Chapter 25 - The Monster Duke Mistook Me for His Wife

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Translated by Arnlian
Edited by Arnlian


I listened to the information from the noisy restaurant. 


“But no one has seen her face yet.”

“The temple must be careful about it too. It’s the long awaited Saintess, who’s responsible if something bad happens.” 


The appearance of Aina means that the original story has already begun. 


‘I must get out of here asap.’


As I was gathering information through the chatting, an unfamiliar voice broke in.


“You must be interested in the Saintess.”


The brown-haired man sitting next to me greeted me with a friendly smile. 


“… Is there anyone who is not interested in the appearance of the Saintess?”

“Well, yes it is.” 


That was an obvious question, the man said it with a laugh. 


I looked over at the man’s clothes. 


Wilhelm, a village on the border, is often visited by outsiders.  


It’s no wonder I met a stranger. 


It’s just that I’m worried about the sword around his waist. 


And his callous hand, also restrained movements.


‘He’s not just a normal person tho…’


Being so sensitive because of Dillian, I was wary of strangers.


“Ah, I’m not a weird person, so please don’t be too wary. I’m new to Wilhelm and just want to ask for directions.” 


The man, who took the map out of his arms, unfolded it on the table and asked. 


“I heard that Wilhelm has a cursed land, is that right?”

“Do you mean the Black forest?”

“Black forest?”


The man muttered to himself, perhaps unfamiliar with the name he heard for the first time. 


“It is here.”


I pointed to a corner of the map.


Black forest is a name that the villagers called it, it’s not the real name.


“It’s Teepee forest. This is the only land that is called cursed here. It’s a place where the land is rotten and monsters appear.” 

“I think this is the right place.”

“But why are you looking for the Black forest?”


It’s a place avoided by the villagers, but a stranger searches for this place?


“There is something I must look for.”

“It must be important.”


It must be something very precious for him to have such serious eyes.  


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What is it, the important thing? 


‘Is it a treasure buried in the ground?’


Then Nathan’s sharp claws pinched my shoulder tightly. 


‘Don’t get any closer.’


I was frightened. It was the first time Nathan warned me so sharply. 


It wasn’t like this when it told me to avoid Dillian. 


“Thank you. Lady.”


Whether he had a satisfactory answer, a smile hung over his lips.


“In return, I will treat you to a meal. When your party comes back, please select the food together and let me know.” 

“What? No. It’s nothing though.”


When I felt burdened with the excessive kindness of the stranger, I saw Dillian at the end of my gaze.


Finally a day came when it felt good to see Dillian. 


I waved at him.


“Sir Dill…”


Wait, can I call Dillian’s name in front of this mysterious man?


The thought was short. 




Having changed his name at will, I decided to push ahead with it.


“Come here, Sir Dillan.”



The man who followed me and murmured Dillan’s name took a sip of water.


“Please call my name right, Miss Ria.”


But when he saw Dillian who had just come in, his mouth opened. 


Squirt, the water on his mouth flowed straight into the cup.


‘Yes, I’m Seon Jeong’s daughter.’* like the scene, I didn’t expect to see it right in front of my eyes. 

*A famous scene from a Korean drama when the actor drips orange juice because of shock. 



“You’ve got a wonderful talent.”


Nathan murmured out of habit.


Fortunately, he didn’t hear it, so he hit the table, stood up, and screamed. 



“What the?”

“This rude tone! Cold voice! Dillian, it’s you.”


The man sighed as saying ‘do you think I don’t know your voice?’.


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The loud voice drew people’s attention. Dillian eyes frowned. 


On the contrary, the man’s face was full of joy.


“As expected you’re still alive! I knew it. You’re not the kind of guy who’ll die easily.”


“Why didn’t you come back? If you were alive, you should have come back quickly. Do you know how worried I was? Did you finish your job well? Where are all the men going? Is everyone dead except you?”



What kind of situation is this?


I blinked foolishly. 


Where did the stranger disappear for only the extreme guardian remains? 


“No. I’m glad you survived. Did you get hurt?”


While the man spoke breathlessly, Dillian never answered. 


I don’t think he can answer. For Dillian, who lost his memories, the man in front of him is no different from a stranger. 


I looked at the man doing a one-man show then my eyes met with Dillian’s. 


The eyes contained with irritation and trouble.


‘I guess he wants to hide it.’


Indeed, amnesia is a great weakness for Dillian, who has many enemies. 


‘I can’t help it. I’m the kind one who must be the one to ask.’


“Who are you?” 


The man who had been asking questions looked back at me. 


He coughed a lot as if he had remembered my existence belatedly. 


“My name is Harris Thrisio. Dillian, this brat’s cousin.”



Did Dillian have a cousin? I don’t know about that. 


