The Prince’s outward appearance is that of an Angelic Mao-sama

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The Kingdom of Ilfena is endowed with an harbor and abundant harvest. It’s capital is the port city Gartia.

Despite being a small country, it’s an existence that many country can’t ignore.

For one thing the distribution of goods that come from here.


The port is used as intermediary to transport things whitin Ilfena in various places, with particular emphasis it carries out food.

Daily necessity aside, you can’t live without food.

It would be a particularly painful story for the privileged class.


Next let’s pass on the diplomacy.

The many talented people in Ilfena are directly proportional to their strong patriotism.


If something bad were to happen, they would simply expose their concealed fangs.

It they were to grasp some informations that would became a trump card used in negotiation…..where no matter how unreasonable the demand, you have no other choice than accepting.

The ones that challenge it convert and turn under their control, the result is that Ilfena become justice.


And last is their powerful military force.

Ilfena is not a country that put importance to the strength of the military.

The problems are the Black Order and White Order that are under the direct control of the Royal family.

They are elite guards under the direct control of the Royalty, and as the name suggest they are elite that wear black and white uniform respectively.


The treatment for the Imperial guards is an exception, but presently Ilfena’s knights standard uniform is blue.

Its origin is way back in history, from when Gartia was a separate Country.

Originally between Ilfena and Gartia was builded a friendly relation of many years based of the fact that they were neighboring countries.


Royalty and Nobles were deeply connected by marriage, in case they were not blessed with an heir they would welcome a person from the neighboring country, that’s why their relationship was known to be good.

The country crest resembled each others, Ilfena had a white hawk while Gartia a black eagle.

Their people mutually said they were the second hometown of one another. They might have originally been of the same nation.

However two hundred years ago the whole land was dragged into a great war, to keep their defense the two country beared considerable damage.

Even though the great war ended, they judged that their originally small countries if leaved as they were, would’ve been crushed, with the people’s acknowledgement it was decided to unificate with Ilfena.

At that time, it was decided that Ilfena would be the Nation and Gartia its capital city.

Ilfena’s knights wear white, and Gartia’s knights wear black uniform, and for walking as a new country it was changed in blue, but that part still remain as a remnant of the matter.


The Order under the Royalty are the 『White Wings』and the 『Black Wings』.

A group of patriotism chosen based on strength only, where their top priority is the life of their chief. Even aristocrat can’t interfere with them.

They themselves all hold the privilege and ability to make the wish of their chief come true, they are a 『country』worst blade.


 …….The result of their mobilization weren’t severe since the countries that suffered from them were few.

 Although a small country Ilfena was looked up by other nations, and so this is the reason as to why they relatively hold considerable strength.





[…….And so is the country]

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[ E-……..that’s amazing]


Currently, I’m in a guest room talking a lecture about Ilfena from Al-san .

Taking different actions Sensei and the knights respectively reported and went to do greetings.

So Al-san is my escort and guard. Umu, thanks for the kind explanation.


[I didn’t expected that when we entered the town around the castle you’ll get to hear this….]


[Iya, but it was bothering me]


 When I entered the town around the castle I accidentally heard this.

『He wasn’t aiming for that was he? He’s so affluent』


Come on, a wealthy country that is targeted is a destruction flag〜 it’s the rule yo.

It has a port and abundant crops, moreover it’s small country, neh?

Let’s put together a princess and a person who is going to become a hero and it’s complete!


 Well….as expected from 『the destruction flag still hasn’t raised right?』I couldn’t tell.

Afterwards, since we were at this point, I received an explanation.


 I see, I wonder if those people survived since they weren’t able to defeat those genius ・strange oddballs.


 Ah〜…..certainly if those weirdo left behind this much achievement then it would just end with a 『these are things that happen often』.

I didn’t thought that the talk would expand to the history background.

 The renmant of the two country are the white knight and black knight. The blue uniform is the universal clothes for knight.

So, it’s a historic elite unit……






You guys, apologize to your ancestors.


[ I think I heard that the knights of the past were similar?]


[I, what am I saying?]


[fufu, I like how we are doing right now]


 You’re uselessly refreshed, oi.


 I unintentionally looked and found him in a smiling state.


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 Hmm……this person, he doesn’t show his real self.

You’re not really competent interpersonally are you ?


