That voice was coming from under the blue magic circle. 

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He remembers standing on top of this magic circle, wearing a black cloak with a bluish tinge, when Radanum offered to take him to the place where Aurelio was.


‘If I go through this place, will I be able to go to where Brother is?’ 


“Don’t come again.”


It was clearly an order.


However, Delmar firmly believed that it was because Aurelio was sick then.


Didn’t he see Aurelio when he was sick? 


His bloodshot eyes were shouting something while he was tied up like a beast and calling out to someone with his tearing voice. 


He is the one who saw that appearance too. How can he be called a benevolent prince if he can’t cover up his brother’s faults? 


If he had a conversation with his older brother, who was not sick, his insomnia might be a little better. 


Delmar listened eagerly.


“…If so, there is only one answer I can give. You are not allowed to bleed from me, to find out my whereabouts, or to enter my place as of this time.” 


“Aah, I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. Do you think that word could threaten me now? If all the medicine I give you runs out, Your Highness Prince will be the one who suffers. If you don’t let me visit, Your Highness Prince will also be the one who suffers. Do you even believe that I will not report this?”


If Aurelio’s voice made him drowsy, Radanum’s voice woke him up. 


Delmar, who had been dozing off and waking up repeatedly, touched his throbbing forehead.


Speaking in an impeccably calm tone, the two of them seemed to be talking at first glance, but they were constantly clashing blades within their words.


“If you lived like a criminal for 17 years without knowing the crime, isn’t it time to consider being released?”


“That’s why you’re protesting… it’s very sudden and also in radical way. I have always admired Your Highness the Prince for being wise. Please don’t do anything to hurt my respect for this.” 


“Are you saying you want me to be responsible for your feelings? I’m really disappointed that the only card Archmage Radanum took out to persuade and intimidate me was respect.” 


“Your Highness the Prince.”


“In other words, that would be the only card to blackmail me. Get out of here.”


Delmar, who was half immersed, heard the word disappear. 


He hid quickly behind a pot.


The Prince didn’t want to lose face, but it was unavoidable. 


Radanum, who appeared as if rising from the blue magic circle, let out a very long sigh. 


When he opened his eyes again, the corners of his mouth were up as high as possible.


“The prophecy is ripening.”


The prophecy is ripening. It was something that he couldn’t understand even after hearing it.

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Delmar followed him with his eyes while feeling nervous.


Flicking through some of his papers, he paused in front of the cloak locker, then turned around and left the room. 


‘That black and blue cloak! There it is.’


To think there was a safety device right next to it that could return it even if it fell into danger. 


There is nothing really rough about it now.


Delmar was out of his mind. 


He whimpered and wrapped himself in the cloak because of the desire to sleep.


‘If I look at Brother, I should say I’m sorry for being immature back then.’ 


Actually, he’s not particularly sorry, but he’ll accept it if he does. 


‘You didn’t feel bad talking to Radanum, did you? By the way, what on earth are they talking about blood and deeds that Brother won’t allow?’ 


As Delmar watched the fragmented words whirl in front of his eyes, he moved on to the magic circle. 




He went through the magic circle, got his balance wrong, and knocked him on the butt, but he arrived! 


It was an unfamiliar space, but he knew it at once. 


Seeing the familiar green medicine piled up. This is Aurelio’s home! 


Obviously, he heard the voice just a few minutes ago, but Aurelio is nowhere to be seen.


‘Did he even go out somewhere?’


Delmar moved on. He opened the door with hazy eyes.


At last, he sees something that looks like a big brown board about the size of a bed.


It looked very low and uncomfortable, but his brother’s bed was always uncomfortable, so—.


He immediately lay down on the bed. He might be able to sleep soundly this time. 


Then Delmar closed his eyes.




“Are you trying to go fishing again, Dietrich?”




“Still not catching well?”


“Ung. It’s always like that.” 

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Something caught in Luce’s eyes as she stood up after feeding Nox.


A familiar silhouette was at the water’s edge. As she approached, as expected, Dietrich was sitting there. So she shows concern about it. 


“What happened to you that day?” 


She was taken aback by the sudden question, but Luce pretended to be calm and asked back.


“What do you mean?”


“Harvest festival and blah blah festival day.”


She had been told to keep quiet about what happened with the Duke of Ximel.


No one was supposed to know except the people of the Duke of Ximel, the family of Baron Felice and Yohan, Luce, Rev, and Chelsea. 


‘It’s a pity I can’t ask Dietrich about Duke Ximel right now.’ 


