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Episode 30: The Future Monarch (Part 1)

There are many that believe Princess Anne-Sophia Winn Palette is unworthy of royalty.

She lacks magical talent, and she behaves unroyally. Additionally, she is so absorbed in her mysterious inventions that she shuts herself in the detached palace.

However, there are still many people who support Anne-Sophia Winn Palette. It is those who understand her new concept of magical science and those who see her for who she is.

While she isn't worthy in some respects, she has done much to make up for it. That's why, it may be Anne-Sophia who is heard among whispers when the stakes are raised.

Of course, the most spoken evaluations of Anne-Sophia are from the perspective of the aristocracy.

But then, how do average citizens living in this country feel about Anne-Sophia?

It is Euphilia Magenta, the daughter of the duke intertwined with a strange fate, who follows the truth of the situation.

How does she Anne-Sophia Winn Palette?


Euphie POV:

My name is Euphie Magenta. Daughter of the Duke of Magenta, who pledges loyalty to the Kingdom of Palette. Perhaps that is the easiest way to describe my identity?

Currently, I am walking around the castle town, dressed in simple commoner clothing, instead of the sparkling dresses I usually wear. Next to me is Anise, this country's princess.

Her platinum-colored hair, common to royalty, is tucked into her hat as to remain inconspicuous, as she walks through the castle town in practiced manner.

"This way, Euphie." (Anise)

"Ah, yes. Anise-sama..." (Euphie)

"We're in disguise, so please, drop the -sama." (Anise)

I look down, feeling heat grow on my cheeks, as Anise-sama smiles happily at me.

Yes. Today we're walking around the castle town as a sneak visit.

It all started the other day due to Algarde-sama's troublesome quarrel. During the fight, my personal mana sword, Arc-en-ciel, was damaged and needed to be repaired. I left the repairs to a blacksmith in the castle town.

Since then, our days have been hectic and busy. However, it was Anise-sama who bore the brunt of the work. After all, her brother, Algarde-sama, was disowned and sent to a remote area.

With this, Anise-sama became the first place in the succession to the throne. Since then, I have been stuck dealing with a series of visits by those attempting to discern the true reason behind Algarde-sama's disownment.

Finally, today, in my spare time, Anise-sama invited me to come down to the castle town to pick up Arc-en-ciel.

I thought to bring an escort, but Anise-sama insisted we go alone during the sneak visit. She told me she would take me out on her own and before I knew it, I was being escorted out to the castle town.

I don't hate stealth, but now that you're so close to the throne, I wish you'd be more concerned about safety.

"Do you go to the castle-town often?" (Anise)

"No, not much..." (Euphie)

"What about inspections?" (Anise)

"Well, yes, but considering my father..." (Euphie)

I didn't enjoy inspections too much because my status would always frighten commoners. Still, when it comes to inspections, we must see the lives of the people and grasp many things. I do miss that kind of thinking a little.

I wonder how it is now. I feel as if my position is floating in the air right now. Although I am currently serving as a research assistant to Anise-sama, her research seems to have been put on hold due to political matters she's become involved with.

However, Anise-sama doesn't talk to me about political affairs... I think she's taking care of me. I may be living with Anise-sama as an assistant, but when she tells me to relax, I find myself with nothing to do.

In the past, I was always striving to be suitable for queenhood, but now that pressure is gone. I feel that is why I am protected by Anise-sama, so it's a bit painful...

"We're here, Euphie." (Anise)

It seems that we arrived at the destination while I was still distracted by my thoughts, and I raise my lowered gaze.

An ordinary town workshop. It can be said that the scale is small in this castle town. From the size of the store, it looks like a workshop for individual customers, not for mass production.

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One must be careful to note this difference, as deals will vary depending on whether the owner works the store or employs workers. Larger workshops are more likely to have more influential merchants, so business negotiations are easier and more open.

On the other hand, small shops where the owner runs their own store are more craftsman like and therefore more particular about what they do. Father explained that despite both being workshops, deals with them will vary based on the product type and the workshop environment.

Certainly, when working with magical inventions, it is natural to choose a small-scale, skilled craftsman's shop with the ability to handle such technology.

The name of the workshop written of the signboard seems to be "Gana Armor Workshop". Anise-sama opened the door of the workshop and walked inside.

