(t/n: Hello, for your information, in this part, the author uses both 1st pov and 3rd pov. ) 

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Knock knock—.


“Rev. It’s me, Luce.”


Knock knock—.


“I have so many things to say to you. Hmm?” 


Knock knock—.


“I’m worried if something’s going on… You’ve never done this before.”


Knock knock knock—.


The sixteenth knock was over.


I opened the door. I took another look at the first floor.


There is still no sign of Rev, and there are no clues to guess his whereabouts.


Luce, who was biting her lip, raised her head. 


With a slightly helpless face, Luce climbed the second-floor railing.


The old, creaky wooden stairs roared sharply as if they weren’t welcoming the guests. 


“…Other places are fine, but I don’t want you to come to the second floor.”


Would you hate it?




I, to you.


Can I be forgiven for breaking my promise?


I’m not sure. 


“…What’s good about my intuition, Rev. Come to think of it, I don’t really know anything about you.”


You, my closest friend, suddenly have a hard time.


“You’re the only one I have.”


Am I not sure he’ll forgive me? If not,


“It’s because of me.”


I wonder if I don’t have the confidence to act the way I used to, even if I know his secret that he has to hide to the extent that he always carries a bunch of keys.


It’s confusing. The more the sound of the railing bursting, the more intense it gets.


“I said, no matter how much I knock on the door, if he doesn’t come out, I’ll knock on the door on the second floor.” 


She spoke as if she were declaring, but her voice didn’t come out loud.

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Luce swallowed her saliva and knocked on the second-floor door.


“Rev. It’s me, Luce.”


Ung, Luce. I missed you.


‘You have to say that. You have to welcome me with that sweet voice.’


Suddenly Luce thought.


It was always Rev who said that first.


He was the one who always expressed himself generously. His expressions were not to be passed on as a habit.


Sometimes I should have done it first.


Because he’s a precious friend and a person who I care about, I should have told him more often.


“I miss you, Rev.”


Revinas, my friend who deserves to be loved.


Luce slowly turned the door handle on the second floor.


It wasn’t locked. It was when the door fully opened with a metallic sound.


She saw a shadow standing in front of a room.




Luce, who was running regardless of front and back, suddenly stopped.


“I can’t sleep.”




“I can’t sleep, huh….”


Instead of Rev, she was holding a blonde boy who was whining and had a red face.




<Dahlia General Store> has two bosses and one employee.


Elliot, the only full-time employee, thought as he lay face down on the counter after completing the warlike calculations.


‘Why isn’t the boss coming!’


Two hours ago, a customer came to the store.


At least in Rodante, it was someone he had never seen before.


Chelsea and Dahlia had criticized Elliot for being too nice and weak, but the customer’s good looks were not the only reason he was sure he had never met him.


It wasn’t even because he wore a luxurious material he had never seen before.


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“Is there anything you’re looking for?”


“I have something to look for. Not things, just a person. Can you call Miss Chelsea for me?” 


This is because it was the first time Chelsea, the boss who is married and has a daughter, was called “Miss Chelsea.” 


Is it a banker or a client? Or is it someone who falls in love with the boss at first sight?


He couldn’t figure it out, but he headed to Chelsea, who was organizing things as instructed. 


When someone told Chelsea that someone was looking for her, she didn’t seem to care. Even if he told her he was handsome, it was the same as telling him whether or not he should take care of it.


But when he called the boss ‘Miss Chelsea,’ her face went pale at once.


“What the hell is this?”


It was the first time he had seen boss Chelsea, who was a cheerful boss, make such an expression.


It looked like she had seen a monster or a ghost, but Chelsea wouldn’t be intimidated by that. So, the man, who must be more than ghosts and monsters, answered insignificantly.


“I would have said that the letter at that time was the last thing to inform her in writing.”


“Please get out right now.”


“I don’t want to make a fuss. And you know what? I’m being very ‘moderate’ right now.”


Boss Chelsea’s fist trembled. 


Elliot, who was just looking around, stood in between. 


“Now, Sir, I apologize, but right now, our store…”


“You’d better not do anything you’re sorry about.”


He cut off his words and smiled slightly, raising his eyebrows. He was attractive enough for him as a man to fall in love with him, but there was something cold about him.


Elliot’s shoulder, which had been turning his head around, not knowing what to do, was pushed. It was Chelsea’s hand.