But did Dietrich even see something?


Dietrich watched it gently and dropped it. 


“Why did you go out and not come back, I thought I was going to die, you know?” 


She was nervous for no reason. Luce replied, pouting her lips.


“I went out to get some fresh air, but they said I couldn’t enter because of the lottery. So I just looked around outside and went home. But what do you mean I thought I was going to die?” 


“I thought I was dying of awkwardness because your friend looked at me so much.”


“Rev? To brother? Why?”


“I can’t tell. Did you swear at me by any chance?”


“No, what do you mean swearing?”


‘I haven’t seen his face since the festival.’ 


Even though it’s been five days since the event, Luce still hasn’t met Rev.


As soon as she came to her senses, she tried to contact Rev and looked for the pendant, but it seemed to have dropped in a commotion.  


After hearing that there was no martial arts class, she visited his house.


It was a promise to come out before knocking 16 times.


But he didn’t come out.


‘He was usually the one who answered at most two or three knocks… If he doesn’t come out after knocking this much, he’s gone.’


As she tried to leave, a thought came to her.


Could it be that he was sick again and was suffering?


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Click, she opened the door. She looked everywhere on the first floor. 


She looked in the bathroom, the closet, and even the kitchen cabinets, just in case he fell somewhere.


Even so, Rev was still invisible.


And yet, Lev was still invisible.


What’s going on? Luce, who had been looking up at the second-floor door for a long time, thought as she left the house sullenly.


‘At first, I thought the rich bot came to the mountain valley for fresh air and clear water.’


However, her thoughts changed a bit as she got to know him. 


If he came to get medical care or rest, his servants and family would come and go, but she had never seen them before.


Crucially, Rev said he didn’t even know his birthday.


What kind of rich boy doesn’t even know his birthday?


She shouldn’t judge other people’s situations recklessly, but there was a natural thought.


‘He’s not on good terms with his family… That’s why they leaving him alone.’ 


Because of Rev’s personality, it wasn’t easy to imagine playing around with someone, but it was the only possibility.


But if such Rev suddenly disappeared.


‘He reconciled with his family… or.’


Maybe things got worse between them.


She’d rather have the former.


‘I don’t know where the person is, and they don’t know where I am, but that’s okay.’


She suddenly felt lonely.


Luce hugged her knees together and buried her face in her lap.


“It’s true that you cursed.”


Dietrich sounded carefree. She’s a little bit annoyed.


“No, I’m not, why would I curse at Brother?”


“Didn’t I tell you that I made fun of you?” 


“If not… Don’t do that because I’m so upset I’m going to die.” 


It was only then that Dietrich seemed to realize the seriousness.


“Why? What’s going on?”


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“No, just…” 


What if a girl doesn’t want to tell him something but is showing signs that something is happening?


Dietrich came to a simple but, at first glance, correct conclusion while rolling his head. 


“Did you get dumped by that guy named Revinas?”


“Why did I get dumped?”


“You have a very typical appearance of a woman who was dumped without even confessing.” 


 “What the hell are you talking about, when the only women around Brother are me, Aunt Dahlia, and the professor!” 


Luce got to her feet and stopped, leaving Dietrich to stare at her in shock. 




“W, why are you looking at me so scary?”


“Have you ever seen Rev before?”


A very strange question came back.


Dietrich, who was shrinking from fear of being hit, blinked.


“No? Where can I see a kid like that?”


“But why did you tilt your head when you first heard Revinas’s name?”




Dietrich, who was recalling his memories, shrugged.


“It’s nothing. That’s because it’s just a name people don’t use often. I often use it as a middle name, but I’ve never seen anyone use it as a full name. Even more so for men.”


“…Really? Why?”


“It’s a name derived from an etymology that deserves to be loved in an ancient language. If you think of a middle name, you can understand that it must be a child born in a very precious family, or a nickname for a late child who is very cute, but if that’s a name, it’s a bit unusual. Moreover, it is a name that is rarely used as a male name.”


A ‘child who deserves to be loved’ who doesn’t even know his birthday.


She doesn’t know who gave it that name, but whoever did must have had very bad taste. 


If not—.


‘It’s a name given by someone who doesn’t know how Rev is doing now.’ 


She feels suffocated.


Apparently, Rev was not in a state of “reconciliation with his family.” Sadly, she was sure that it couldn’t have been. 


After making up her mind, Luce walked away from Dietrich’s noise.


It was in the direction of Rev’s house.

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