"Thomas, I'm coming in!" (Anise)

"Oh, it's Anise... Anise!" (Thomas)

I hurriedly followed her in and was greeted by a truly a picturesque scene.

There stood an eye-catching young man. He had light brown hair with a rough hairstyle and sharp reddish-brown eyes as sharp as my father's. He was covered in dirt and grime from his work, but even so, his slender but muscular figure was as good as a knight's.

If I were to pick a flaw, it would be his lack of expression.

"...Anise, huh? What took you so long?" (Thomas)

"Well, did you make what I asked for?" (Anise)

"Yes. Here you go." (Thomas)

I couldn't help by gawk at him. Despite our stealth, this craftsman named Thomas clearly knows Anise-sama is a princess, yet his attitude implies his disinterest in worldly affairs.

His gaze turned towards me, giving a somewhat quizzical look.

"Who's this?" (Thomas)

"My assistant." (Anise)

"...Oh, that user?" (Thomas)

"I told you I'd bring her, didn't I?" (Anise)

"...This ain't no pretty place for a lady." (Thomas)

Thomas mutters darkly. Come to think of it, it seems Anise-sama once told me he hates aristocrats...

Perhaps it would be better to introduce myself casually rather than formally.

"My name is Euphie. Please disregard my status." (Euphie)

"I know about you... There's a rumor going around that Anise stole Algarde's fiancé." (Thomas)


"That's... not right. Well, there's a complicated reason for this, so you can say what you want." (Euphie)

"I prefer to keep out of quarrels between aristocrats." (Thomas)

Thomas says with a stern look. He has a handsome face, but his face is always stern or rugged. I get the impression he's a difficult person to deal with.

"I'm Thomas Gana, Euphilia-sama." (Thomas)

"No need to be so formal. Please call me Euphie." (Euphie)

"...Thanks. That helps." (Thomas)

When I told him that there was no need to be respectful, he softened his demeanor a bit. I guess he dislikes being formal, though he doesn't seem to be a bad person.

"So? How's the Arc-en-ciel?" (Anise)

"Already fixed." (Thomas)

"Can I see it?" (Anise)

Prompted by Anise-sama, Thomas wipes his hands clean and returns with the Arc-en-ciel, stored in the back.

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When he pulled Arc-en-ciel from its sheath, I found it looked exactly the same as before it broke.

"...Test it." (Thomas)

"Oh, of course." (Euphie)

To me, not Anise-sama. The feel of Arc-en-ciel in my hand is so natural its hard to believe it ever left it. No matter how many times I hold it, there's no discomfort. There's no problem even as I look through the magical power, so I inadvertently gasp.

I am grateful to have it repaired so perfectly. Without it, I've felt so uncomfortable. Ilya once said that once you're exposed to the convenience of magical tools, you can't go back. (1)

"You've done a wonderful job. It works perfectly." (Euphie)

"..." (Thomas)

"...Is there something...?" (Euphie)

When I sheathed Arc-en-ciel, Thomas gazed at me with serious eyes.

When I looked quizzically at his gaze, Thomas regained his composure and scratched his head, as if a little flustered.

"No... I just realized you've been using it properly. In my mind, I knew I could trust you since you were recommended by Anise-sama, but I still felt skeptical until I actually saw you..." (Thomas)

"I see... I've become so restless; I can no longer do without it." (Euphie)

"Really..." (Thomas)

Thomas squinted his eyes as if thinking about something. Then, he turned his attention towards Anise-sama, who was looking around the workshop. What are you doing, Anise-sama...? You're too relaxed.

"Anise, I'll give you some pocket money, so please buy something at the food stall." (Thomas)

"Oh, really?" (Anise)

"Wait, please—wait!?" (Euphie)

I couldn't help but to be a bit of a jerk, but I'm sure I'm not wrong! Anise-sama is still a royal, even if she's here on a personal stealth visit. There's no reason to treat her like a child! Also, don't look so happy about this, Anise-sama! It may be a personal stealth visit, but you're still royalty! Don't be so happy to receive pocket change!

