“Miss Ria. Good morning.”

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“Sir Dillian, too.”


When I went down to the dining room, Dillian, who came first, was waiting for me.


“Miss Ria, there is no need to come down to the dining room this early. You can sleep more.”


Dillian thought I was overdoing it for breakfast, but no.


It was because of insomnia caused by worrying about the Darkness in my head.


Perhaps because he felt sorry for the dark circle, Dillian touched my eyes.


At first, I was embarrassed and avoided that hand, but it’s already been six days.


Choked, I just let Dillian touch it to his heart’s content.


“No. Sir Dillian is also busy, when else would we see each other.”


As I chewed over the food laid out before me, I looked up at the tenacious gaze that seemed to pierce my cheeks.


The main character of the gaze was of course Dillian.


“Why are you looking at me like that?”


As if suppressing a strong impulse, his sunken eyes licked me thoroughly.


Do I look too ugly? Well, it’s not that pretty eating with a puffy face.


Scratch my cheek in embarrassment, Dillian let out a deep sigh.


“… You’re driving me crazy.”


Dillian, who mumbled an unfamiliar word, wiped his face.


As the large hand fell under his chin, the usual smile hung on his face.


“Miss Ria. Don’t forget our promise tonight.”


Promise? What kind of promise? I blinked my eyes.


I couldn’t answer because my mouth was full of food.


“Let’s go see the fireworks.”


Oops, that’s right. I did.


Of course, it was a promise I made without thinking, I thought it would be canceled.


‘I’m in trouble. I completely forgot.’


I put aside the promise I made to him because I’m busy paying attention to the Darkness and Aina


I nodded quickly before Dillian noticed.


But to Dillian, who was quick-witted, it didn’t work.


Dillian lowered the tableware aloud, put his hand on his chin, and closed his eyes.


“Be honest with me. You forget it, right?”

“Am I? No way.”

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I feign ignorance but my opponent is Dillian. He can’t be fooled. 


“I was looking forward to this day, but I feel so sad because it seems miss Ria doesn’t have the same heart.”


“What do you think, miss Ria?”

“I am a sinner.”


I promised it first and then completely forgot about it. I had nothing to say.


I quietly set the tableware down and looked into Dillian’s eyes.


“A sinner? Then you should be punished.”

“Depending on what the punishment is like….”

“Don’t worry. Do you think I could give miss Ria a hard punishment?”


Yeah, it won’t be hard punishment. One way or another, Dillian cares so much about me.


So that was the problem.


He will certainly punish me to satisfy his self-interest.


“So what kind of…?”


Dillian, who was observing me with his hand resting on the chin, lowered his eyes languidly and gently pulled the corner of his mouth.


“Sir Dillian…?”


No matter how many times I called him, he just smiled with an insidious smile.


I realized intuitively.


That I dug my grave, and that I’m completely ruined.






Dillian’s punishment was unthinkable.


“Are you tired?”

“If I get tired, will you let me go?”


Stretched out helplessly, I raised my head and looked at Dillian. Dillian smiled as he looked at my twinkling eyes with anticipation.


“Well. It wouldn’t be a punishment anymore then, is it?”


Tsk. Then why did you ask? I’m looking forward to nothing.


I buried my head again. Just before my forehead bumped into the desk, Dillian put his hand between them and lifted my head.


“Come on, let’s get to work. Then we can go see the fireworks.”


I twisted my body as I looked at the documents piled up like a mountain in front of me.


“How can I do all of this until then!”


Dillian’s punishment was to organize the documents with him all day before going to see the fireworks.


While sticking right next to him.

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Nathan, who got in the way of his work, was, of course, banned.


‘Ria! You can’t. Even if dirt gets in my eyes, I can’t allow you to be alone with him!’

‘Nathan, you said you like green grapes, right?’

‘Hmph, yeah.’


Nathan, who was snorting, saw the fruits piled up before him and swallowed his saliva.


‘Hm hm, you can’t. Do you think I would allow it, I have no jaw then. I….’


Nathan, who found the fruit sorbet in the middle, swallowed his saliva.


‘Hmm. You can. Of course, you can.’


This was the ‘Can’t, can, can’t, can, can’t, can.’ thing I have only heard.


Dillian, who knew how to handle Nathan, easily removed and took him from me.


He was sold for one sorbet, and I was caught by Dillian and locked up in his office.


Dillian took off the suit he was wearing and threw it away. Then, he immediately untied the tie that was tied around his neck and began to roll up the sleeves of his shirt.


‘Don’t say…?’


