How to Trap You.

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While Benelucia claimed to love Senelia, he’d showered her abundantly with precious gifts. 

Mermaid’s Tears. 

Sun Crystals.

Fairy Flowers…

The list was endless. 

When bought at the auction, each could sell for the value rivaling that of a small kingdom’s national treasure. 

Of course, Senelia would graciously accept any present given by Benelucia, but it ended at acceptance. 

Besides the first time, Senelia would never again wear the gift, no matter how many times Benelucia requested her to. He’d never had the chance to see them decorating her after the first time. 

At first, he’d wondered to himself, did she not like his gifts?

It made sense, Benelucia was aware that his previous lovers had picky tastes, and so he concluded that Senelia was cut of the same cloth. 

[T/N: The same as his past lovers.]

Is there a law against gifting the same, just because it’s Senelia?

He never found out the reason until the day she’d said goodbye. 

All of the gifts, the precious gifts given by Benelucia, were stored securely and individually in jewel cases. Safe from even random specks of dust, they sat patiently until they could be returned, in perfect condition, to their rightful owner. 

No matter how well a person took care of their jewelry, even if they didn’t bear to wear it outside, it wouldn’t have been able to keep itself scratch free. 

[T/N: Meaning it can get scratched when cleaning it, or tarnished when wearing it when she is alone, etc.]

However, the gifts returned by Senelia maintained its original brilliance, it had never been taken out of its casing. 

Senelia would never imagine the shock that brought Benelucia to a standstill when he had first discovered the condition of his gifts. 

From the moment she’d received my gifts, she’d been ready to return them. 

It proved that she had never considered them her own in the first place.

“No, I don’t think I’ll be noticed if I go with my family’s gown, but if it’s Madame Rampadour’s dress…”

The memory of his reaction when giving her gifts made Senelia revise her initial plan.

I felt that I had to force myself to enjoy only the best of things to the point where I would no longer be told that I was over deserved or that I was overflowing my means. I had to like them because of their value, not because they were something I desired. 

And if a person gets used to receiving only the best of the best, of course only those things will catch their eye.

With that thought in mind, Benelucia felt that his way of gifting was correct.

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When you get used to the best things, anything less becomes insignificant.

And he was the only one who could bring those things to Senelia.

If I could tie her tighter to me in this way, why wouldn’t I?

“I like the accessories from Lucerne.”

Thus Benelucia mentioned the designer Lucerne by name.

Lucerne, like Madame Rampadour, was a craftsman who crafted and supplied only to the Imperial Family.

“…Your Highness!”

Senelia felt unable to form a proper reply.

Benelucia had been giving Senelia gifts whenever he felt the desire, but she didn’t care much about what she wore or felt the need to dress up for no reason. 

He was originally a man who was generous to his lover, whether that lover loved him or not.

So Senelia was under the impression that Benelucia might have forgotten about it altogether after giving her the gift.

[T/N: Once the gift was given, he wouldn’t need to remember what he had given.]

So, no matter how much he loved her now, she couldn’t handle the fact that he tried to court her and win her over using the same means as before. He still chose to win her over using status and expensive trinkets. 

It is true that Benelucia deliberately forced her to obey and bend to his will, but this was far beyond Senelia’s expectations.

“Sally, you’ll need a stylist to do your hair and make-up.”

Whether Senelia agreed, Benelucia seemed unwilling to accept her refusal.

“It would be good for Baroness Schweiken to be in charge of your dressing.”

Baroness Schweiken was a maid in charge of Benelucia’s mother, the former empress.

She had already retired a long time ago, but she still nurtured the younger children so that her skill set would not dwindle away. 

That meant that Baroness Schweiken was very busy and proud.

“…Your Highness, please calm down, let’s talk and discuss…”

Senelia grabbed Benelucia’s arm with trembling fingers.

The only coherent thought Senelia possessed at that moment was to stop him and without realizing it, she came up with the coldest words lurking deep within her heart to freeze him in his wake. 

“Are you going to introduce me as the Grand Duchess at the banquet of the Marquis of Elihan? Lady Elihan is there, and above all, did I not already tell you that I would completely end things with  you, Grand Duke?”

Madame Rampadour, Lucerne, and Baroness Schweiken. There were many who wanted them to attend them. It was an honor to be served by a person reserved for the Imperial Family.

But Senelia’s reason for rejecting them was simple.

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She didn’t want to deserve it.

Of course, she wouldn’t admit that secretly, one of her reasons was that she wanted to put an end to Benelucia’s plans to completely entangle her while she was powerless.

But really, she never really wanted that qualification, to be his Grand Duchess.

