Other things came to mind as if a trigger had been pressed. Rather than appearing in her mind, it seemed to unfold before her eyes. 

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[Please look at it: Ah, even if I rehash this part, I’m angry, Ximel… ㅠ Ah, why is it named Ximel? Ximelsㅠ (Like 47)]


└ Ha, me too. I can’t help but be annoyed with these people while they introduced the male lead…


└ In my social life, I am most afraid of people like the members of the Duke of Ximel ㅇㅇ People who know only their appearance is praised in unison, but the essence is those who only pursue their interests. The really scary thing about this type is that they believe they are righteous.


└└ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Do you have a big burn with that type? It’s just a side character, so why do you care so much about it? I understand. The people of the Duke of Ximel. In that situation, there was nothing they could do. If you think about it, doesn’t the male lead fit the character they explained? ㅋㅋㅋ  I’m not picking a fight.


└└└ (This is a sanctioned comment. Reason: Cursing)


└ I’ve only seen the first part. Is Princess Ximel the villain?


└ I came to ask, but why are you fighting? ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ  I’m looking at the first part, but I’m a bit confused because there’s no specific gender designation. The Duke is a woman, right? I’m asking just in case. 


└└ Yes? ㅋㅋㅋ There is a line saying that Simel is the first woman to rise to the position of the Duke, and there is a description that her husband is a handsome man who draws attention because he has short golden hair and crimson eyes. A character who became a husband with this beauty… There’s nothing particular about the Duke]


Luce covered her mouth without realizing it.


‘Short gold hair? Red eyes? That’s him.’


The man called the Duke of Ximel’s husband was exactly what the comments described.


It wasn’t just that.


‘The fact that that man is the Duke’s husband means that the Duke is a woman! The fact that there is a description of a woman ascending to the Duke’s throne for the first time at the time of the story…!’ 


It means that the point of <The Cruelty of the Vladin Empire> is now!


‘Does this make sense? Is this the original story generation? I heard that all wizards are dead?’


Aside from the fact that the reviews of the character are varied, it is so unexpected to encounter a character who appears in the original work!


It was complicated and confusing.


Luce held her breath, trying to calm her beating heart, and gently lifted the tablecloth.


Fortunately, it was an angle where she could see the faces of the people standing. 


Baron Felice warmly welcomed a tall, blond man who was called ‘Duke Ximel’s husband.’ Like he was a very welcome guest.


At a glance, she saw someone standing next to him.


‘…blonde hair.’


A short boy with blonde hair peeking out from under his hat was wearing a tuxedo.


‘Is it his son? Or a relative?’


Luce, who was watching the backs of those who the Baron guided to the front seat, narrowed her eyes. 

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The boy’s eyes, which were wearing glasses to cover his already small face, looked red at first glance. 


Luce slipped out to the side of the table, backed away slowly, and ran as soon as there was distance. 


‘What, where did you go in the meantime!’ Vincent’s voice was soon covered with the chatter of loud people. 




“If it’s Rodante’s estate, it’ll be fine. I asked the attendants, and they said it was a very secluded and quiet place.”




“I am acquainted with the Lord there. He’s a very kind person who used to be a musician. He’s a life peer, so he cut ties with the imperial family a long time ago, so you don’t have to worry about those rumors. I checked the list of other visitors.”


Alois, who had been staring out the window the whole time, was wearing a tuxedo. 


The Duke Ximel’s husband added cheerfully.


“Moreover, aren’t you even dressing as a man? Who would have guessed that Princess Alois was dressing as a man? I told them I’m going with a child of a collateral relative, so take it easy.” 




The child who refused to eat after the news of the selection of a spouse for the Royal family became thin in a few days. Is she trying to starve herself until she’s just skin and bones?


‘I clearly told the lower ones not to speak nonsense. How on earth does Alloys know that the nobles are dying….’


Alois said in a low voice. 


“I didn’t officially become the princess. I just became a candidate for that position, and I can’t believe I have to refrain from going out already, father.”


“There is no specific written law. It’s just a custom.” 


“Yes, because of customs that may or may not be follow, I am willing to disguise myself.  Moreover, it is difficult for many people to move at once, so with minimal escort.”


It seems that neither he nor his wife, the Duke, can comfort Alois.


The Duke’s husband smiled bitterly and leaned against the carriage’s window at the same angle as Alois. 


“I understand your depressed and upset feelings.”




“Just know that. That this father is of the same mind.”


It was just heartbreaking to see the usually bright and cheerful child smile helplessly at those words.


Leaning quietly against the window, the Duke’s husband talked about various things.


He talks about the name of the bird that flew by the window, how good the pumpkin that the Lord of Rodante sent as a gift tasted, and how good the songs that the Lord of Rodante wrote when he was a court musician were. It looked like Alois’s pale face got a little bit of color back.


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“Since my father said so, I want to listen to that Baron’s music at least once.”






“That’s great. We’re almost there, so get ready.”


The Duke’s husband, who was wearing a hat to hide his hair, was surprised to see his daughter wearing thick horn-rimmed glasses.


“Why glasses?”


“…It’s just. People who have to hide usually wear glasses.”


The Duke’s husband wasn’t sensitive enough to ask his daughter, who said something he didn’t understand.


