『A Study on the Possibility of Expansion of Western Territory from the Perspective of Technological Supremacy Competition』

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‘What the hell are you talking about?’ 


The title’s meaning is barely understandable, but she can’t understand the content. 


‘I don’t know if there are any screens or printed material… No, even if they did, I wouldn’t understand.’ 


Luce looked up at the speaker, who had been talking for 30 minutes without giving anything away, and washed her face dry.


‘I’m not the only one who doesn’t understand, right?’


When she looks around, they all have the same expression.


Each person whispering is thinking about the banquet’s menu or what the prize will be.


‘Should I ask Dietrich something right now?…Oh my.’


Even the trusted Dietrich is bowing his head, but it is clear that he is dozing off periodically. 


However, in this wide hall, only one person was different. 


‘He understands and even takes notes…?’


Looking at Rev’s sparkling eyes, even this lecture is quite interesting to him! 


Luce had planned to ask Rev to play a bingo game if she saw any gaps, but she lost her spirit.


There was a complicated scribbled note in front of her, but now there was nothing more to do alone. 


She got tired of playing Omok alone for 10 minutes. The speaker’s caricature is not interesting because it has a face that is not distinctive.


‘Should I go get some fresh air?’


『I’ll go out for a while.』


Luce, who carefully tore down the note in case it bothered Rev, who was concentrating, raised herself.


『To where?』


Does he also have eyes on the sides of his head? 


He was just looking forward!


As if he had been paying attention to Luce while listening to the lecture, the answer came back quickly.


『I’m just going for a stroll through the garden. Let’s take a look to see if the other festivals are going well. 』


『Are you going alone?』


『Ey, do you think I’m someone who can’t even go for a walk alone?』


『I didn’t mean it like that.』


Rev, who was hesitant, began to write in small letters.

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『I’m just a little worried. Because there are many people and it is crowded.』


『It’s all right. I’ll be right back. And if something happens, I can contact you right away with this pendant you made for me.』


His worried eyes only get softer when she gently takes the necklace off.


『Ung. Comeback soon.』


Luce, who was grinning, opened the door slowly and snuck out of the hall. 


“Ha, the air outside is nice.”


Of course, the air outside was better than the hall air, which smelled like plaster, but above all, it smelled delicious. 


She looked out the window and saw that the garden was full of food made from the harvest festival’s crops. 


They were made with big, high-quality vegetables and meat, so she was drooling.


‘I was supposed to go only after the academic festival, but I have to pass the garden to get out of the lord’s castle anyway, so should I ask him to eat something on the way?’


It’s a pity that they can’t even eat a bite.


Luce, who licked her lips, decided to look at other festivals while she left.


The first place to go was the garden, as she told Rev. 


Wow, Yohan must have suffered a lot?’


He went around whining every day, but Yohan seems to have a personality that makes sure he does his job. 


Even though the Lord was very unprepared when he gave the order, the festivals were very different.


The banquet food, which would have cost a lot of money if properly prepared, was lumped together as harvest festival food. 


The theme was set as <Banquet Food made from agricultural products grown in the land of Rodante>, and it also has justification. 


Saving food costs!


They decorated the outdoor banquet hall with big pumpkins and a few bunches of wheat, making it look nice enough instead of empty.


Reduce interior costs!


The podium, which would be where the Lord would sit, was somehow familiar. What was used in the quiz competition was reused with just a few maple leaves added.


Reduce stage props cost!


‘It’s clear, I know. You’re a complete housekeeper. It looks like you have good skills, Yohan?’ 


Luce giggled as she followed the sound of stringed instruments toward the left tower.


‘Wow, this looks like a real party.’


Maybe it’s because the Lord is a former court musician?

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It seemed that all of the festival budgets were invested in the music night among <Harvest Festival, Academic Festival, Music Night>.


『Felice Hall』, named after the Lord’s last name, was a place where only a few pianos were left alone in Luce’s memory.


But today it was full of people.


All the music played by the members of the orchestra, which the Baron had worked hard to bring, was being appreciated.


The profile of Baron Felice, who was playing the piano by himself, whether Angel, sitting next to Franz, dozing off or not, looked very happy.


‘That’s how the Lord looks when he does something he really likes. Well, would it be easy for someone who has lived as a musician all his life to rule the territory? It’s an expression that makes me happy too.’


Luce leaned against the doorway and listened to the music for a while because it was so good.


The melody was sweet, and the finger food she ate was delicious, so she enjoyed it—actually, she was hungry, so this was the biggest reason—then someone tapped her on the back as she was smiling. 


Did Rev come out to find her? But how long has it been?


Luce’s face, looking back wondering, crumpled furiously.


