'Ack, my whole body is aching...'

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I can't count how many days I've been working out in this supposed no exercise life of mine.

As if that wasn't enough for the muscles of my body to scream out of pain, the uncomfortable cohabitation with mealworms lasted all night and I had no choice but to sleep at the top of the slide which was a tight fit for me.

How can someone sleep with a bug by their bedside. I can't do it. I mean, I'm a cowardly urban type of person who can't even farm because of insects.

I really can't live like this. This is unfair, I want to run away from home. That's it, I'm leaving the house!

"I prepared a different special meal for you today, Cashew Nut."

Just as I've made up my mind, Kyle came into the study to collect the bugs at the corner of the house.

"Sen said this raw food might not be to your taste. It's my fault."

― Eek! [ That's right, you were wrong. ]

"This morning I prepared dried pollack, and later in the evening I'll let you have some beef. There's plenty of meat because it's festival season. Tomorrow, should I bring you some chicken?"

'... Maybe I should think about running away twice.'

Hmm. That's right put your whole heart into it, since you're set in taking care of me anyways.

Kyle's face lit up noticeably as I came down the slide and looked up at him. He quickly put a piece of dried pollack in my hand and took the water bowl I spilled and filled it with clean water.

I nibbled away at the dried pollack. It seems it wasn't seasoned at all since he was planning on giving it to me, so it tasted a little bland, but it was worth eating. To be honest, this is a blessing considering the past few meals he tried to make me eat.

'It should've been like this in the first place.'

If I had no choice but to eat the bugs... Ah my poor life.

I choked and drummed my fist on my chest, then Kyle placed the water bowl beside me.

"The castle's atmosphere has been unsettling recently. Although you'll only be staying here and there's really nothing to worry about, just in case that pervert who confessed comes back..."

― Squeak!

I suddenly choked drinking the water and it almost went through my nose.

'W-what? The p-pervert who confessed?!'

Isn't that me? No, but which crazy bastard made that as my nickname?

"But don't worry, Cashew Nut, you have nothing to worry about, I've placed a guard in front of the study."

Of course, I have nothing to worry about, because that pervert is actually me...

When I shook my head, Kyle lifted me up and made a face as if he was dying because of my cuteness, then proceeded to shower me with kisses.

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Hey, stop! Why do you care about kissing me more than giving me food. Do your men know you live like this, huh? 

You said you were the Duke of the North. You said you were the strongest knight in Minehardt, and that you don't have tears nor blood. You're supposed to be the greatest leader of this barren wasteland. But you're just a damn hamster otaku!

"Your Highness."

Someone knocked on the door and Kyle put me back inside the house in the speed of light, and pretended nothing was amiss.

He spoke with a stern look, as if he was a completely different person.

"Come on in."

Wah, are you really the same person just now.

I can't get used to it, no matter how many times I see it. He completely turned his back from my gaze and received a report from the knight.

The second prince, Belial Serena Minehardt, was about to arrive at the estate.

*his name is Serena too... I thought only empresses could have that name bc the book said so, maybe the second name of the characters are their mom's name, since Kyle's second name was Jane?*

The report was so meticulous that it seemed unusual, the knight reported everything from the welcome procession, the location of all decorations, the route from the entrance of the castle to the dining area, down to the menu and ingredients.

It sounded like an irregular audit just by listening to the contents, Kyle's serious expression shows just how much importance was given to make this perfect.

'I knew you weren't on good terms with the royal family, and I even heard the servants talk about it while I was human... Just how serious is it?'

If you look at his expression now, you would think Kyle was fighting against demonic beasts.

"I should leave now."

Kyle glanced back at me. His eyes filled with lingering feelings.

I don't know if he just likes to hide his gentle feelings, or if he's only gentle to me. Or maybe he's only sweet towards animals, well there's no harm in it...

"Goodbye, Cashew Nut."

I held out my hand instead of answering. Give me one more dried pollack before you go.

"It's not good for you if you eat a lot, hmm?"

He whispered.

'... Okay...'

I decided to lie down on my back and just imagine the food I wanted to eat.

A hamburger with three patties, hot pot, shrimp meatballs, a T-bone steak bigger than my face, two pieces of pork belly on top of a lettuce. Herring sashimi during autumn, yellowtail sashimi in winter and for spring...

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As I lay down and rolled around after finishing the rest of the dried pollack, an idea suddenly came to mind.

'Come to think of it, why did Kyle have a bad relationship with the royal family? Although it's not a loss on his side, he's still a son of the previous emperor, what could've happened?'

Indeed, there are stories that you can't hear without shedding tears. You're supposed to be a prince living luxuriously, yet right now, you're acting as a duke in this barren land.

Kyle Jane Minehardt was not a very important character in the original. Moreover, he died quickly, so his past story was not treated as important.

System, do you know what he wants to achieve?  If I can lend a hand, then maybe the future might change.

[ Kyle's only wish is revenge. ]

'He also wants revenge?'

There are so many dreamers of revenge here and there.

