The Most Majestic You

Chapter 39 part2

Translated by Team DHH at The Most Majestic You

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Chapter 39 Part 2

Qianxi bit her lower lip and bent backwards ever so slightly, trying to get away from his face.  But her hand unconsciously squeezed tighter. She wanted to grab something in her sweaty hands, but also wanted to let go of his shirt to prove her innocence…...In the end she didn’t do anything, her fingers were still hooked onto the thin fabric.

Xu Jimo could withstand the cold quite well.  He usually wore a thin top with an outer jacket in the winter.  Presently, he had taken off his jacket since it was quite warm inside with the heater on.  The top he currently wore couldn’t withstand the strain, exposing his muscular lower abdomen.

Qianxi released her hand slowly, trying to move it away, but was stopped as he tightly grabbed her hand.

It was then that Cheng Feng came through the door and again, petrified into a statue……

He had no objection to them hugging each other in the base, but they could at least do it inside the bedroom. Now they were doing it outside the shared closet without even a warning, didn’t they know that innocent people would get hurt!

“I…...just came in to get something.”  Mr. statue passed the girl whose face was totally flush.  Then he passed Xu Jimo who remained calm and waited for him to do whatever he needed to do.  He kept a straight face and looked steadily forward, walking as fast as he could and swiftly closed the door for them.

Cheng Feng couldn’t figure out why he didn’t go out to enjoy himself on the 4th day of the Chinese New Year rather than come back to base!

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Cheng Feng opened WeChat speechlessly and sent a message to Wei Lai.  “Do you have an extra bed at your house?”

Wei Lai: “?”

“I’m appropriating it.  Let me live there for a few days.”

Wei Lai wrote back in confusion.  “Alright. But how long do you want to stay here?”

“I’ll stay till the base is safe.”  Cheng Feng glanced back at the closed door. Those two love birds wouldn’t plan to stay here for six months?

Wei Lai still didn’t understand.  “?”

“What happened at base?”

As his phone rang from the incoming message, the door opened.   Qianxi took the chance when they were interrupted by Cheng Feng to force her way out of the door.  She held a white top and rushed into the bathroom, shutting the door with a loud thud. Xu Jimo followed her at a leisurely pace, acting as if nothing had happened and followed her into the bathroom.

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The sound of a closing lock came from the door, followed by a very insincere scream inside the bathroom.


Cheng Feng lowered his eyes with a cold face and recorded the scream outside the door.  He sent the recorded voice over to Wei Lai.

He silently typed.  “Did the base get invaded by a monster?  Like a mutant.”

Qianxi grew tired of screaming and felt that it was bad influence on the boy outside.  She silently observed any movement outside the door, then pushed Xu Jimo away. “You scared me to death when you came in!”

The mutant very innocently picked up a watch from the basin behind her.  “I rushed out in a hurry and forgot my watch here after I received your phone call.  I’m afraid that it might get wet from the steam.” He lowered his head to look at the woman who had already jumped onto the basin like a rabbit robustly.  “What do you think I wanted to do?”

Her flushed face had grown from pink to bright red.  She was annoyed from the continual embarrassment she’d experienced and gave him the cold shoulder.

Xu Jimo stared at her plaintive eyes, kissing her forehead to comfort her.  He chuckled. “Don’t play this kind of trick from here on out.” He soothed her sorrows and continued.  “Don’t seduce me before you’re ready for it.”

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“I’m very easily seduced.”  He said.

Throughout the night, Qianxi went through a rollercoaster of emotions: grateful, guilt, anxiety,  and embarrassment…...She felt like a deflated balloon that was then squashed. She looked very frustrated.  Perhaps it was because Chinese New Year and the time to depart grew closer and closer. She was always worried about their relationship without any good reason.  She wanted to connect with him more, just a little bit deeper until they couldn’t distinguish each other, then she would have some sense of security that their relationship wouldn’t wear down with time.

But in the end, he lectured her about it……

“I’m not afraid that you will dump me.  But do had a slight fear of the Ye Qianxi who wants to give me everything without a care.”  Xu Jimo gave a small sigh and touched her head. “Be good. Get a good rest tonight.”

He turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

But Qianxi treated his lecture as wind that had whistled past her ears.   She tossed and turned around for a while in her own bedroom, then sneaked into his room again.

Xu Jimo woke up in a daze.  Someone had weaseled into his blanket like a little squirrel.  He stretched out his hand and held her body into his arms.

The girl was dressed in a loose cotton T shirt after her shower.  Her fragrance and warmth overwhelmed his senses. He felt the phrase “I’m easily seduced” to be quite true though he was using it to scare her off.

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Qianxi leaned on his arm.  Her suspended heart seemed to finally touch solid ground.  She satisfactorily rubbed his arm. “Just sleep like this.”

She held him.  It was warm like using an automatic hand warmer.

His temper was so cold, but his body was indeed very warm.

“I’d just like to be at your side… won’t do even if we’re separated by a wall.”  She muttered. Then she had a flash of inspiration. “How about we get a marriage license?  Isn’t it popular nowadays. Get the license first, then have the wedding ceremony when we have time later.”


He answered too quickly.  His eyes were still closed and he looked very sleepy.  Qianxi pushed him. “Are you talking in your dream?”

“No.” His eyes were still closed.  His voice was slightly coarse and low.   “I’m very much awake.” Translated by Team DHH at

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