Is it love or not?

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It was Lucalina who approached Benelucia first.

“Ben, what are you doing here? This one is…”

Lucalina, who had been addressing the male lead with a warm expression, halted and turned her gaze towards Senelia.

“…Lady Daphnen?”

Lucalina’s words made it clear that she recognized Senelia immediately.

Senelia found herself momentarily frozen.

The blue eyes resembling the sky, hair as silver as moonlight, an air of confidence and elegance that demanded attention wherever she went.

Suddenly, Senelia recalled how Lucalina was described in the original story.

Despite thinking her recollection of the source material had dimmed, she couldn’t understand why such details were surfacing at this very moment.

However, one thing was certain.

The portrayal of the female lead in the original work had been precise, never venturing into excess.

Had Benelucia not been present by her side, Senelia might have recognized Lucalina the moment she stepped out of the carriage.

Lucalina’s presence was commanding, a magnetic force drawing the attention of those around her.

Just like Benelucia often does, the main characters usually give us, the readers, that impression.

Suddenly, Senelia’s stomach churned with unease.

Did Lucalina originally match the banquet with her attire from the Longerute Dressing Room…?

Senelia couldn’t recall.

Madame Carlotta’s dressing room was managed by Count Servis, a relative of Marquis Elihan.

As a result, Marquis Elihan frequented the place, causing Senelia to intentionally avoid Carlotta’s dressing room so as not to stir memories of Lucalina for Benelucia.

This had been her practice during the six years she had been Benelucia’s lover.

Even if her memory of the source material faded, Senelia couldn’t forget where Lucalina used to get her outfits tailored.

However, of all days, today Benelucia and Lucalina crossed paths in Madame Longerute’s dressing room.

It was as if they were mocking Senelia, subtly alluding to the connection between the main characters that she had tried to keep separate.

As that realization hit her, her mind went blank.

While Senelia found herself at a loss for words, Lucalina moved closer.

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“Daphnen, right?”

“Just hold on a moment, Luna.”

Benelucia stepped between Senelia and Lucalina, blocking Lucalina’s 179 cm tall frame from Senelia’s sight.

[T/N: A very tall woman…]

At that moment, Senelia finally felt like she could breathe and think.

“…Ben, what are you doing?”

Benelucia’s protective stance seemed to have flipped a switch in Lucalina’s tone, as her once youthfully joyous voice took on a sudden edge.

“Do you really think I would harm Lady Daphnen?” 

Lucalina questioned him, her regret evident.

“No— Not that…” 

Benelucia was at a loss for words.

It wasn’t like that, truly Luna.

The delicate atmosphere between them was shattered.

“…It’s the first time I’ve seen you, Lady Daphnen.”

For a brief moment, Senelia appeared somewhat fatigued.

His action was a reflex in response to Senelia’s sudden bout of fatigue.

“My apologies, Lady Elihan, my name is Senelia Daphnen.”

Senelia revealed herself from the camouflage, stood beside Benelucia and greeted Lucalina with politeness.

Standing at 172 cm tall, Lucalina was taller than Senelia by 7 cm. 

Senelia had to look up at her.

Senelia’s heart raced with nervousness.

Not wanting to let only Benelucia and Lucalina converse, Senelia unwittingly inserted herself, but the more she observed Lucalina, the smaller she felt.

Lucalina shone with a radiance akin to a female lead, making Senelia feel rather insignificant. One might question why I keep getting entangled in the original work… Haa…

However, the original work had entirely altered Senelia’s life; how could she not hold onto it?

At least, it had to follow the original path for her to change the future, so changing it too early was a risky endeavor.

Just like when she first encountered Cliff, Senelia didn’t want to jeopardize her life in an unfamiliar situation.

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“…His Highness the Grand Duke.” 

Senelia glanced back at Benelucia and called out for him.

In this moment, she was trapped in endless turmoil and inner conflict, she despised being around Lucalina.

She was restless.

But what would Senelia Daphnen, who had spent eight years crafting this facade, do? Hmmm…

Ultimately, there was only one conclusion.

“You seem to have something to discuss, so I’ll step aside first.”

Senelia retreated from the male lead’s side.

In that instance, her expression swiftly hardened.

To fulfill her duty. To not dare to yearn for Benelucia. That was the vital essence of her plan. 

If it was the persona Senelia had cultivated, the one she was familiar with. Her next step should have been straightforward.

The moment she kept Lucalina at bay and allowed a hint of resentment to surface in front of Benelucia… Senelia would be just like all the others who had fallen under his spell.

Even if Benelucia felt affection for me now.

At least, Senelia was certain about this.

“…Are you planning to leave like this?”