“Lady, it’s an honor to enjoy a music night together….” 


“What is it, Vincent?”




Why is he making such a fuss as if he saw a ghost when he talked to her?


His face must be flushed with his baggy clothes befitting his large size. It was like an overgrown tomato. 


The Tomato, who is being laughed at wrongly, is mad but doesn’t say anything. Huh, no way. Luce laughed. 


“You fell in love just by looking at my back, isn’t it like that?”


“I! What are you talking about!” 


“Isn’t it true that you were interested in me, you.”


“Are you crazy?!”


“I don’t know if I didn’t hear it, but I ended up hearing everything, even ‘Lady, it’s an honor to enjoy a music night together today.’ Unfortunately.” 


“B, be quiet. It’s a misunderstanding! I was trying to talk to someone else!”


“I think you’re the only one who needs to be quiet. You are the loudest here.”


Just as she said, several people who were enjoying the music night looked back at Vincent annoyedly.


Not knowing what to do, he stomped his feet, pulling off his bow tie and grinding his teeth. 


“It’s a misunderstanding. It’s a misunderstanding. I’ll see if you go somewhere and talk about it strangely.” 


“Are you threatening me?”

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“Yes, it’s a threat, you little girl!”


“Don’t you think you should be begging instead of threatening?”


“What am I to you?” 


Is it because of the subject of not being able to choose a bone after arguing in the river not long ago that he is coming out strong today?


Luce glanced at the people.


“Isn’t our Vincent determined to follow his sister to the Viscounty of Bismilla?”


“Looks like he has decided to take the farming heir class! Oh my, that’s good.”


Vincent’s parents were sitting far away.


Vincent’s family had a good reputation among the retainers of Xenon Village.


They had lived in Xenon Village for many generations and had a lot of money because they farmed a lot. He is the son of a wealthy farmer.


‘So this rude attitude is because of the confidence that your mother and father are nearby, that’s it. You know a lot of people here, so you think it’s all on their side?’ 


All of Vincent’s aunts and uncles are nice people, but how did she come to raise such a son? That’s too bad.


As Luce was busy thinking, Vincent thought he had won.


“Hmph. It’s nothing.”




“Are you going to curse in my ear like last time? Do it if you want to. I don’t care. You’re small, but you have a rough mouth. No matter how much you curse and talk loudly, I am the best fight in my town. I can beat you with one hand, you know?”


Vincent groaned even more fiercely and approached.


He had a grim-looking face, so it was quite intimidating to show off his expression openly.


But fight? 


“Well, you probably aren’t the best fighter.”


Today, I saw Rev fight. Did you know?




“A real fight isn’t about size, Vincent. It’s not like you can win even if you threaten me with a fierce face like that.”


“Let’s see, let’s see. This is really…!”


Luce smiled when Vincent looked at her and tried to raise his fist.


It was the moment he paused. The toe of Luce’s shoe hit Vincent’s shin straight.



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People at nearby tables murmured at the sudden sound of screams.


Luce smiled as she quietly covered Vincent, who sat down With a desperate scream.


“Ah, I’m sorry. My friend must have stumbled.”


“Oh my, you have to be careful.”


“What a sloppy guy. Is it Vincent?”


When Luce bent down and pretended to hold Vincent’s hand, she made him harden his face.


“You have to learn something from defeat in order to win the battle. Did you forget?”


“…Ugh, this is….” 


“Don’t you still know that I’m not only good at swearing, but I’m also good at things like this? I’m surprised you still haven’t been imprinted when you must have been in a lot of pain being beaten by me.”


Then he furrowed his eyebrows.


“Since I won, does that mean I’m the best fighter in Xenon?”


“…What, what?!”


“I’ll make a pretty rumor.”


Oh, it’s refreshing.


Luce stood up with a smile and looked at the stage where the performance had ended.


Hearing the thunderous applause, everyone seemed to have forgotten about the commotion from earlier. It’s perfect. 


It was a small concert, but there was a break where she seemed to have everything she needed. 


Luce paused as she was about to move her steps back to the hall where the academic festival was held. 


The Lord, who looked around, was running toward Luce at speed comparable to that of a bull. 


‘Oh, the academic festival isn’t over yet, so I shouldn’t be caught sneaking out!’


It was when Luce, who had been hiding under the table where Vincent had collapsed just before, sighed.


She heard the Lord’s voice, very happy and surprised.


“Ah, I can’t believe Duke Ximel’s husband came all the way here!”




Something passed before her eyes when she heard that name like a film playing.


[Please look at it: Ah, even if I rehash this part, I’m angry, Ximel… ㅠ Ah, why is it named Ximel? Ximelsㅠ (Like 47)]


The Ximel I know?

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