apologize, I will hit you." (Euphie)

"Well... I feel like I missed a big fish." (Algarde)

"I became such a fish after you abandoned me. I apologize for not being able to comfort your heart, Algarde-san." (Euphie)

"Let's flush this matter away. Let it flow into the ocean. You my vessel, were too narrow." (Algarde)

"...But that doesn't mean it's too deep when it comes to the sea, Algarde-san." (Euphie) (8)

"No doubt." (Algarde)

What's this? They're exchanging words while looking at me... What does that mean?1

Or rather, you guys seem to mesh well. I'm sure that if the stars aligned better, there could've been a future where these two led the country together.

Then, Al-kun turns to Ilya. Ilya remains expressionless as usual.

"My apologies once again, Viscountess Coral." (Algarde)

"...It's Ilya. Please call me as you used to." (Ilya)

"I was being sarcastic." (Algarde)

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"Is that so." (Ilya)

"...I'm sorry." (Algarde)

"...I see." (Ilya)

"My sister is happy. I envy her." (Algarde)

"I'm sorry for your loss. I too, am sorry." (Ilya)

Ilya has known Al-kun for a long time. Their exchange was a bit soft.

Next, it was Ryeini that Al-kun turned towards. Ryeini stared back with a complicated expression on her face.

"...Algarde-san..." (Ryeini)

"Ryeini, I apologize from the bottom of my heart... and I thank you." (Algarde)

"...Why are you thanking me?" (Ryeini)

"Whatever the result, I became... selfishly satisfied. If I had not done what I had done, I would've been dead inside. You... breathed color into my life. Please don't forgive the man who ruined that good fortune." (Algarde)


"...Yes, I don't forgive him. It hurt." (Ryeini)

"I'm sorry." (Algarde)

"It really... hurt." (Ryeini)

Ryeini gently took Al-kun's hands. She pressed her forehead against them and closed her eyes.

"It hurt... All the time... It really hurts..." (Ryeini)

Al-kun's shoulder's shook at Ryeini's words when repeated.

He gently squeezed Ryeini's hand back with the hand that Ryeini had taken from him, and pressed his forehead against her hand as Ryeini di with his. They fell silent as they prayed for each other, and when they were separated, they simply smiled and moved away.

"...Sister." (Algarde)

Now it's me. Al-kun turned to me and smiled.

His smile reminded me of something. Something that had been stored in the depths of my memories came to the surface.

I couldn't help but think that Al-kun's voice sounded just like his voice on that day.

"Remember?" (Algarde?)

I looked at Al-kun's hand, which he held out to me. I put my own hand on his hand as if touching something fragile.

"...A handshake to make up, you know." (Algarde?)

My vision blurred. I wanted to forget.

This child was my younger brother. He was a younger brother who I took by hand and took to play. I used to do this whenever we fought, and I made him cry. I took his sobbing hand and smiled at him.

I was smiling. What kind of face do I have now? I can't make a voice as if something was caught in my throat.

"...Sorry." (Algarde)

If I could just live like the people who live in this world normally. If only I was more flexible. The regret coming from our shackles is overwhelming.

I'm sure I would've done the same thing had I gone back to the past. Even if it drove Al-kun to the brink. I can't give up magic. I can't hide my longing.

No matter how many times I am reborn. My soul can't erase its longing for magic.

"Sister." (Algarde)

Tears fell, and I could see Al-kun's gently expression in my clearer vision. That disgusted expression he always directed towards me is no longer there.

"—Goodbye." (Algarde)

Yeah. Goodbye Al-kun.

Goodbye, my brother. The one I couldn't take, the one who let go.1

After this day, I never saw Al-kun again, and he left the castle.


I think back to the events that took place. First of all, Al-kun was officially declared abandoned, and the Chartreuse family, having participated in the conspiracy, was crushed. The execution, including Count Chartreuse, his son Moritz, and all his relatives were all executed by Father.

Al-kun was sent to a remote area. It was a difficult place to reach. He went there with those with faith towards Father and researchers with faith towards him. (9)1

Al-kun will never be allowed to leave. Instead, he will provide information on vampire biology and become a foundation for this country. He has no freedom and cannot choose to die himself. He's in captivity.

As for the other party, Ryeini is...

"...Ryeini, that's not right." (Ilya)

"Yes! I'm sorry!" (Ryeini)

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Under the guidance of Ilya, Ryeini, dressed in a maid's outfit, was brewing tea with a look of dread on her face.

