Whether such matters needed to be reported to the country immediately depended on the diplomats.

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Qin Xiu wasn’t that angry. He accepted it calmly and said, “General Wu Weinu of the neighboring country Military Group has a deep feud with Ruilila. Even if the New Policy Klitsch has any ideas, he needs to take into consideration the influence of the international community; he won’t dare to act carelessly.”

“General Wu Weinu can, though. He has the people, he has the power, and he can take the opportunity to ruin Ruilila. He will not let this opportunity go. And I previously guessed that he would take this opportunity to make a move…but I still deny my thoughts in the end. Not only Ruililla is the crazy one, even Wu Weinu is crazy.”

Enemy diplomacy did not kill the messenger. This had been the case since ancient times.

It was even more so now. Except for those terrorists who dared to kill, as a country, it was absolutely impossible to eradicate the diplomatic Ambassador of another country. The murderer country would be scolded by the entire world! Some countries may even break diplomatic relations with that particular country.

But the situation in the neighboring country was different now. A civil war had begun. If the Chinese Ambassador was killed, they could only express their regrets and apologies. They wouldn’t want that too.

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J5 smiled coldly, “We must make them pay for their shamelessness.” Then, he asked Qin Xiu, “Do you need to notify our country? “

“Need. If really anything happens to me, our country can respond immediately.” Then, in the face of life and death, Qin Xiu smiled calmly, “No matter if I die or not, the neighboring country will always pay for their conspiracy.”

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The price Qin Xiu referred to was the foreign trade transaction between the two countries.

And what J5 meant was the movements at G3’s side.

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The three soldiers, V8, K7, and Snow Eagle, did not speak, but their eyes were as cold as a sharp arrow, looking very murderous.

As a bloody soldier, they absolutely couldn’t bear the neighboring country’s shameless conspiracy that showed they didn’t even put China in their eyes!

“A weak country has no status… Our country has been hiding its powers for so long, so we should slowly raise its head…” Qin Xiu said softly, the elegant and handsome face exuding coldness, making his gentle and calm temperament change into something very bold.

It was time to raise their heads up slowly…

His words reached the heart of those bloody soldiers. Their clenched fists were tightened and then loosened and loosened and then tightened. Everything would be fine! Everything would be fine!

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They had grown up in this era and served in this era, witnessing the burden of China when the country was weak and at the same time witnessing the prestige of the country when it was strong.

There was a song that sang, “Dignified Chinese will let the Quartet come over to congratulate.” And they were looking forward to that day!

As the sky gradually darkened, the sporadic gunfire outside seemed to disappear. Several people gathered in the room and waited for the night to arrive.

A day of war was very difficult for the civilians. Listening to the gunfire and screams, time felt as if it had slowed down, and they had to wait for so long for every hour to pass.

But for the special soldiers of the Elite Platoon, they were not very afraid, listening to the gunfire. For them, time was just an hour of vigilance in turn, and the sky got dark in the blink of an eye.

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At five o’clock in the evening, in the inland river not far from the slum, several neighboring country’s soldiers in military uniforms were commanding the civilians living by the river to use their manpower and tractors to pull out two motorcycles from the river.

The military group expanded its search and found that two civilians were using tractors tied with ropes, trying to pick up the motorcycle that had fallen into the river.

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By the roadside, there was a motorcycle that had been salvaged.

At this time, only a few civilians had the guts to walk outside. To save their lives, they all hid in their houses, not wanting to walk around outside simply. And the behavior of these two people attracted the attention of the soldiers from the neighboring country who were searching for the Chinese.

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