Marrying him was a necessary condition for living freely.

If it came to losing her freedom of life, those qualifications didn’t matter.

So Senelia’s words sounded perfectly true.

As a result, Benelucia’s excited thoughts, which wanted to bind her to him by feeding her greed, were extinguished before the seeds could take root.

“…Yes, you rejected me. Again”

Benelucia remarked in a calm voice.

His silver eyes darkened.

While he was contemplating how to hold Senelia to him, she never forgot the fact that she had decided to leave.

At that thought, Benelucia gnashed his teeth involuntarily.

“But so what?”

Benelucia spat through gritted teeth.

If I could, I would reveal every method she’s planned to leave me. I would hinder every plan she comes up with. 

“I can propose as much as I want until you accept me.”

He was rejected by Senelia, something he had never experienced before in his life.

However, Benelucia’s rationality prioritized keeping her by his side rather than being swayed by his own wounded pride.

There were many things to fill his pride in his future life.

However, there is only one Senelia, and if I miss her, it will be the end.

“Because now and forever, I will be your only man.”

So Benelucia willingly knelt down in front of Senelia and lowered himself in order to win her affections again.

“Do you want to introduce yourself as the Grand Duchess at the banquet?”

Benelucia’s lips landed on the fourth finger of Senelia’s left hand.

He and she weren’t engaged, so her finger remained bare. 

In fact, Benelucia deliberately bought and carried gifts with him that could easily be substituted as wedding bands, but Senelia had never worn them.

Of course, at the time he didn’t even know why he acted in such a manner.

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“If so, will you accept my marriage proposal? Will you? Sally?”

Benelucia’s voice suddenly softened upon her name.

Like the snake that whispered to Eve, urging her to taste the forbidden fruit, Benelucia had a beautiful face paired with an infinitely kind smile, as if he were going to bewitch Senelia.

Unknowingly, she followed that smile and her gaze fell on Benelucia’s exquisite features.

His face, the most handsome one their world had seen, was smiling only for Senelia.

So how could she easily deny the enormous ripple effect of Benelucia’s actions on her heart?


When Senelia didn’t say a word of refusal, Benelucia’s smile deepened.

“You have to answer me, come on, Sally?”

Benelucia urged Senelia for an answer once again.

He was a man accustomed to others loving him due to his appearance.

Her reaction…

In it, Benelucia was convinced that Senelia would accept him.

“I am—”

But at that moment, Senelia suddenly came back to her senses as if she had been freed from magic.

Benelucia’s confident face…!

She knew that face.

The face that had never failed in love, and thus never yearned for love.

He has that face again!

Even though he waited for Lucalina for a long time, he had no doubt that she would love him in the end. He never doubted that time would fade away Lucalina’s feelings for him. 

If it was any other man, time would have distanced them, but not for Benelucia. Not for the male lead. 

“…No, I will not marry His Highness.”

So Senelia had to say no.

While watching Benelucia’s bright smile drop, Senelia felt her heart ache and throbbed in pain. 

I felt like I had done something I shouldn’t do.

But she didn’t take her words back. 

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Rather than being Benelucia’s second love, she had to be first. She needed his very soul to thirst for her. 

“If you need me as a shield because of Lady Elihan’s and your love, tell me. I will follow your orders… Always”

Senelia drew the uncrossable line again.

It was a hint that she would never marry Benelucia of her own accord.


Benelucia couldn’t stand Senelia’s hidden whisper and cut her off. 

His voice sharpened to a point. 

As she flinched, Benelucia bit his lip and apologized.

“I’m… I’m sorry for yelling at you. However, I…”

Benelucia was speechless.

I love you. Sally, I love you. 

So there’s absolutely no need to use you as a shield. 

Even if he said this, Senelia would not give a positive answer or take his word for it.

And, arguably, it was him who made her like this.

The two swallowed back words left unsaid. Senelia sighed. 

“Do not say that… and no matter how shameless I am, I will not force you to marry me just to be used as a shield.”

In the end, that was all Benelucia could say.

Something hot was placed in his chest, burning his insides.

Still, he couldn’t spit it out.

“…If you feel burdened, let’s go to another boutique.”

And in the end, haggling with Seneliawas not worth it. Benelucia’s will to overpower her with authority was discarded. 

Yes, I couldn’t force anything on Senelia any more.

However, he soon regretted his choice.

Just as Benelucia had planned, he changed his mind and took Senelia to the boutique of Madame Longerute, a famous designer in the capital, where he knew there was a dress that Senelia would like.

It was then that he felt regret.

Entering the boutique, Benelucia and Senelia came face to face with the female lead.

Lucalina Elihan.

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