Since then, Ryeini has been taken to the royal castle as my personal maid. Baron Cyan, who learned of the full story and the identity of his daughter, was terribly shocked, but he said that he would continue their familial relationship.

However, he asked for time to be able to tell Ryeini's stepmom. Or, rather, Baron Cyan said he might not tell her at all.

"I think this was good. Really, I feel like we can start trying to be a family." (Baron Cyan)

I t was also acknowledged by Ryeini. Ryeini also said she was afraid if she lost her hypnotism, she might lose her stepmom, who had been so kind to her.

If that was to be the case, this "dream" should remain a dream. Even then, the existence of vampires has to be kept secret. Time is needed to tell her.

Because of this, Ryeini continued to be under my protection, but she was ostensibly an apprentice maid. She was slightly reluctant at first, but now she's happily following Ilya. I hope she'll help ease the burden on Ilya.

--Oh yeah, speaking of her burden, Ilya volunteered to donate her blood to Ryeini.

Ilya didn't think it would be right for Ryeini to drink mine or Euphie's blood. That being the case, she thought herself the right person for the job, being of a lower status than us. Still, she has a higher status than Ryeini, causing me to be somewhat nervous.

Father and Mother are busy with their political affairs with Duke Grantz. Their affairs together had increased due to the abolition of Al-kun's legitimacy and the fall of the Chartreuse family. For the time being, Mother has become focused on domestic affairs rather than diplomacy.

I hear that Mother is spending more private time with Father, but it was them who were deeply hurt by this incident. I doubt they will be able to relax, but I pray they will find comfort and peace with each other.

As for me, I've been...

"...Still can't seem to move?" (Euphie)

"Well, I'm feeling much more comfortable..." (Anise)

Lying on the bed, I glance over at Euphie, who's sitting in a chair.

The effects of invoking dragon magic in my body can't be resolved immediately. I forced myself during the audience with Father, but after that, I retired to a life on the bed. I didn't want to just sleep, and I needed to circulate my own magic power through my body, so I concentrated on that.

It felt as if I had a severe cold. Thoughts are dull, my head is dizzy, and my body is lethargic. Fortunately, I'm not coughing or having a runny nose.

"Hm... it's hard. I can't wait to get back to being healthy." (Anise)

"Then please be quiet." (Euphie)

Euphie has been a worthwhile caregiver for me. Ilya also has Ryeini's help, and Euphie offered to take care of me, so she takes care of my needs.

"...I wonder if Al-kun has arrived there yet." (Anise)

"I wouldn't know." (Euphie)

Euphie's gaze is distant as she responds... When the room falls to silence, I end up thinking about Al-kun.

Even though I have many regrets, I would definitely do the same things. I'm not sure how long I'm going to feel guilty for, but my heart has been stagnant.

"...Please sleep, Anise. Your mind and body are tired right now." (Euphie)

"...Yeah." (Anise)

Euphie's hand seems cold. With such a hand on my forehead, I close my eyes quietly. It's true that when your body is tired, you feel drowsy right away after closing your eyes.

...I hear a song. A lullaby. Euphie is singing me a lullaby. Though I'm not that young anymore, I still felt the song was beautiful. It was so soothing that I soon fell into a drowsy sleep.

"Good night, Anise-san. Now, have a nice, relaxing dream." (Euphie)


This concludes Volume 2. Thank you for reading this far.1



(1)*(E/N: Unsure of this dialogue.)

(2)*(E/N: Unsure of if "cruel" is the correct term. Google said, "It's a murderer", while DeepL said "It's tame, isn't it?")

(3)*(E/N: Originally, "The river of time never reverses" was described as "the flowing waterfall never rises.")

(4)*(E/N: Reminder, Grantz is the Duke of Magenta)

(5)*(E/N: Very unsure of this section.)

(6)*(E/N: Originally, "shuddered slightly" was "bounced her shoulders".)

(7)*(E/N: Unsure of this section)

(8)*(E/N: This is probably some Japanese Expression, I think. Basically they're saying to let bygones be bygones.)

(9)*(E/N: Unsure who's believing in who. Either they believe in Al, or they believe in the King. Not sure.)

To the people who said Al got off lightly, I think human experimentation is a cruel enough punishment. Though, I don't think the people involved got nearly angry enough with him, they probably have a lot of conflicting feelings towards him.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to point out mistakes in the editing.

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