Chapter 24 - The Monster Duke Mistook Me for His Wife

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Translated by Arnlian
Edited by Arnlian


Bang! When the door closed, the  smile on Dillian’s face disappeared like a mirage. 


“Th, this! You’re going to do something dirty to our Ria again, right?”

“Be quiet, get out of here. I need to put my thoughts together.”


Having easily removed Nathan, Dillian sat on the sofa and crossed his legs. 


‘I hit you in the head.’


Ria’s voice rings like an echo.


That is a very credible statement. Usually, when your head gets a big shock, the memory becomes impaired. 


It was another trick of Ria to push himself away. 


Over the past month, the trust toward Ria, who deceived him and hid the truth, has been embedded in the inner core of the earth. 


‘I’d rather listen to Nathan.’


She has less credibility than Nathan. 


If Ria had known this, she would have regretted it. But what can I do? This is all her karma.  


‘Sir Dillian, who was in Runaway state tried to attack me.’


I hesitated a little at that time. I remembered something when I heard that. 


The bewildered voice of Ria with Ria on top of him.


Dillian frowned at the fragmentary memory. 


Perhaps Ria’s words are true. 


‘So what?’


Even if all that was true, Dillian could not let Ria go. 


“It’s better that way.”


Dillian chuckled as he looked at the frying pan Ria had thrown. 


If he really suffered amnesia because of Ria, wouldn’t she take the responsibility and put him next to her?  


Ria, who is kind and affectionate, will never abandon him.


So if this were true, it would have been a very good defeat.


Dillian was a born winner. 


Enough to throw one’s defeat.


‘For me who wants this to be true, so funny.’  


As Ria said he was really a madman.  


If what Ria said was true, he seemed to be anxious to get the woman who broke his head.


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“Well, this is also interesting.”

“Is this lusty mad now? He has been mumbling something.”


Dillian let Nathan’s comment slip through one ear.


No matter what happened, he didn’t want to miss Ria. 


The divine power to quell the bloody curse, the addictive sweet scent, and the stability state of him when right next to her.


It all had to be his for him who first discovered it.






Dillian was crazier than I had expected.  


He called me his wife until the end, and as a result, I was the one who was holding the white flag. 


If a madman and a normal person compete, surely it’s a madman who wins.  


Unfortunately, there was no way to resolve the misunderstanding right away. 


And the binding between him and me.


‘It must be hard immediately, however I will resolve it.’


All I have to do is to wait until Nathan finds a way.


“Where are you going?”

“The village. I need something. I also have to go grocery shopping.”


I replied while putting my feet in the boots. 


Dillian is also Dillian, but something more important is waiting for me.


‘Ria, this is a request from May.’

‘She wants me to find the breath of snowflakes*? This might be hard tho…

*A flower’s name. 

‘May says it will be three times.’

‘Nathan, I will get the hoe.’


There’s no way it can’t. Money is everything. 


I accepted May’s request at once. 


May’s request period is one week. 


I need to find the breath of snowflakes in a week. 


‘That foe.’


I glared at Dillian’s back.


If the greenhouse hadn’t been ruined, I would have just sat down and made money from it.


There was no fine herb because of certain someone blew it away.


“Let’s go together.”


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Before I knew it, Dillian, who had changed his clothes, put on his shoes next to me.


“No, what if someone recognized Sir Dillian?” 

“Ah, that would be fine.”


Don’t know where he had found it, Dillian, covering himself with robe said it confidently, 


“No one will recognize me if I wear it like this.”


Dillian’s mouth, which was the only thing that was revealed, drew a line.


“… Alright, let’s go.”


He is a man who will follow secretly even if you tell him not to come. It would have been better if we had just moved together. 


But I withdrew the idea in less than 10 minutes. 


I should have just left him.


“Get out of my way! Get away from Ria! You shameless!”  

“It’s very ugly of you to interfere with everything knowing you’re a holy guardian.”


My ears throbbed as I heard shouted from both sides. 


“I’m Ria’s guardian even before I’m a holy guardian! I’m no different from her parents!”


Dillian looked back at me. I nodded when he asked if it was right.


Then Dillian’s manner changes in an instant. 


“So you are father in law.”

“This, this! What the hell is he talking about!”


Nathan staggered, pretending to grab the back of its neck. 


As I was tired of Dillian’s teasing, I just nodded calmly. 


“Please be polite. I’m an orphan and Nathan loves me like a parent.” 