"I need to talk to you." (Thomas)

"...Hm? Are you worried about conversing?" (Anise)

"That's not it. Are you going or not?" (Thomas)


"Well, I'm worried because you aren't good at speaking. Well, it'd be better if I went, right?" (Anise)

"Yeah, since it's something you wouldn't want to listen to." (Thomas)

"...Okay. Then I'm going. It's fine if I get a share for Euphie too, right?" (Anise)

"Do what you want." (Thomas) (2)

With that said, Thomas took out the money and handed to Anise-sama, and she walked out without a care in the world.

I tried to keep Anise-sama from leaving, I was concerned about what Thomas just said. About the things Anise-sama wouldn't like to hear.

...What kind of relationship do the two have? They both seemed quite comfortable around each other and their differences in status seemed to be a nonfactor between them...

"I'm sorry. It's just us two now." (Thomas)

"No... Is there anyone else in this workshop?" (Euphie)

"We're alone. I'm aware that I'm eccentric, but it suits me to work alone and make sure the job is satisfying to me. I don't enjoy talking, but there are chairs for visitors." (Thomas)

Thomas then brought me a chair and I decided to indulge him. He grabs another chair and we turn to face each other.

"...Do you think Anise is odd?" (Thomas)

"It's... already to the point where I doubt if common sense applies." (Euphie)

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"Yes... But, she's still a good person." (Thomas)

"Yeah, she is." (Euphie)

Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. Without Anise-sama, I don't know what I would be doing right now. I might've lost sight of my reason for existence and broken my heart. On the contrary, it is possible for the country to have turned into something else.

The reason we are here now is thanks to the work of Anise-sama. I almost bit my lips wondering what my position is. I know that I'm protected. But, am I doing something just by being protected...?

"...Well, Euphie-sama. Can I ask a question? Will you answer clearly?" (Thomas)

"What is it?" (Euphie)

"Is the next monarch going to be Anise-sama?" (Thomas)

Thomas asked this question so seriously I involuntarily straightened my posture.

"...Currently, the first-in-line to the throne is Anise-sama. You've already heard that Algarde-sama has been disowned, correct?" (Euphie)

"Ah, that's why I wanted to confirm. Is the next monarch Anise-sama?" (Thomas)

"Yes, I think it will happen." (Euphie)

"...Really." (Thomas)

Thomas sighs heavily. He is clearly not pleased.

Do you not think Anise-sama is a worthy royal after all? Is that why you've called me here? Why me?

"Euphie, are you certain?" (Thomas)

"...Are you that worried?" (Euphie)

"...Maybe I don't have the worries that Euphie thinks I'm having. There are many people who would be happy if Anise-sama became king. She's always thinking about the lives of us commoners."

Thomas's expression changes to a gentle one. It is also somewhat proud, as if he's boasting about something.

"Many things have improved because Anise-sama said things to the King. She was able to see things from our point of view, and she helped us figure out what we needed and what should be done... She says it's a matter of course... But it's not, is it? Nobles are ignorant of the way commoners live, right?" (Thomas)


"...That's true. But that's the way it is. Nobles are nobles and commoners are commoners." (Euphie)

"I don't deny that. In exchange for your wealth and status, you and others have to shoulder responsibility. You all have a big responsibility to protect this country. Still... with all that wealth and power... I hate aristocrats even more because of it... There are many who oppress commoners using the shield of 'nobility'." (Thomas)

Thomas's voice is filled with hatred, as if something happened to him in the past. I can only narrow my eyes and look at him.

In fact, I have my own thoughts on the fact that there are many people who forget their responsibilities as nobles. A noble has responsibilities commensurate with his position. I also believe that forgetting this and behaving arrogantly is not the way of nobility.

However, it is difficult to convey this to a commoner. That is why we are divided into two groups, the nobility and the commoners. It is neither a word nor a status that separates us from each other.

"I'm not asking nobles to live like us. I understand a little bit on how nobles live. It's... hard, isn't it?" (Thomas)

"...I can't say it's easy." (Euphie)

"That's alright for me. In that sense, I think it's okay if we take responsibility for each other... No, that's not what I wanted to talk about. That's right, we were talking about Anise-sama. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who think she should rule." (Thomas)

"...But you don't find it pleasing?" (Euphie)

"You noticed...? Well, yes." (Thomas)

Thomas scratched his head in annoyance, his expression clouded.

