Returning home safely under Dillian’s protection, I immediately fell onto the bed.

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“I’m tired.”


An accident that happened in a day gave me a headache.


“Ria. You need to wash up.”


I forced myself to stand up to Nathan, who was pushing me on the back.


“Nathan, no matter how much I think about it, it’s weird.”


“All of it!”


Not only Aina, who is obsessed with me for the strange reason of being a guardian angel, but also Lexter, who uses a power similar to that of Dillian.


“Nathan. What are you hiding from me?”

“Hmm, well?”


Nathan, who was lying on his bed, idly, tilted his head at my call.


It’s weird. He obviously knew something, but he didn’t seem to want to tell me in the first place.


As if he wanted me to figure it out on my own.


“The power that Lexter used is the power of the Darkness, isn’t it?”


“But why does it feel similar to sir Dillian’s?”


At first, I had no idea because it was so unseemly and evil that it could not be compared.


However, as time went on, the powers of Lexter and Dillian became more and more similar.




I was worried that Nathan would laugh at it because it was a nonsensical story, so I hesitated.


“Is it the same power? For example, is the source the same?”

“Yeah, it’s the same power.”

“Oh, I see. As expected….”


… Not that! This is really a serious problem, isn’t it?


“Nathan! Why didn’t you tell me when you knew it! And why are you so carefree!”


When I rose from my seat and screamed, Nathan rolled around on the blanket


“I was also confused and couldn’t say it. After seeing whether it was Lexter or lobster today, I knew for sure.”

“Then you should have told me. Are you trying to pretend you don’t know if I hadn’t asked?”

“How can I? I was just going to let you know if you didn’t notice until the end.”


My head was pounding at his careless actions.


For a moment, I sat down in my seat with a tingling of vertigo.


“If the two sources of power are the same, is the curse of Dillian also derived from the Darkness?”




I crouched down and covered my head. No matter how much I thought about it, there was no answer.

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“Ria. No worries. The Darkness that is the source of the curse is not complete now.”


“Yeah, it just woke up, so it’s not that strong.”

“How do you know? Can you feel it?”

“If it had regained its strength, it would have proudly presented its true face in front of you.”


I remembered the sticky, squishy monster I met in Wilhelm.


‘Well, it wasn’t the real thing.’


The monsters that were grinning were just the subordinates  1, 2, 3, and 4.


“Besides, your attack hurt the Darkness’s contractor. It must have taken a lot of damage, so he won’t be able to move for a while.”


I’m glad if my attack weakened him, but I just couldn’t like it.


The Darkness will surely want to find power. Now that he’s hurt, he’ll want it even more.


And now there is only one person with the greatest power.


“… he will aim for Dillian to regain his strength.”

“As expected of our Ria. If I tell you one thing, you’ll know ten.”


Nathan flapped his wings, as if he was excited about a great disciple.


Unlike Nathan, who smiled broadly, I did not intend to straighten my face.


As I stared into the air with a face that seemed to have lived the world, Nathan approached me and told me not to worry.


“But the chances of him defeating Dillian are extremely low.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Dillian’s annoying and sucks, but aren’t we sure about his skills?”


That’s right. I nodded my head with conviction.


“Dillian is stronger. The Darkness wants to find power by killing Dillian right now, but that’s not realistically possible. It’ll probably aim for the last.”


Fortunate in misfortune As I was sweeping my heart, a hypothesis suddenly ran through my head.


“Wait, then, if sir Dillian’s curse is derived from the Darkness, then killing the Darkness will also lift sir Dillian’s curse, right?”

“Yeah. You’re right. Destroy the source and the curse disappears.”


At that moment, the will that had died began to spring up terribly.


“What does the Darkness look like? Does it look the same as the monster we saw?”

“No. If my prediction is correct, it will be in human form. I don’t know what kind of face it has.”


A human being, you say? That was very dangerous for us.


We never know when or where he will be hiding.


My head throbbed at the thought of it.


“What the hell does the Darkness want?”

“There are many reasons, but one thing is certain.”


I kept my mouth shut at Nathan’s words.


“You know it too.”

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“… Is it really me?”


“Why the hell!”


I got up and pulled out my hair.


I didn’t understand at all. What did I say that bothered him so much?


“Is he coveting me the one with enormous divine power? Or will he use me to destroy the world?”


Rather, it would have been better for him to be obsessed with killing myself because I was overflowing with divinity.


“I don’t understand, why is he so obsessed with me?”


What am I! I’m just an ordinary human who possesses the body of a woman named Ria Delice!


I banged my head on the bed and rolled my feet.


“I wanted to live a quiet life, but why is this happening….”

“You will find out soon.”

“I’m not curious at all….”