“I’ll be back for a while, so watch the counter.”


It was two hours ago that she went out.


He can’t believe she’s been away for so long.


And to be so overbearing to someone like Boss Chelsea.


Is he a debtor? Did the boss use usury? Or, in fact, is the boss actually a criminal who escaped?


It was when all kinds of imagination flashed around Elliot’s head. Someone hit him on the shoulder. 


“What are you doing?”


“Boss Dahlia!”


“Where’s Chelsea going and you looking at the counter?”


After explaining the situation, Dahlia’s face immediately turned white.

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“Where did she go, where? No, I’ll look for it.”


Elliott, who was watching Dahlia’s back as she threw away her bag and ran out, slammed his head against the counter.


‘Whatever it may be, just come quickly. Just quickly.’


It seems like he gave a lot of change to some of the customers—.




Trevor’s tea shop.


Like most of Rodante’s stores, it was a quiet tea house run by an old, deaf owner.


A place where even if an argument breaks out, there is nothing to leak out.


“You walked in vain.”


It was Chelsea’s first remark, which had been staring at a man for a long time.


“So you didn’t reply?”


“It was a letter with no reason to reply.”


“Silent is usually a yes. If you reply, it means that someone who knows the Menelik family’s secret correspondence method lives in Miss Chelsea’s address, so you rather choose not to reply.”




“I’d say it was like an ostrich. Hiding only the head doesn’t mean hiding the whole body.”


A smiling man drove in the car.


“It’s worth a drink. It’s the first time I’ve tasted this tea since I came here.”


Contrary to the word, the man who had pushed the teacup that hadn’t shrunk at all leaned over.


It was a high-handed yet elegant posture.


“Let’s hear why you think I’ve taken a walk in vain. There must be an excuse for you, Miss Chelsea.”


“What on earth are you trying to say when you come out like this?”


“It’s the message that matters, not the tone, right?—Well, if you don’t like it, it’s not hard to change it to something more familiar to Miss Chelsea.”


The man whispered as if to give a great gift.


“How dare you not be satisfied with the position of mistress and aim for the position of the Count’s wife.”


It was very sweet.


“You seduced the eldest son of the Count’s family, who was naive and ignorant of the world, and eventually killed him. That’s not enough… I will ask again,  Chelsea, a former maid, who has kept a Lady who could have become the Count’s daughter stuck in the countryside. “


And in a creepy voice.


“Where is it? My niece.”

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The man who was looking down at Chelsea with a slow gaze smiled.


“Would you like this side?”


Chelsea didn’t avert her gaze.


“It’s much better than the hypocritical tone. Sometimes the tone is more important than the message, Young Lord Friedrich of Menelik.”


“My God. What on earth did Brother Lawrence like about a woman like this?”


At first, it sounded like a surprise, but Friedrich said it in a mocking tone.


Chelsea responded in a stronger tone, not losing.


“If you’re curious, go ask him directly where he is.”


“It seems like you think you’re in a position where you can fight against me just because my Older Brother kept you by his side, but you’re very mistaken.”


“It’s you who’s mistaken. You think I’m still a maid in Menelik, but this is the Vladin Empire. Empire, not Menelik County. Imperial law overrides the rules of the Count. You can’t force me to do anything.”


Is that why she came to Vladin’s Senon, which she had no connection with?


“My sword wouldn’t think so, Miss Chelsea. Mixing words is my last mercy. Don’t you know what’s in my hand?”


“Then you should also know, Friedrich.”


Chelsea gritted her teeth.


“How prepared can I be to be a maid who seduces the Count’s Young Master, who is naive and innocent?”


Friedrich’s expression, which had been smooth and elegant, went crazy at that moment.


Looking at Chelsea as if biting, he stood up with a cane.


Chelsea didn’t avert from his gaze. The sparks went off.


“On the day I come back.”


It was Friedrich who broke the silence first.


“I’ll cut that tongue first, so you know.”


“If you want to scare me, you’d better do it another way.”


“I’d be happy to refer to it.”


Chelsea, who was staring at Frederick as he walked away, heard footsteps in her ears.


Dahlia ran in through the back door.


“Are you okay? Chelsea, Chelsea!”


Chelsea, who sat upright with bloodshot eyes until Friedrich’s carriage moved away, took a long breath.


Then, she covered her face.

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