Benelucia’s grip tightened on Senelia’s arm, his disbelief evident.

He voiced his disbelief, unable to fathom her intentions.

Senelia had assured the Grand Duke that she understood Lucalina’s nature, but to think she would just leave him alone with Lucalina. 

It didn’t make sense if she truly cared for me.

“You should stay with Lady Elihan.”

Senelia cast a scrutinizing glance at Lucalina, then sighed and gently disentangled her arm from Benelucia’s grasp.

It was as if she realized that this gesture might seem inappropriate in front of Lucalina.

“Thank you, Lady Daphnen. In any case, I have something to discuss with Ben.”

Lucalina seized the opening Senelia’s action provided and inserted herself between Benelucia and Senelia.

Normally, she wouldn’t have done such a thing, but after Senelia had rebuffed her advances, it seemed she had grown a bit on edge as well.

“Well then.”

Senelia offered a slight bow, then turned away without hesitation.

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Though she appeared unaffected, inwardly, she was filled with worry.

Her hands, gripping the hem of her dress, grew clammy with a cold sweat.

Senelia couldn’t help but imagine the conversation that might unfold between Benelucia and Lucalina if she were to walk away.

The moment she turned, a pang of regret immediately washed over her.

Yet, she couldn’t help it.

Senelia was never meant to be a source of bother or trouble for him.

“Where were you planning to go?”

Benelucia’s grasp on Senelia’s wrist almost felt like a relief.

“I don’t have anything to discuss with you, Luna.”

Benelucia’s interruption was firm and unwavering, cutting off Lucalina.

At that moment, it didn’t matter to him that the person holding him was Lucalina.

What mattered was that Senelia wanted to distance herself from him because of another woman.

That single thought had Benelucia’s emotions in turmoil.

“Your Highness, the Grand Duke.”

Senelia blinked, her face slightly flushed.

They were in front of Lucalina.

Of course, Senelia wished to be someone the male lead would never want to let go of.

However, she never expected to find herself caught by him in front of Lucalina.

It was just that Benelucia had always kept Lucalina in his heart during the eight years that Senelia had been observing; she never thought he had the guts to make such a decision.

Just like the time he had left Senelia to help Lucalina during one of Clif’s schemes.

“To be honest, I was just going to look for some clothes… It’s not urgent or anything…”

Senelia involuntarily began to make excuses.

Certainly, it wasn’t a conscious effort on Senelia’s part.

She had simply grown accustomed to acting this way, and above all, Lucalina had always been the heroine in her eyes.

The male protagonist, Benelucia; she hadn’t forgotten this fact despite the passing years.

This very awareness of Lucalina’s significance left Senelia feeling intimidated whenever they crossed paths.

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Even Senelia’s unwavering determination to stand by Benelucia’s side felt futile in moments like these.

After all, Senelia had etched into her very bones who the true protagonist of this world was.

“…So, you’re just planning to leave like that, when nothing’s happening?”

Benelucia clenched his teeth and spoke out. 

Senelia’s behavior had always been like this.

One day, she seemed to adore him, and the next, she appeared indifferent to whatever he did.

From taking meticulous care of his coffee, tea, and every dish he ate, down to the embroidery on his clothes, she seemed to anticipate his every need. She anticipated and catered to his every whim well before the scandal that had engulfed Benelucia.

…And even after the scandal.

Yes, Senelia behaved as if she was completely unfazed by the scandal.

Her actions suggested love, but her circumstances indicated otherwise.

It would have been easier for Benelucia to relinquish his feelings for her if he believed that Senelia didn’t love him.

But just a short while ago, Senelia had joyfully accepted his marriage proposal.

Benelucia was certain that it wasn’t his imagination playing tricks on him.

How many years had we been together? 

He had lost count.

True, it had all started because of my own fault, but how could one suddenly turn emotions on and off like a faucet?

Yet, after eagerly agreeing to his proposal, Senelia had once again distanced herself from Benelucia with ease.

Truly, Benelucia was uncertain whether Senelia’s feelings for him were genuine or not.

As a result, his grasp on her wrist involuntarily tightened, as if afraid she might slip away.

Otherwise, he felt that if he let her go now, it seemed she might slip through his fingers.

“…Sally, don’t you have any pride? What kind of woman would be willing to hand over the man she’s with to another woman?”

Benelucia’s anger was intense, but he somehow managed to lower his voice, mindful of their surroundings.

Senelia disliked drawing attention, so she bore with it.

He hoped she would be upset with him for placing her in such a predicament.

Thus, he was contemplating offering an apology in any case.

However, as was often the case with Senelia, Benelucia’s expectations were off the mark.

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