Muttering bitterly, she let out a deep sigh and folded the letter.

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Luce left the house with an unaddressed letter envelope since she could leave it with Yohan. 


She could see a house in a raspberry field.


It was a two-story house, Rev’s house—a house no one lived in anymore.


“There is no need to find a new house, I thought everyone who said it didn’t matter was because they were leaving the next day.”


He often acts incomprehensible, but she really couldn’t imagine that this would be the end.


A year and a half ago. It was the day after her birthday. When she opened her eyes, the house was quiet.


It was always a quiet house, but the air on the floor was heavy. Intuitively, she had a feeling that something was wrong.


Luce opened the door and saw an empty house.


At first, she had the stupid idea that it might have been robbed.


She called Rev. But she didn’t get an answer.


Then she searched the first floor. It was empty. There will be no robber who robs all the clothes, books, or even the pen point.


She climbed to the second floor with trembling legs. She thought that if he couldn’t hear her because he was in the studio like before, or if he was out somewhere, there would be even a small clue left.


There was something left on the second floor. A half-empty green medicine bottle and an unidentified round star-shaped Mana Stone embedded in his studio.


She untied the necklace like she was tearing it open. She called Rev’s name one after another, hoping that the answer would come back.


Suffering, worrying, and trying to find out his whereabouts, Luce eventually had to admit it—.


That her friend had disappeared, that he didn’t want to tell his whereabouts, and that the answer would never come back from beyond the necklace.


He left all the ambiguous and dubious words of her birthday to her.


Just as he won the one card on the last day, he tried to hide it until the end.


It was the worst birthday present ever. Realizing the fact, Luce left his house.


After living in the Lord’s castle for some time, Luce built a new house with the help of Mrs. Plum.


Coincidentally, it was the site of Chelsea’s house, which was burned and demolished.


As soon as the one-story house facing Rev’s house in the raspberry field was completed, Luce bought curtains first.


A curtain covers the raspberry field.


“The fact that he left without saying anything to me must mean that I was just that much to him.”


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She spent more time talking to herself now that she was living alone.


It was like making a promise.


“So… I’m going to live well on my own now, too. I will.”


In her previous life and in this life, she ended up being alone.


She ended up alone in both her previous life and this one. 


Swallowing bitter thoughts, Luce walked out the door.


After patting Nox’s head a few times and heading towards Rodante, Luce didn’t pay attention to the raspberry field. 




She was on her way back after delivering the letter to Yohan and finishing her research today.


A wagon full of liquor passed by her. It had the mark of 『Brut Merchant』 on it. 


“…By any chance, if you want to tell me about your friend, please contact me through the Brut merchant. You just need to find someone named Patricia… she never tells anyone else.”


It wasn’t that she didn’t consider asking Princess Ximel for help. 


Princess Alois probably knew a lot more than she did as a simple country girl. She’s been asking about Rev, so maybe she’ll find him more enthusiastically than herself.


‘But I don’t know why the princess wants to know about Rev. If she asks where the boy is, it may become dangerous.’


As a princess, she seemed like a decent person, but in the end, she belonged to the Duke of Ximel. 


In the original story, the Duke of Ximel is a reactionary character who doesn’t mind showing her traumatized daughter her wounds. 


She just knew that if she wanted to find out where Rev was, the fastest way to find out was to ask Alois, but Luce couldn’t.


‘Really. Am I still worried about him?’


Someone tapped Luce’s shoulder as she walked bitterly. Luce turned around in surprise and opened her eyes wide as if she had been burned. 


“What are you doing here, Dominic?”


“W, why can’t I be here?”


Contrary to his harsh words, Dominic’s ears were red.


Luce thought for a moment, “Is there such a consistent person?” 


“I just asked what are you doing, but why is your reaction so strong? It was the first time I saw you near the Lord’s castle, so I asked because I was curious.” 


“Hmph. Look at this. Isn’t it wonderful?”

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It seems that he wants to show off the metal artifacts made at the blacksmith again.


Luce, who was about to give a nonchalant answer, spoke admiringly.


“Wow. Did you make this?”


A small dagger, about an inch long, swung around in his hand.


Dominic’s hand skills were not surprising.


On the smaller handle of the little dagger, there was a beautiful and delicate piece of silver that didn’t go with Dominic’s usually rough personality.


“Isn’t it cool?” 


Dominic shrugged his shoulders and smiled proudly as if he had lost his temper.


“Eung, that’s really cool. Did you really make it?”


“This is nothing. How long have I been learning from my master, and if I can’t even make it to this level, can I be called a blacksmith?”


“You mean you made all of this piece and the sword?”


“It’s very basic of the basics, so don’t be so surprised. It’s not like I’m showing off being a country person.”