As the two of us were trapped in an enclosed space, a strange imagination ran through my mind.


It was because of the connotation given by the word punishment.


‘I can’t do this kind of punishment…!’


I snorted with a red face. Dillian, who smirked at my face, put on my hand,


… A luxurious ink pen.


“Miss Ria, please do this one as well.”


Wondering where he sends his lieutenant, Dillian ate me terribly.




Dillian grinned and burst into laughter as I accepted the document presented in front of me with a sullen face.


“You look disappointed.”



Suddenly, a handsome face came in from the side. Dillian, grabbed my shoulder as he was about to bite in surprise, and whispered in my ear in a languid voice.


“Did you expect it?”

“What, what?”

“Well, what is it?”


The hand that ran up the shoulder was as natural as flowing water.


I jumped up at the gentle hand that wiped the nape of my neck.


“Are you crazy?!”


Papers flew in all directions on the swept arm. Dillian, who lightly dodged my attack, revealed his teeth and smiled.


I also shuddered with shame at the way he was giggling with trembling shoulders.

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“We need to do the ceremony as soon as possible. Miss Ria’s face is obvious.”

“What’s wrong with it!”


By the way, when he found out that I had imagined something like that, a fever rose on my face.


I tried to calm my red face and asked him.


“By the way, is this a document that I can look at?”

“It’s a simple document, so even miss Ria will be able to see it without difficulty.”


I didn’t mean it that way.


What if I could dig up information from it, but Dillian did not care.


‘Well, since it’s such a simple document, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.’


As I was organizing the data, I raised my head and glanced at Dillian.


‘He really studied hard. Doesn’t it look like there’s nothing wrong with the memory loss?’


He handled the document with formidable concentration. In contrast, I….


‘Even if the tortoise walks, it will be faster than this.’


At first, I didn’t quite understand why he was using me as an assistant, but when I saw a job that didn’t decrease no matter what I did, I thought it might be better even to have a turtle next to him.


‘That’s why you brought me to work.’


As I was organizing the documents mechanically, my hands paused.


‘Wait, is this Dillian’s birthday? Oh my god! There’s not much time left?’


Exactly 15 days later was his birthday. Breathless at the unexpected information, Dillian raised his eyes and looked at me.


I quickly closed the document and pretended to work hard.


His curious eyes followed my cheeks, but I ended up arranging the documents, deliberately ignoring them.


But it had been a long since my head was filled with Dillian’s birthday.






Don’t know what consciousness I used to get the work done.


‘Dillian’s birthday…. What should I do for his birthday present…?’


The work was even slower as all my attention was focused on Dillian’s birthday, which I happened to see by chance.


“Miss Ria, let’s go.”


As soon as the sun went down, Dillian got up like a sword and led me.


‘Present…. Birthday present….’


I found out about his birthday, so I can’t ignore it, but I wonder what would be like if I give an expensive present to Dillian, who has everything.


After contemplating for a while, I finally woke up to Dillian’s call.

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“Miss Ria.”

“Yes, yes?”


Raising my head, I opened my mouth to the sight that unfolded around me.


It was the back entrance.


‘How did this happen?’


When I thought we would definitely get on the carriage, I grabbed his arm in a panic.


“Aren’t we going to see the fireworks? Weren’t we going to the square?”

“Did I say we are going to the square? I don’t remember saying that.”

“That’s true, but….”


I usually watch fireworks in the square. The best places are also there.


“Clock tower, fountain, Star Forest Park… All the famous places are in the square…?”


I recited the dating course Aina went to with the male lead one after another.


“It’s a better place than there.”


I tilted my head at Dillian’s words.


So this mountain?


Is this mountain really a good place?


“Let’s go.”


Effortlessly relieved of the suffocation, I set foot on the mountain, and then took a rough breath.


‘I can’t believe I climbed a mountain!’


After working all day, I suddenly cried out that my body, which had been overworked by mountaineering, was tired.


“How can your stamina be so weak?”

“This is normal though?”


Compared to Dillian, who has insane physical strength, it was infinitely lacking, but I was extremely average.


‘No, above average!’


As I was leaning against the tree and wiping the sweat from under my chin, Dillian’s hand suddenly approached me.


“We can’t be late, so please do your best.”


Dillian grabbed my hand. He gently pulled me up and patted my shoulder saying that we were almost there.


“This way.”


Dillian pulled back a branch that blocked his way.


“Here we are.”


As Dillian led the way inward, he saw a steep cliff.


It was a dizzying height that made my heart pound, but not a scream, but a burst of admiration came out from my mouth.


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