But today, because of Ye Jian, he made an exception.

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Not only did he provide them motorcycles, but he also told them a secret tunnel for arms sales and drug transactions. This was like receiving coal during winter!

Coming out of the basement, some concentrated gunshots could be heard nearby, but the gunshots were still intense in the middle of the city.

Back in Ye Jian’s room, J5 asked Ye Jian to take out the previously developed route map, and he took out the city map for reference and comparison.

Ye Jian drew on the white paper that was neither waterproof nor fireproof, so she took extra care when taking it out for fear of tearing it.

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“Starting from the auto repair shop, walk along the west side of the city… avoid the guards of the Old and New Policies and their cross-fire points…” J5’s finger lightly moved across the route map drawn by Ye Jian. Then, referring to the city map, he solemnly said, “The route that Kun Dan shared with us is all dark roads for arms sales and drug transactions; it is safer than the route I planned before.”

“The route he pointed out is the same as we left the city, and it is much faster to leave the city. The road back to China is also very close. If there is no need to meet other comrades, the road he pointed out is indeed a route to return to China as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot choose this route when returning home.”

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They eventually needed to rendezvous with their comrades instead of returning directly to their country. They could only use half of the route Kun Dan mentioned; the rest of the route remained unchanged. They still had to go to their destination according to their old plan.

“It’s much more convenient to have motorcycles. If there’s nothing else, we will arrive at the Shan village at about two in the morning. The village is a semi-enclosed village. Combined with the nearby Mon villages, there will be roughly a 100 person armed force. We need to go around them, into the mountains, and walk for about three hours to reach the helicopter landing site.”

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The airport in the neighboring country had been closed, and urban traffic had become paralyzed. Driving a vehicle was far worse than riding a motorcycle.

After re-planning the route, J5 smiled at Ye Jian, “Kun Dan only provides weapons, never transportation. We are blessed because of you, Ye Jian. He provided us with three motorcycles, saving our time to steal from the streets.”

Ye Jian glanced at the sky above the city that was gradually enveloped in darkness. When darkness came, the sporadic gunshots seemed a lot more abrupt than during the day, and the sound waves that burst out of the chamber had a wider range… Wasn’t the movement bigger now? Wouldn’t it become the public’s main focus?

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She spoke out her scruples.

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“It’s also a good time to ambush at night. After a wave, the fire at night will come at any time. This is our chance to leave.” J5 explained with a smile, “If there is no war, we won’t be able to leave.”

Ye Jian understood this concept. She only thought that the gunfire outside was getting smaller and quieter at night, but she didn’t think that night time was a more suitable time for fighting than during the day.

That said, Kun Dan was credible.

Ye Jian did not believe in Kun Dan, but she believed in her comrades.

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There was one more important thing she had to tell them! The shameful conspiracy about the New Policy!

“Kun Dan told me that the New Policy wanted to take the opportunity of getting rid of us to frame Ruililla. Qin Xiu, do you want to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and tell them about the New Policy’s shameless conspiracy?”

Ye Jian knew how her comrades would react when she said this, so after speaking, she watched them quietly.

Like her, her comrades had a murderous look in their eyes, and their eyes were as sharp as a blade.

But they all restrained their emotions very well and turned to look at Qin Xiu.

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