Black knight-san is a dexterous person.

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[ After ten days you’ll be picked to go to Zebrest, then destroy the inner Palace okey♪]


[ …….wa?]


[ Oh right right, your public position would be that of a noble’s concubine and since our country is your guardian then you’ll possess the authority of a head concubine]


The prince-sama’s angelic smile shined more and more while uttering this problematic thing.

……why all of a sudden I am a noble’s head concubine in this situation? Mao-sama?

No, before that?

Destroy the harem……do you intend to make it a foothold for the world subjugation at once?




After the shocking face to face.

For the time being let’s self-introduce what happened so far, incidentally as per my wish in a way or another the white knight was dealt with however.


[ Then, I’d like you to listen to my request as well]


And so it turned out like this.

Uhm, I understood that.

Still, I am supposed to become a criminal?

I’ll have to sink a country ?

That. Clearly execution will be waiting for me right?

The Prince-sama that was able to read the air unleashed another bomb.


[ Aa! It’s fine you know. Because the client and accomplice are Zebrest’s King and Prime minister!]




Do other nation’s kings wish for their own country to decline I wonder?

No, Mao-sama is a Prince……if reversed, is there a country whose Prince is a devil King?


[ The previous generation was too incompetent and the nobles grew conceited and forcefully pushed girls at him]


[ Is closing the inner palace no good?]

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[ They tried but it seem that those aristocrat greatly opposed it. Since he still doesn’t have a legitimate wife]


[ Then, poisoning them……]


[ If exposed those nobles will become annoying?]


[ The reason is not that they are hopeless people right]


[ Yup. Because they are not people that are worth concerning over]


I know that I am terrible but the Prince is plenty awful too.

You have similar standpoint, and I guess showing a little bit of an understanding feelings..….is out of the question neh.

That’s a refreshing smile that you got, with not a single fragment of guilty conscience.

Black knight-san is also nodding I wonder if something happened?

Black knight-san that noticed my look opened his mouth with an expressionless face.


[…….if a woman there where to become the queen it would be the end of the country]


The end ! ?


[ I can’t think of myself winning.  It’s a gathering of female beasts]


…… don’t want to treat them as human being anymore is it?


[ I got Klaus to infiltrate and to wait and see. And he gathered some informations]


[ Gathering information ? By any chance the interception of a while ago……]


[ Uhn, black knight is an expert in this kind of job you know? There’s not only sounds but  picture too.]


It’s all handmade by black knight! So said Mao-sama while looking like he was enjoying himself.

it’s an incredible technology ne, are there tools where you can insert magic?


Wait. Oi, just now what did he say?

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Pictures… a hidden camera?

That is, eavesdropping and peeping?

It’s a crime right ! ?


[ That’s my job]


[ That’s not something you can  confidently declare right !?]


[ Incidentally, that’s also my hobby]


[ That’s even worse!!!]


Waah-… expected from a servant of the demon king.

To magnificently do criminal deed you also put to practical use your hobby .

Your cool atmosphere is being spoiled you know? Come on, look a yourself and fix it.


[ Incidentally it’s possible for me to do detailed report]


* flap * , I was handed over a paper tightly filled with something.

e-to… ……..?


『07.00 Rised with a considerably bad mood. Eight attendant lady in the vicinity』

『07.30 change of clothes red selected for the main dress, thick make-up on the eyelids as usual』

『08.00 breakfast menu: bread, soup and fruit』






If it’s not the active report of a stalker then, what’s this?

Moreover it’s extremely detailed right? Where you at the actual place?


[……a criminal, there’s a stalker here]


[ I just grasped their action and put together detailed information]


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[Know the limits. Humans, don’t do things that are unpleasant to themselves !]


At my assertion filled with might Klaus-san slightly tilted his head.


[Not really. If they aren’t able to defend themselves, they are the one that lack ability right?]


[ It’s useless, this person use himself as the criteria! Al-san, Mao-sama please say something to him!


Just a few minute after our encounter, the way I call the prince is already thoroughly settled as Mao-sama.


[ Black knight is skillful that’s why, him having his work as a hobby is just a trivial detail♪]


[ Klaus has been like this since childhood……I always understood his conduct]


Then don’t work! Even though at first it looked plausible!

A long time ago…..I think it’s strange, such a kid!

? Nh……?  『Since childhood』?


[ By any chance, are the three of you childhood friends……?]




[ That’s right]


[ We associated with each other for more than twenty years]


Aah……no one cutted into this oddball trio right……!

Then without being corrected, they quickly grew up, and this is the result……!


[ Did you just thought of something incredibly rude ?]]


[ It’s just your imagination. I only thought of a sad reality ]


[Is that so]


Sensei quitting his work as an imperial court physician and retiring to a village, wasn’t because he got worn out by those weirdo right?

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The white knight is a pervert, the prince is a Mao, the black knight is like a criminal.


[Black Knight……If there’s one, there’s 30 right, they will spring up everywhere.]



That’s right, like a certain G creature.

Since they are powerful people their life force must be undoubtedly also strong.




[ Oya……]


[Wha ! ?]


When I unintentionally leaked my real intentions the expressions of the three of them changed.

Oh my, did my thought leaked?

Did they understood the meaning ??

Klaus-san, for the first time your expression changed neh-

It was a trivial thing but it compensated my lost mental state. Of course I won’t apologize.

Oh my, Mao-sama’s angelic smile, is in its top form isn’t it?


[ Un, I am happy that a smart kid like you came♪]




His magical power are so strong that his emotion can be read, was it…..

Eh, did I prematurely raised a death flag?

Will I end up being consigned to oblivion?


[That’s why listen to my request please?]


I have no technique that can oppose his threatening smile.

…….for the time being I’ll nod.

Whatever happens I already don’t know…..?


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