The Most Majestic You

Chapter 38 part1

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The Most Majestic You

Chapter 38 Part 1

The Shanghai Special Winter Tournament lasted for half a month.   KG smoothly advanced to the finals.  Qianxi had not seen Xu Jimo for half a month.  She could only video chat with him every day.   He was also very busy between matches during the competition, constantly watching replays when he wasn’t eating or sleeping.   She watched him on the monitor, who was constantly frowning in front of the camera and occasionally lowered his head to write some notes.  Usually, he didn’t even get a chance to say goodnight to her before he fell asleep from exhaustion.

Since he had very little spare time, Xu Jimo simply video chatted with Qianxi, even during meetings.  She sat in her office, occasionally sneaking a glance at them.

This day, she raised her head and found several heads in front of the camera.

Li Cang clicked his tongue.  “Tsk, tsk. Young lady boss, you’re seeing your lover privately during office hours. Does your general manager Miss Qin know this?”

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Qianxi knocked the screen with her pen.  “Don’t you guys want a salary this month?”  She pulled out the KG papers from a folder inside a stack of folders on her desk.  She flipped over the papers in a serious attitude,  “It seems like you all signed new contracts with us.  You are still short more than one hundred hours before you can accomplish your quota for this month.  Do you want me send a supervisor to audit you?”

“Don’t, don’t, young lady boss, calm down.  I’m going to go grab our boss for you.”  He pushed Cheng Yang and Wei Lai away who had been watching the conversation.  He yelled outside the door.  “Boss!  Boss!”

Three minutes later, Xu Jimo was the only one left in the conference room, sitting in front of the computer.

Qianxi asked cheerfully, “Why did they all leave?  Tomorrow is the finals.  Aren’t you going to train in the evening?”

“Training is part of the routine schedule.  It’s unnecessary to train in the evening before the finals.”

“Oh…...I saw them acting as if they were elementary students on summer break.”

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Xu Jimo took a look outside of the door and said,  “Isn’t Ye Qiao’s live stream tonight?  Li Cang is your cousin’s fan.  He has been waiting for it the whole day.”

She almost forgot about it.  Li Cang came to protest to her when he heard the news that her cousin wasn’t going to play <The Continent>.   He volunteered to play the assistant for his goddess.

It was nice that the project she produced was so popular, “To be truthful, won’t it affect their their performance at the competition if they’re like this?”  She asked wearily.

“It will.”  He lowered head expressionlessly, turning over some papers, then he raised his head casually.  “But aren’t you happy with it?”

Who said she was happy……

She lied her head in front of the camera and muttered in a low voice, “I’ll be happy only when you’re happy……”

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Her mood seemed to no longer belong to herself.  Her expression changed according to the changes of his expression.   She worried when he frowned.  She wanted to give him a big smile in return when he pursed up the sides of his mouth.

She just felt that he was the most important part of her heart.

The sound of a staff member calling him came through from the other end of the call.  Xu Jimo turned his head, but Qianxi already began to speak,  “You go do your own business.  Don’t worry about me.”  She blew a kiss to him in the air and disconnected the video call.

The picture of her blowing a kiss was frozen on Xu Jimo’s computer screen.  The computer paused for ten seconds.  His eyes fixated on the image until it disappeared, then he turned off computer and stood up.


As Qianxi had expected, Ye Qiao’s promotional event was a great success.  The volume of traffic for video game streams had greatly increased.  Even the cell phone app of the website’s DAU(Daily Active Users) had jumped upwards.  On the other side, KG won the Special Winter Tournament.  They had proven to be one of the top teams in China and the favored team to win the next TI championship.  Their popularity on internet was soaring.  The one who benefitted from all of these was of course Qin Xiao’s platform.

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At the company’s annual end of year meeting, Qianxi, as the mascot of good luck, announced that she was going abroad to study and would remain only as a shareholder in the company.

She finished off all her work.  She spent her last Chinese New Year’s Eve with her family before going abroad.  She enrolled in a class and began to adapt to the school life early.

On the 4th day of the New Year, a group of her close friends, who she met when she started working, planned a get together.   Vacation in a foreign country is different from China.  Most foreign schools were already open before Chinese New Year.   She estimated that there would be at least three years that she couldn’t be together with them during Chinese New Year.   So she agreed without much thought.

They chose a Chinese restaurant that was decorated in the classical Chinese southern style.

Qianxi followed the hostess to their reserved private banquet room.  There was a painting of prosperous and brilliant peach flowers on the opposite wall when she walked in the door.  Her friends were already there.  The young ladies wearing delicate makeup were as beautiful as the peach flowers in the painting.

Translated by Team DHH at

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