“Cough, what?” 

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“I wonder if your head hurts just thinking about that brat or because it’s such a big shock that your headache continues.”


“No, such a thing. My headache started a long time ago.”


“Otherwise, is there any reason for the headache to continue? It’s strange, no matter how much smoke you’re breathing at the time. That brat, I didn’t like it from the first time I saw it. Don’t be like that nerd who says, “Call me Revinas,” and don’t look at me like I’ve done something wrong if I want to talk to you.”




“Honestly, I wasn’t surprised when I heard the boy was gone. It was obvious that he was only acting in front of you. He was wearing a mask in front of you, pretending to be innocent and nice. It’s fortunate that you found out the truth about that child before it was too late. Right? Dietrich didn’t like him very much either.”


“Stop it, Dominic.”


She felt nauseous.


However, Dominic didn’t think of closing his mouth as if the words he had been holding back had burst out. 


“Whatever the reason, if he really thought of you as a friend, then he wouldn’t do it. It’s not the same as using it. It’s for the Young Master’s friend who is living in the countryside. What’s the difference between throwing it away after it’s no longer useful? A child who has nowhere to turn to.”


“Dominic, stop it.”


“He must be from an aristocratic family who has a hard time understanding commoners. That’s why he can use people like that without any guilt. And now you’re…” 


“Stop it!” 


There was silence.


When Luce lifted her throbbing head, she saw Dominic biting his lip. 


“I’m sorry.” 




 “I’m sorry for holding you when you have a headache. The thing I said out loud, I’m sorry. I don’t feel sorry for cursing and speaking ill of him. Because he’s a rude guy.” 


Luce answered without energy.


“What’s the point of talking in an empty place? I’m the one listening to it.”

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“If you thought he had nothing to do with you, you wouldn’t have felt bad. Do you still care about him? He’s not worth it.”


“Why don’t I feel bad? You simply assumed that I was a tool that was used and then thrown.”


“Think about who started handling the tools you’re offended by.”


It wasn’t a very pointless statement.


She also understood Dominic’s words in that way.


It’s a problem to understand.


“…It’s a problem that I know even if you don’t tell me that. You don’t have to tell me twice, Dominic.”


It’s a problem she knows better than anyone.


Dominic tapped her on the shoulder after moving his lips a few times.


“Let’s go, it’s cold. My mom made stew today, and it’s delicious. Take some of it.”


“It’s okay. There are many things to eat at home. Mrs Plum and the chef at the Lord’s castle also gave me a lot of food, so it’s overflowing.” 


“Think about what it means to everyone asking you to eat something. There are many things to eat at home, so why are you so skinny?”


“What can I do with the body I was born with? My parents must have been skinny.”


“You are funny. Your black cat will eat a lot more than you.”


“It’s not that I eat less, it’s that Nox eats a lot. It has a bit of an appetite for a cat.” 


“Don’t talk nonsense, and just walk quickly. Do you have a chance to catch a cold?”


Dominic is a pretty good guy as a friend.


Although he is aggressive in his words and actions, that he gets angry at others, and that he often crosses the line, he knows how to apologize.


If he is a little considerate and careful with each other, they will be able to get along with each other.

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He won’t believe it.


The aftereffects of a person who disappeared overnight remain intact even a year and a half later.


Luce laughed at herself. 




“Yes. He said he wanted to stay in the capital a little longer. He seemed determined to establish a site at all.”


Yohan thought as he heard the groans of Baron Felice, Lord of Rodante.


The past three years have been pretty good times.


Although he has not heard the repertoire of the Lord for the past three years, which is quite composed like the melody of the song, Yohan was able to repeat what he would say.


“He has a passion for learning—” 


“I don’t know why there are so few people who will devote themselves to developing this territory without leaving it, I know you think.”


“I don’t even know why our young people think it’s best to farm with blood and sweat.”


“Of course, that’s not wrong?”


“It is true that this is a situation that should be avoided for the development of the territory.”


The Baron, who had sighed heavily, rested his chin on his desk.


 Yohan had a hunch that he might add one to his repertoire.


