The Most Majestic You

Chapter 39 part1

Translated by Team DHH at

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The Most Majestic You

Chapter 39 Part 1

Qianxi slanted her head with a cute, innocent expression like a little white bunny.

Whenever he saw her act this way, it was impossible for him to decipher her intentions.

Qianxi looked at him for five seconds, then she pretended to look at the crossroad.  “Nod your head quickly. Otherwise, I’m leaving.”

She turned around to leave, but only retracted one hand out of his pockets at a snail's pace.  Xu Jimo chuckled and took her hand.

“Don’t pull it out.”  He massaged her slightly cold fingers.   “Otherwise it’ll be freezing numb later.”

She didn’t turn back, but lightly bit her lower lip……, holding back a snicker.

Qianxi successfully become his little tail by shameless trickery.   She walked after him back to the base which wasn’t too far away. She swayed her hand and boastfully mentioned the incident just now.  “Actually I could take care of it myself just now because they’re all my friends. They aren’t gangsters. Wouldn’t it be easy if I really didn’t want to pay the bill?  After all they weren’t forcing me to pay the bill.

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“But I’m leaving soon, they wanted to get together because they hate to see me go.  We don’t know when we'll meet again next time. So I just want my friends to enjoy themselves to the fullest while I’m still here.  Wasn’t it a good thing to do? I’m willing to do it myself.”

Qianxi walked forward one step and embraced him.  She concluded, “It’s because you’re here. I have backup to take care of it, so I could still show off.  So don’t worry about me. Though you won’t be near me in the future, I’ll be doing well on my own.”

They stood in front of the elevator.  Xu Jimo turned back to look at her calmly.  Above his head, red indicator shone, showing the current floor number slowly decrease. It was like a silent countdown timer, creating a tense atmosphere for no reason.

It looked like…...she had said something wrong?

Qianxi thought hard for three seconds, then suddenly realized it.   “Ah… I didn’t mean that!” She suddenly burst into a flattering smile and mischievously rocked his waist.  “Actually, I won’t do well all by myself. I’ll pass a day as if it’s a year and pass a second as if it’s a day by myself without Xu Jimo…...I feel like I almost suffocated after being unable to see you for three days during the Chinese New Year!  Really!”

When the elevator door opened, she used the momentum to fall into it.  She sat on the ground and held her knees, biting her lower lip. “I fell down.  I can’t get up unless Xu Jimo kisses me!”

Xu Jimo looked at the comedian Qianxi, speechless and choked.

She…...had never been serious for more than three minutes.

In order not to make the security guard in the surveillance room think he was kidnapping a young lady, he quickly walked into the elevator and dragged her up.  Qianxi still leaned on him, shamelessly acting spoiled and asking for a kiss, despite being blocked by his hand. The elevator reached the 20th floor in no time while one resisted the other.

When the elevator door opened again, Qianxi was still standing on her tippy toes trying to molest him.

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Cheng Feng was flabbergasted to see this scene as the doors slid open.  He was petrified like a statue except that this statue could speak.

“I just came out to dump the trash…...sorry…...ignore me, continue.”   The statue said.

He had joined KG too late to experience the time Qianxi was torturing these single guys at base.  He was also a genuine innocent teenage boy, simply unable to withstand what he had seen.

Qianxi saw the statue off.  She was so shameful that she simply wanted to cut open the bottom of the elevator and drop straight down twenty floors into the ground in order to leave this crime scene…...Why didn’t he tell her that there was another person at base QAQ.

And even more than that, he was only a kid.

It was a sin to misguide a kid…...

Xu Jimo dug out the face hiding inside his arms, which refused to rise up.   His one hand blocked the elevator door which was trying to close. He said, “Go out first.”

The only thought she had was, “Luckily Cheng Feng didn’t see the time when I was peevish and was acting like a spoiled child.  Otherwise I’d be even more embarrassed……” She didn’t even know how Xu Jimo carried her out of the elevator and into the room.

He squatted in front of the drawers of the closet and dug out several pieces of clothing she had left here before.

A laced skirt, woolen sweater…...None of them seemed to be suitable as pajama.

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“Didn’t you leave a pajama at base before?”

“I did, can’t you find it?”  She reached over to check. She couldn’t find any after going through all her clothes.

Qianxi glanced at Xu Jimo who was a calm as usual.  She whispered with a voice only the two of them could hear,  “Actually…...I can use your T shirt. Don’t you have a pure cotton T shirt?”

As a matter of fact, all single men never paid attention to what material the T-shirt they bought were made out of.

But that wasn’t the point here.

Xu Jimo heard her voice and glanced at her, then stood up slowly.

His back faced his closet and he opened the door with one hand.  “Go pick one.”

Qianxi momentarily hesitated, then she stood on her tippy toes to check around.  Right after she flipped over a few, he moved half a step over and embraced her in his arms.

Xu Jimo held a little bit tighter than usual, bending over to whisper into her ear with a calm, smooth voice,  “You have been naughty for the whole night.”


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“What do you want to do, uhm?”

His voice trailed off.  Qianxi buried her head and subconsciously grabbed his shirt tighter and tighter……

She didn’t know what she was nervous about, it was just…...her heart was thumping.

The man was still seducing her.  “What are you twisting my shirt for.   Do you want this one?”

“You want me to take it off for you?”  He faced her eyes squarely.

A pair of misty and deep eyes teased her.

Translated by Team DHH at

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