 I’m not perplexed about the fact that my position is being taken advantage of.

For the sake of inviting me to the Castle the noble and the knight calmly presented themselves when I was still in the village.


 Absolutely no mercy against the enemy.

……regarding this I am the same I think?


If not, I wouldn’t be able to live would I?


[May I ask you something?]


[Hai, suit yourself]


[Are you… to kill a person?]




 Al-san, you’re so skillfull. My eyes aren’t laughing you know?


[You can kill, without a doubt]


[You think so? But I didn’t kill those attackers?]


[ You 『didn’t kill』or it’s better to say『it wasn’t needed』 I think]




[I mean, it was pointless right? Besides…..]


 A *kyin*…….sound was heard along with the draw of a long freezed object.

 Together with a smile the edge of the ice made its appearance near Al-san’s neck.


 [I『knew』of the dangerousness of chantless magic. Even in the case Sensei was there, 『I understood』that his healing magic wouldn’t make it in time. About those two conditions that I said just now, would you give it a thought please?]


[ Is it agreeable to speak?]


[ It’s useless, there’s no meaning in concealing something in front of a person that already realized it. I『chose for myself』understood?]


 After informing him I dissolved the ice and Al-san joyfully laughed.

…….crap, did the play just now contain a moe factor !?


[ I’m so happy! You truly are a person that exceed expectations. …….I absolutely won’t give up]

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O – i, Al – san!


  Well, he’s not listening to the conversation at all is he?


Also, that last line wasn’t needed?


[……that’s all. Your Highness, now do you believe that compared to what I told you she went beyond what I esteemed?]


[……? Your Highness??]


[It’s His Highness Elson. ……I’m truly sorry, Mizuki. We tested you out.]


 Tested who…..Apart from us nobody is in this room.


 By any chance, interception? There’s interception in this world? It’s possible !?

  I was just being tested without a warning !?


[Of course, Al. …..nice to meet you, magician-dono of another world?]


As he said so, a person followed by a black knight entered the room.

This person is His Highness. Is the black knight a leader like Al-san?


  Oh, I didn’t expect to have the perfect incarnation of a prince in front of my eyes!

  Gentle wavy golden hair and blue eyes, with a beautiful face that can be mistaken as a woman……when he was younger he must really has looked like an angel right!

E-e,with the coloring and appearance of an angel.




Ouji-sama, even though your just smiling I wonder why do you feel so intimidating……?

uh huh, if a child were to look at you he’ll cry. How to say it, your atmosphere is scary.


“It’s all right” said Al-san while stroking my head…. isn’t it strange for the word “all right” to appear here to begin with!?

It’s not like he didn’t notice my tension right!?


Doesn’t this feel like something dangerous!?


[……Your Highness, hold back a little please]


[Ah, sorry. I was unconsciously having fun]

[Having fun…..?]


That thing that was suppressing me was magic or something?

Black knight-san, thank you for the consideration. Your Highness, that was having fun….?

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[For something this cute to be able to become this scary]


[My thoughts exactly! And that’s what scares me!]


[Uhn♪ this way I proved that you have sufficent capabilities]


[Bully-y !! You’re a devil, no, a demon king! ]

He was having fun from the very beginning right!

Lese majeste? Who the hell would know, about such a thing!

 Oh, His Highness suppressed chuckle, his smile is deepening more and more.

 E, in my remark just now which part of it was amusing!?


[uh huh, to be called demon king]




[My magical power is too high, you know? I can’t use normal magic because it puts a dangerous burden on my body, but… It seems like containing it gives off an intimidating feeling.]




A real Mao-sama has come.


With the outward appearance of an angel, how novel.

Are there no horns or wings?

Would you conquer the world after I return home please?


[ Therefore with great pains, I use it for various things.]


I mean, isn’t it fun?


  To add one thing to another, it’s not my imagination what I seem to have heard right?

It’s not just his magical power….this person, his content are that of a demon king too.

Waa……as expected of Ilfena, the oddballs producing center.

  From what I heard from sensei heard from sensei he is a patriot to the max…..but normally he is a diabolik prince right!

 Since thinking is a freedom I think I’ll scream in my mind.


Heroo!! Person with the attribute ・Hero, where are youuuu!!


The last boss is here, it’s your turnnnn!!!




Eh……I, do I have to look after this person?

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