“Is there something wrong with our Rodante? That is true of children who won first place in a quiz contest and received a tour ticket to the capital. If you look at the small and underdeveloped Rodante estate and see the capital, you will feel ecstatically beautiful and wonderful. But… But I don’t think our estate will be bad enough to even run away at night, hmph.” 


His intuition was hardly wrong.


As expected, a story about a boy who disappeared a year and a half ago flowed from the Lord’s mouth.


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‘Revinas, just look at him.’


Yohan took a few deep breaths and spoke softly.


“What do you mean by running away at night? It can’t be. He must have left the territory for a while due to an urgent situation.”


“Don’t you think a year and a half is too long for a moment? Didn’t you tell me when you went out to inspect the land there was nothing in that house?”


“I wanted to claim the right to indemnity if there was anything left, but unfortunately, it didn’t.”


Yohan, who was speaking with a cynical tone, was stabbed.


Yohan was pleased with Baron Felice, who seemed to say, “How much right to indemnify the child!”


“I’m not really saying that. I mean, it’s just one of the options. In conclusion, we didn’t get any information about the child, let alone claim the right to indemnity.”


“I just hope that something big hasn’t happened. It’s not like someone has threatened him or kidnapped him, right?”


“If it were a threat or abduction, only the body would have disappeared, not all the books and objects in the house. Moreover, it may sound cold, but Lucette, who was with him at the time, wouldn’t have been fine if he had been a target of bad things. Anyway, I think Revinas has made up his mind….” 


As he blurted out his words, the sound of pain leaking out from Baron Felice grew even higher. 


‘It’s understandable that you’re confused. I couldn’t believe it when I first heard the news.’


Luce was a little late to the research lab at Baron’s castle, where she went every day. 


Yohan, who was about to be welcomed by Luce’s voice when he heard something, opened his mouth when he saw her.


“A, aide, haven’t you seen Rev?”


“What do you mean, Miss Lucette? I haven’t seen him.” 


“Rev, Rev is gone.”




“It’s clear something happened. That kid can’t do that. There’s no way…”


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After calming Luce, who was half out of her mind and muttering that this couldn’t be the case, Yohan, who headed to their home with a few soldiers, was speechless for the second time. 


Literally, nothing was left of the house.


‘Looking at the reaction, it’s clear that even Miss Lucette didn’t know. There was no kidnapping or threats from anyone. There is no doubt that he disappeared on his own. The problem is we don’t know the reason. Why?’


It was frustrating, so Yohan also tried asking around, but there was no particular result. 


With a deep sigh, Yohan prayed that the words he would bring up in the future wouldn’t hurt the Baron’s heart more. 


“So, why not find a way to make good use of the talent you already have? It’s not necessarily the person who won first place in a quiz competition is talented. Rodante still has Miss Lucette, and now, although out of town, there’s also Vincent, the son of a local government. Dominic also had a strong will to settle down in Rodante. That friend who applied for a business license a while ago.”


“That, it’s fortunate.” 


“It’s fine as it is now. But… since they are still young, you can see that if they get more additional education, the potential for development is endless, right?


“Right…? But why are you saying that?”


“An edict was issued today.”


Baron’s complexion turned white as if he knew what Yohan was going to say.


“A new law has been drafted. It seems that the person who came up with this bill seems to be interested in education. There is a new regulation to encourage local talent to educate and settle down in their place of origin.”


“What does it look like?”


“In order to nurture talented people with expertise at the same time as balanced development of the region…In some fields, you must go through a practice period.”


“Going through?”


“They said they decided to give up qualifications only after taking the exam. Aren’t all talents who have received their skills through apprenticeship or handed down are of different levels? Some may be excellent, but some are just daughters and sons, so there are also people who inherited the business but have no expertise at all. It means to level it up to a certain level or higher.”


“Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad.”


“Except that they have to stay in the capital during the working and preparation periods for the exam.”


Yohan, who spoke as calmly as possible, pretended to brush his hair and put on earplugs.


His choice was the right one. It was because such words triggered the Baron’s neurosis.

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