"That girl could be monarch, but I don't think she's cut out for it." (Thomas)

"Not suited for it...? Well certainly she's eccentric, but... not suited?" (Euphie)

"No, I don't mean not suitable in that sense... but, that person... she's carrying too much on her shoulders." (Thomas)

Thomas's word made me tilt my head. It's true that she's responsible person despite how she acts. I could sense from her attitude toward Algarde-sama that she holds a sense a responsibility; I also see it when she interacts with Ryeini and I.

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"But, that's a good talent for a monarch and as a superior, I think. And, if she carries too much, vassals could help with her burden..." (Euphie)

"It's true that she could become monarch. But... she's better suited to something else." (Thomas)

"That's..." (Euphie)

That is an undeniable fact. I believe Anise-sama has the qualities of a queen. However, I also know that she does not desire the throne from the bottom of her heart. What she really wants is to devote her life to the study of magic. I know that too.

However, Anise-san has inherited the royal-bloodline, and therefore the right to succeed the throne—whether she wants it or not. That's what being royalty... is all about.

"It's one thing to have the capacity to be queen, and it's another to be forced into succession because of it." (Thomas)

"...but there are responsibilities. For nobility. For royalty." (Euphie)

"But there's no precedent for a queen... Is it really necessary for Anise-sama to carry that burden? It would be nice if she could continue her research in magicology even after becoming king, but reality is not so kind, right? Normally, you guys would have come to pick up this sword much earlier." (Thomas) (3)

It's true that these days, Anise-sama is so busy with her daily activities that she hasn't been able to complete any research on magic. Considering how much time needs to be devoted to preparation, knowledge, and politics in order to succeed the throne, in the future, will Anise-sama really have time to do research?

If Anise-sama stops her research in magicology, could someone else take over? ...It may be possible to spread existing ideas to the world, but would new ideas be born?

Thinking about it, magicology is unique to Anise-sama. And now, she's a royal successor... I can't really see a way to reconcile these two great things. It would take a tremendous amount of effort to do so.

"If that girl becomes monarch, she won't be... free. She would lose her spark. If she decided she's a queen, she wouldn't come down here anymore, at least not as 'Anise'." (Thomas)

"...You know Anise very well." (Euphie)

"There is an immutable fact that hasn't changed since I was young... Ah, maybe that's why... Perhaps I'm worried Anise might change. It's important to remember that commoners generally cannot use magic. Using magic to help ourselves isn't possible. Yet, the way Anise talks about magic... She shines. Us commoners, lacking magic, sympathized with Anise. We all had high expectations from Anise. She was the one who would listen to us and tell us about her dreams." (Thomas)

"I'm sure... that wouldn't change, even if she did become queen." (Euphie)

"Perhaps she wouldn't change, but would the people around her allow it?" (Thomas)

The people around her... Her surroundings... If they don't allow it, it can't be helped.

If Anise-sama becomes queen, the people around her will increase their scrutiny. Even I would do so. A monarch must act as a monarch and lead their people. They have that responsibility.

I cannot deny it. If Anise-sama becomes queen, she will lose her freedom. It is easy to imagine Anise-sama killing her heart and becoming more kinglike.

That person is capable of that. I'm beginning to think her father anticipated this and reinstated Anise-sama's succession rights because of it.

There may be no way to avoid Anise-sama's ascension anymore, no matter what point of view you look from. But--.

"Will ascension make Anise-sama happy, being queen?" (Thomas)

...Thomas asked me about it, and it reminded me of Anise's words.

"—I don't think you'll ever get the happiness that you truly desire. Still, we're all together here." (4)

Those were the words that Anise-sama spilled out to Algarde-sama.

It left a terrible sting in my heart.

The words, "Be a queen." To Anise-sama, I'm sure that they were cursed words that deprived her of happiness.

Once again, it was strongly and deeply engraved in my mind.



(1)*(E/N: So, basically like the Allegory of the Cave.)

(2)*(E/N: This whole section of dialogue might be wrong, so keep that in mind. Machine translation was quite unclear on this area.)

(3)*(E/N: I decided to change it back to magicology, since it refers to the discipline of magical science rather than the tools themselves. I've revised the previous chapters.)

(4)*(E/N: See c26)+

So, whether to use -sama or -san, it's quite difficult to figure out when to use these. Also, knowing when to drop them is also hard. Well, oh well.

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Feel free to point out mistakes.

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