“I see. Then father in law, I want to have some time alone with Miss Ria, so please go home now. Don’t be so thoughtless.”

“Ria, I was wrong. We should have thrown this guy away then.”

“Go away. Father in law.”

“What’s that way of speaking to an adult!” 


The fight between Dillian, who was about to approach me and Nathan, who was trying to stop Dillian, continued until we reached the village.  


“Nathan, sshh. It’s almost the village.”

“You’ll see, Dillian…!”


Nathan with its mouth shut, glared at Dillian. 


“How nice it is to keep your mouth shut like this. Is it?”

“Sir Dillian too, please stop teasing and just hold this.”


I handed a colorful flowers-patterned shopping basket to Dillian.  


“Role of Sir Dillian today is a porter.”

“I’d be willing to.”

“Humph! Dillian, you look funny…”



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Nathan and I were speechless when we saw Dillian carrying the colorful flowers-patterned shopping basket.


‘It’s a very good match.’


Nathan had nothing to say, but its eyes were glaring. 



“Miss Ria, come on let’s go.”


Dillian, carrying a rustic flowers-patterned shopping basket, entered the village with a confident step.






Dillian kept looking around, wondering as it was his first time looking at the village. 


I felt as if I would lose him if I looked away for a moment, so I grabbed Dillian’s arm and walked around the store. 


“I have bought everything we need, time to go home.”

“Don’t we have lunch?”

“Are you hungry? Please hang in there. Let’s hurry, go home and eat something delicious.”



His lips, exposed under the robe, were pressed down in a straight line.


It was ‘I have a problem’ face.


“What’s wrong with your face?”  

“Isn’t this a date, so we have to eat.”


Date…? Date?


“Who said that? A date? We are just shopping.”

“To be exact, a couple shopping together. Get along.”  


My back was rumbling. He looks so relaxed when he has something hang his throat*.

*In a dangerous situation. 


“Let’s have lunch.”  

“You know from experience that Sir Dillian’s situation is very, very dangerous. So we will have lunch at home.”

“No problem. Let’s go.”

“No, wait…!”


He grabbed my hand and headed for a nearby restaurant. 


When I opened the restaurant door, the wind chime echoed beautifully. At the same time, there was a delicious smell.  



“Is it two of you? You can come this way!”


In a  blink of an eye, I was dragged into the restaurant then pinched him.


“What are you going to do?”

“It is a date.”

“Date for the second time and we are dead!”

“That’s troubling. We still need to do it for fifty years though.” 

“Stop joking…! Ugh.”


For a moment, my wrist was seized and a strong force pulled me. 


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My nose throbbed against a firm chest. 


At the same time, I heard a thud behind my back. 


“It was a close call.”  

“What is…?”


I got out of his arms and looked behind him. 


The bewildered child’s gaze, the orange-colored floor, and the damp Dillian’s clothes. 


Dillian stared at the child silently. 


“Sorr, I am sorry.”


The child, overwhelmed by the pressure, bowed his head in tears. 


‘I feel like I’m driving an accident.’


The combination of a large man covered in a black robe and a tearful child was bound to draw attention. 


I patted the child on the shoulder before garnering other’s eyes. 


“It’s alright. Don’t run around next time. Okay?” 

“I’m sorry…”

“Oh my, oh my, I’m sorry.”


The mother child, who came running late, bowed her head and was at loss.


“It’s alright. You may go ahead.”


I finally sent back the mother and child that apologized to Dillian, and took a hint of Dillian. 


“I sent the child because I thought we’d get attention if the child cried, I’m sorry I did as I wish.  You’re not mad, are you? “

“What am I angry about? I’m happy that Miss Ria is worried about me.”


Like a lie, his lips that were exposed under the robe, were pulled up gently. 


“I’d rather give him a reward.”


“He made Miss Ria worried about me. Such a great kid.”


Phew, I should have not talked.


“… Wipe it first then come back.” 

“I will show you the way.”


A staff who intervened at the right time, led Dillian. 


“I’ll be right back. Please sit down first. Don’t worry about me.” 


I was going to do that even if you didn’t tell me. Strangely, I was exhausted whenever I was with Dillian. 


I sat in the corner where the staff guided me and looked into the menu. 


“You, heard it? They say the Saintess has appeared.”

“Oh, I also heard it. As the prophecy said, she appeared from the abandoned land of Helua, right?”


Saintess? Aina has appeared?  


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