“Then how do city people get surprised?”


“…Hmm, ehem.” 


“Then did you come to offer this to the Lord?”


Did our Lord like this? 


Dominic laughed out loud in front of Luce, who tilted his head.


“What do you offer? I made it with all my might, so who cares?” 


“Sometimes it’s the basic of the basics.”


“Ah, let’s move on. Anyway, I can handle metal at this level, finally! My master gave me permission to open a studio in my name. I’m here to submit my permit application. They said permission would come out in a week at the earliest.”


“Wow, so you’re going to be the workshop owner?”


“Of course!” 


Thinking that Dominic, with a happy expression, was like a black cat who had succeeded in catching prey, Luce smiled.


“Aunt Dahlia will really like it.”


“That’s how it is. He didn’t know that I would make money faster than Dietrich.”

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“Looks like Dietrich is still grinding?”


“Right, well. Phew. Anyway, I’m glad. If Dietrich hadn’t gone to graduate school, you’d have only fantasies.” 


“What fantasy?”


“The fantasy of learning skills in the capital.”


“…Were you interested in studying?”


Dominic cleared his throat and puffed out his chest.


“These days, small horse-riding tools are gradually being distributed to the general public, right?”


“Is that so?”


It was the first time he had heard of it for Luce, who had not consciously cared about magic engineering.


“You always study herbs, so do you know what’s popular these days? Anyway, if the supply of horse-riding tools increases, the demand for auxiliary items accompanying horse-riding tools will also increase, right? For example, those who want to decorate their horse-riding tool saddles more flashily or those who want to remodel their magic tool guard items more inconspicuously.” 


‘Ah, it’s not as small as a necklace. It seems to be a magical tool used in everyday life.’


“I see.” 


“However, horse-riding tools are very sensitive and difficult to handle, so if people who don’t know them touch them hastily, the magic stone, which is the power source, will be damaged, or the circuit will be broken. That said, placing a custom order directly with a magic engineer takes a long time and costs too much. That’s why there is an increasing demand for blacksmiths who know a little about the principles of magical engineering in the capital.” 


“Oh… I understand what you mean.”


“So if I learn that skill, I can become an irreplaceable workshop owner, at least in Rodante. Well, if things go well, I can work in the capital.”


“Listening to the story, I don’t think your fantasy about the capital has been broken yet.”


Dominic’s face turned bright red.


“How are you different?”


“I don’t like capital very much.”


“What else do you like, if you haven’t been there?”


“I’m just not very interested. I like the quiet life in Rodante.”


Dominic crossed his arms as if he didn’t like Luce’s words.


“A woman should dream big! My mother said that.”


“I agree with that, but you can dream big in Rodante. Just as you become an irreplaceable workshop owner, I will become an irreplaceable pharmacist.”


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“How can you become an irreplaceable pharmacist when the pharmacist grandfather is alive and well?”


“I have quite a few recipes of my own.”


‘I haven’t found a medicine that works for my headache yet.’


Dominic grumbled.


“I know you’ve been suffering from headaches for several years, but the people in my village are going to buy medicine from your store. They’re people who don’t even know about medicine.”


“…how did you know that?”


“I can tell just by looking at it. I’ve seen you rub your temples several times.”


She was at a loss for words.


“I know Mrs. Plum is a good person. I know, but I honestly don’t know if she’s a good teacher. If she’s really good, wouldn’t she have to relieve her student’s headache so that she can trust and learn?”


“Dominic, it’s my psychological problem that I have a headache.”


“Whether it’s a psychological problem or a physical problem, it’s more important that everyone knows that you have a headache. That it’s been going on for almost two years. If you’re going to open a drugstore in Rodante, get rid of your headache quickly. You’ll either have to treat it or open a shop in another area where they don’t know you’re having a headache.”


Dominic closed his mouth when he saw Luce’s expression.


His dark complexion turned red for an instant, and Dominic scratched the back of his neck.


“…I said it harshly. I’m sorry.”


“No, you’re right. That’s so true that I feel like I’ve been hit.”


“That’s why!…Someone’s headache hasn’t gotten better for almost two years. My mom also had a headache for a while, but it wasn’t as bad as yours, so I’m worried.”


“There are many things you worry about.”


“How can I not be worried when it’s what happened to you, fool. Sometimes you look very smart, but you’re a little stupid, you know?”


Luce, who sighed quietly, was the first to leave, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.


“I, I said this harshly, too. I’m sorry.”


“It’s okay because that word just now didn’t hurt much.”


“…You said it was a psychological problem, your headache.”


“My body is fine, so maybe.”


“Is that psychological problem because of that brat?”


A cough came out of her mouth at the very direct and poignant choice of words.

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