I don’t know what it is, but it must be a perverted reason!


It must be the reason why it is clingy, shady, and insidious.


After burying my face in the blanket, I turned around and looked up at the ceiling.


As I sat blankly like a madman, Nathan patted my chest.


“Don’t worry. All you have to do is destroy it before the Darkness catches you.”

“Don’t say something that is for sure.”


I answered bluntly, but I was actually guessing vaguely.


The characters that were not in the original were me and the Darkness.


The Darkness with the evil curse and me with enormous divine power.


I didn’t even know I had an instinctive intuition that I was the key to solving this problem.


“So where is the main body?”

“You have to find it.”

“Ah! What is it!”


After all, it means that you have to work hard while running on your feet!


“Nathan, tell me the truth. Is Aina hiding something too?”

“I don’t know that either. I’ve never heard of the word guardian angel.”


It didn’t seem like he was lying.


It meant that even Nathan, who knew everything, didn’t know about that riddle-like person.


Aina who calls me a guardian angel. What the hell is she?





That night, a guest came to Sinaize’s mansion.

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“What’s the matter, you called me first.”


Harris smirked and sat across from Dillian.


“If you called me because of that day I met with miss Ria on my own will, I refuse. Miss Ria said she was okay with that too.”

“Looking at your legs go numb*, you know you did something wrong.”

*The expression used when someone feels uncomfortable when they have done something wrong.


Seeing Harris in a pure white uniform and frowned for a moment,


Dillian asked Harris as he drank the cold water.


“The Shadows?”

“Don’t worry. Because I caught him and locked him in the underground of the temple instead.”


It was no coincidence that Harris caught the Darkness.


This afternoon, after hearing the news from Dillian that Ria had gone out, he gathered an elite group and searched the city thoroughly.


If Ria appears, the Darkness will surely appear.


Harris strengthened the vigilance around him, prepared to capture it, and waited for the Darkness to appear.


Even though it was a shadow rather than a body, it was a sufficient harvest considering the victories that had been missed so far.


‘This must have been what Dillian was aiming for.’


Defeat the Darkness, and increase the number of troops to protect Ria.


Harris snapped his tongue at the thought of the Sinaize forces hiding throughout the capital.


All of this seemed like a well-crafted board by Dillian.


“Did you find any information?”

“No, it’s not easy.”


As if things weren’t going well, his tired face fluttered.


“An organism that can’t speak?”

“No, differently than before, it can speak. He must have regained his strength enough to communicate.”

“Then what’s the matter?”

“For some reason, it only opened its mouth in front of the Saintess.”

“You can eavesdrop.”


Harris shrugged and tapped his head lightly with his index finger.


“They’re talking here, so I don’t know.”


There was no way to eavesdrop on the conversation going on in the head.


The people of the temple were ordinary humans with divine powers, not mind readers.


“Maybe it’s meant to conciliate her.”

“It is very likely.”


A conciliatory way to drive a wedge between the temple and the Saintess.


The bad on it still remains.

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‘So I tried to keep her away from it, but the Saintess didn’t listen.’


There is no such stubbornness.


No matter how many times I told her to stay away from the Shadow, she stayed there saying there was something to check.


Looking at those determined eyes, it didn’t seem like she was going to fall for the Darkness, but we didn’t know how the human mind’s work.


“… We should at least find out the location.”

“Does it matter what method you use?”

“Is there any good way?”


This is Dillian, whose head is spinning extraordinarily in this kind of thing. Harris waited for Dillian with anticipation.


“If only the Saintess would cooperate.”


Dillian’s eyes gleamed insidiously, as if to meet Harris’s expectations.






The last day of the festival was bright.


As I looked at the rising sun, I shed a disappointing smile.


“The original? pissed-off.”


As expected, the clock tower, which should have exploded at noon yesterday, was intact, and the festival that was supposed to be suspended was getting burned after it was announced to be ending soon.


I picked up my pen and drew a long strikethrough on the paper.


[Clock Tower Terror]


“What the hell is going on?”


Did the case disappear as the original story was twisted? However, the feelings of the third prince who hated the crown prince still remain.


“This will be of no use either.”


My lips twitched as I saw the brief notes of events that occurred after the clock tower attack.


I didn’t believe much that the original had been shattered already when Dillian had been with me for over a month in Wilhelm, but it really didn’t make any sense anymore.


“There’s no such privilege anymore.”


I threw away the pen I was holding.


With this change, the original story can no longer be used as a reference.


I threw away my lingering feelings after seeing several main characters who fell into danger without being able to look around because I was clinging to the original.


Now that it’s done, one thing I have to do.


It’s time to use the ‘hey, I’m going my way’ tactic.


“I need to meet him.”


Before that, let’s eat first.

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