“Are you really his cousin?”


The suspicion that had abated was peeping out again. 


I crept in front of Dillian. 


Then Harris opened his mouth wide. 


“Are you sure? Can you prove it?”

“… Then Lady, what is your relationship with Dillian?”

“Let’s say I’m the benefactor of Sir Dillian’s life.”

“… She introduced like that to someone else, actually she’s my wife.”

“No, his mind is a bit weird right now, you don’t have to listen to him.”

“Wife, are you really pushing me away like this? I’m hurt.”


Just as the 2nd game was about to begin, Harris stepped in.



“So, which way is it…?”

“We are strangers.”



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Dillian seized Harris’s shoulder who was confused by the polar reaction.


So hard as the blood vessel on the back of his hand. 


“I won’t say it twice. She’s my wife.”


Harris’s chin opened as wide as falling off.






Harris, who lived a normal life running on a solid road from the moment he was born to present, faced the biggest crisis of his life in his 26th year. 


“Really, you don’t know who I am?”


It’s ridiculous to find his cousin who he thought was dead at the same time hearing about his marriage, and more of it he has lost his memories. 


“Fish must have a better memory than you.”


Harris, who kept saying the same thing, went bitterly to Dillian. 


Harris looked at Dillian’s face full of irritation and caressed his chin. 


“It’s the same just to look at the face.”

“Why don’t you shut up! It’s noisy.”

“You really lost your memory? The rude way of speaking is still the same…”


Harris murmured in a grave voice. 


Regardless, Dillian’s attention was solely on Ria. 


At first, she seemed to protect him, but when she saw Harris’s locket, Ria left her seat as promised. 


‘Sir Harris is really Sir Dillian’s family.’ 


So he can relax, she said it to shoot Dillian. 


Then, as soon as they moved to a quiet place, he told him all about his conditions. 


She said at least his family should know about this.


But for Dillian, Ria is his family. Give way a hundred times, including Nathan. 


No matter how much Harris claimed to be his family, he was a stranger for Dillian. 


Harris, who takes notice of the fact, asked. 


“You married that woman?”



“She’s not that woman, she’s Ria.”


Harris laughed in vain. That is because he is speechless. 


He can’t believe the man who only cares about himself, cares about others. He didn’t expect he became sensitive just because he didn’t call her name properly. 


‘Is he really alright?’


Anxiety struck him.


“Yeah, Miss Ria. She said no tho.”

“We didn’t put up the ceremony. We didn’t report it either.”

“She told me not to believe you because you two never like that.”

“I suppose so. I’m the only one who likes her.”

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“… What?”


What did I just hear? Harris blinked foolishly. 


“It’s a one-sided love.”


What do you mean by one-sided love? The world’s greatest Dillian has one-sided love? This man who sees women like a rock!


Harris staggered. 


Because of his strong and firm nature among the Holy knights he was called a Tree, but now he was like a dry branch that would break just by a slight touch.  


“… So, it means you’re not married, nor a couple. Just as Miss Ria said.”

“It’s over with just a wedding ceremony, for the marriage report we just need to fill it out.”


Said Dillian, shrugging his shoulders. 


“If we live like that, won’t we eventually become a real couple?”


So, he means that he would continue this kind of life.


Harris grabbed Dillian by the arm in a hurry. 


“Dillian, you came all the way to the border to find the dragon’s heart*. It’s not for getting married or anything.”

*A flower’s name.


It doesn’t matter whether he found the flower or not. 


If he found it, he can go back proudly, and even if he fails, the Crown Prince will not blame him. 


Who dares to blame Dillian Sinaize? 


“Come back with me. Everyone is waiting for you.” 

“Why should I?”

“You’re the head of Sinaize! A dream that you made with all of your life!”

“My dream now is to have a happy family with Miss Ria.”


Dillian’s eyes glistened fiercely as he cut off Harris’s hand.


“Without any disturbance.”


So, in a word, he means ‘get out of here’.


‘This  stubbornness. It’s still the same even if he lost his memory.’


It’s been like that since he was a child. Dillian never changed his decision once. 


This means I can’t take Dillian with me in any way. 


Harris slapped his forehead in frustration. 


“Why do you like that woman? What the hell happened to you that makes you so into her?”


This wasn’t like him. The Dillian I knew was a man who would cut off ties with his family without hesitation.


“Is there a reason needed to like her? I just like her.”

“But there must be something that caught your eyes.”


Harris was desperate to catch even a small snare.


But there is no small crack seen in Dillian. 


“Her smile is beautiful, kind, sweet, comfortable to be around her, and cute when she loses her temper. Sometimes she takes a hint from me, that makes her look like a squirrel, it’s cute.”


Harris’s face went white as a result of the pouring praise. 

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