The 『Felice Hall』 music festival was in the middle of an intermission when they got there after walking through the Harvest Festival garden, where they could feel the atmosphere of the country.


The fact that it didn’t appear from the beginning was its own countermeasure to attract attention, but in conclusion, it didn’t have much effect.


This is because the Lord of Rodante was excessively pleased. 


“Ah, I can’t believe the Duke Ximel’s husband is here!”


He could feel that his daughter, who was holding his hand, was startled.


The Duke’s husband tilted his head while shaking hands and murmured low. 


“Didn’t I tell you in advance that I would visit you secretly? Leave hospitality aside.”


“Ah, yes. It was.”


The careless Baron made a surprised face.


“Just in case, I don’t need a welcoming speech or protocol. I’m here to listen to your music as an audience with my relative’s child, so all you have to do is give me a seat.”


“Yes, I will!”


As he was guided, he tried to sit in the empty front seat, but Alois stood still. 


Then he asked her, wondering if the Baron’s sudden talk had surprised her.


“What’s wrong?”


“…I think someone saw me and ran away.”


“You mean you? Who?”


“It looked like a girl.”


There’s no way. 

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No one recognized Alois’s face in this territory, and she even disguised herself, so they couldn’t have recognized her.


What’s more, a girl. He received a list of visitors in advance and checked it, but there was no aristocrat around Alois’s age on it.


At most, Angel, the grandson of the Baron, was on the list. However, Angel was not a high-ranking aristocrat who would recognize Alois’s face, and he was also too sleepy.


It seems that her uneasiness has not disappeared even after a long talk with him.


With a smile, the Duke’s husband held his daughter’s hand tightly and gave her a pat. Alois hesitated for a moment before looking ahead. 


After the intermission, the performance of the second part began. 




“Yes? Why can’t I go in?”


“There was an order from Aide Yohan to keep guard as people kept escaping. They said never open the door.”


This is a disaster.


Well, she’s sure she wasn’t the only one who tried to get out of the lecture because it wasn’t interesting!


“Mister, I’m not going out, I’m going in. Can’t you just open the door a little bit? My seat is right next to the door when you open it.”


“He told me never to open the door because there will be people who come in only at the end because they are greedy for prizes. I’m sorry, but no.”


She didn’t see Aide Yohan like that, but he is very thorough!


That was not wrong. In the end, the door guards kicked Luce out, and she trudged.


Because there were so many outsiders due to the festival, the library and hallway that Luce was familiar with were all designated as off-limits zones. 


However, she couldn’t return to the left tower. 


Luce, who was looking for a place close to where Rev was but worth hiding, had only one option.


‘It’s best to be in the corner of the garden.’


It was fortunate that she had been in and out of the Lord’s castle so much that she knew the place. 


People are concentrated only near the banquet table. They didn’t pay particular attention to the place where the tall bushes were arranged like a maze.  


It’s a cozy and quiet place, except for the occasional laughter of lovers playing tag and the light from a music night venue far away through the bushes.


Luce pulled her legs and squatted down when she found a shady spot.


Her heart is still beating very fast.


‘I never even thought of it. Since all the wizards are dead, of course I thought it would be after the work, but a character appearing in the original story suddenly pops out. Is there something I don’t understand? Or, did Duke Ximel survive after that tragic end?’

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Luce patted her chest as she continued to think. 


‘What are the possibilities that this is the time after the novel story, and that Duke Ximel is not the first female Duke? …No, but the description of the Duke’s husband’s appearance fits perfectly. The Duke’s husband couldn’t be the same unless she got the same type. For now, it’s correct to think that this is the starting point.’


Luce bit her lip and quickly grabbed her pen to write down what came to her mind.


‘Think about the Duke of Ximel. Judging from the differences in the reviews, it didn’t seem like the family cooperated with the main character. Still, it’s not like they’re just messing around, but they seem to be people who act at a level where their motives are understandable. Villain… Can I call them a villain? Isn’t it just a bit of an annoying character? Haa. It would be nice if I could see and judge for myself, but I can only remember the comments.’


First, let’s keep an eye on it. 


After Luce had finished the evaluation to that point, she put it in her notebook. 


Washing her face dry, she lifted her magic tool necklace. She is not allowed to enter the hall, so she must tell Rev.




No answer came back.


Well, it doesn’t vibrate and only flashes a little, so he might not be able to see it if he focuses.


Luce swept the pendant again and spoke.


“Rev? Rev?”


Still, Rev usually answered right away when she called. Day, night, or dawn.


Rev has never missed her call, even though she has missed his.




Should she ask him to set up the texting feature?


It seems like Rev can do it. 


Even though she had a funny thought, she felt a little uneasy.


“What can I do? He can’t see it because he’s concentrating on the lecture. Or is it difficult to take out the necklace because there are so many people around?”


I’m sure he’ll be worried if I’m away for a long time. Shall I wave my hand at the window, saying I’m okay?


While trying to find a way out, Luce bumped into something.


Something like a very big black wall—.


“Oh my.” 


A long, slender hand like a branch reached out.


“You have to be careful.”


Someone with a very neutral voice grabbed Luce’s wrist.

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