It's probably because of his origin that he opposes the royal family. His biological mother was not accepted as a royal family member and lead to her taking her life in misery.

But that didn't make Belial and Kyle's relationship bad from the beginning. Maybe as he grew up, he started to despise Kyle.

The North was in danger, even though no one was actively trying to crush it, still it was good to reduce the possibilities of this happening, hence Kyle's meticulousness.

But despite Kyle's efforts to maintain peace in the North, Belial succeeded in his plan and found an excuse for the imperial family to pressure the North.

Just in time, the system showed the current situation as it happened in the original.

"Kyle Jane Minehardt, decorated an assault under the guise of a festival. There was proof that the chandelier fell on top of the Second Prince, Belial Serena Minehardt, at the banquet on the last day of the festival! In response, the Duke of Klein labels Kyle as an enemy of the imperial family and declares that he will confront everyone under the Blake's estate." ]

'That's it, this chandelier incident!'

On the last day of the festival, Belial's accident led to declare his maternal family's hostility towards the Blake estate.

And if it really happened, there's a possibility that Serena and Belial would first meet here. Sen might've been appointed to treat Belial's injury and they might have found out they shared the same goal.

If Belial, and his maternal family, the Duke of Klein, join forces together to antagonize Kyle, the North will be more isolated than it is now. That probably was the major cause of Kyle's death.

So, we need to stop this situation from happening.

'Since the banquet will happen on the last day...'

​There's a simple way to stop it, whatever I need to do, I just need to delay Belial's appearance so he can't appear during the banquet.

'What should I do...'

Should I meet Belial, first? I need to figure out how he looks like. I also have to think about how to persuade him not to attend the banquet. If it doesn't work out, then just hit him at a weak point.

It was time to remove the sawdust stuck in my front paws after a long day of thinking.

"Why do you keep soldiers by the door?"

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An unfamiliar voice sounded outside the study.

It was a soft and gentle voice that was close to a whisper. Soon the door opened, and Kyle brought the guest inside as he answered.

​"I told you I strengthened the security because of a small matter."

He used a tone often use here in the study, a tone that made my nerves feel taut. The man behind Kyle laughed quietly.

"It seems even the Grand Duke's study encounters such unexpected changes."

​Is he telling Kyle that he can't even manage one of his rooms? A cold smile appeared on Kyle's face for a second and then it quickly disappeared. I stepped out of my hiding place and climbed to the side of the wheel on the top floor to look at them. Then, I finally saw the man sitting across Kyle.

[ Belial Serena Minehardt. ]

As expected, it was Belial.

Golden hair that shone like honey, bright green eyes, a lively yet gentle appearance. His eyes pointing downwards making him look like a gentle sheep and a polite smile adorned his face...

If I were to manifest a prince from a fairytale, I think it would look exactly like him. What am I saying, of course it would look like him, he's a real prince.

"Other than that, I heard you started to raise a strange beast in your study?"

Ah. That strange beast would be me.

As I chewed on the walnut I brought up to the top floor, I saw Kyle's eyebrows twitch. H-hey! Don't react!

"It's a magical beast cub that I saved from the eastern forest, it's none of your business."

"I heard demonic beasts eat people when they grow up. It is very courageous of the Grand Duke to raise such a beast."

Belial smiled at Kyle with his eyes closed, while he (Kyle) just stared at him expressionless.

There seemed to be an invisible spark between the two. The festival is just starting, so why are you two like this already. Let's get along, okay?

"Do you have any other plans regarding that beast?"

*Belial kept hinting Kyle will use the hamster to kill people in the future...*

...Ahhhh! I really can't stop you two huh?

"You cannot take back words once spoken, Prince Belial."

"Shouldn't you begin by saying no, Grand Duke?"

It was an obvious provocation. And it was a bad one, as it insinuates Kyle would like to commit treason.

But look at me, could you not say those kinds of words. When I grow up, I'll attack the imperial city? Am I not the size of half a palm? I'm only getting angry because you're spouting nonsense.

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But Kyle seemed to be in a different situation. The cold air felt like it froze. I looked at them, rubbing my arms with my front paws.

'Hey... Don't tell me.'

You're not pulling out the sword are you? Be tolerable, don't commit murder. Just hang in there. Breathe.

"Don't suddenly throw a punch Kyle. You'll look as vulgar as your mother."

Kyle's hand crawled to the sword.

No! Don't kill him! Of course, I think he's a crazy bastard that shouldn't be forgiven for swearing at your mother, but still! Killing is not...

I didn't have much time to think about what to do in the situation. I jumped from the top floor and my body rolled down the slide.  Thump. Clack. Thump.

At the sudden sound, both of them were stunned and turned to look at me. 

".... Cashew Nut?"

Kyle was shocked and approached me quickly, when I didn't answer he shouted at the knight guarding the door.

"Take the prince to his chamber and bring a doctor quickly!"

The knight responded to the orders urgently. Then there was a creak as the door opened and someone stepped into the study.

It was Sen, who came to bring me snacks.

"..... Your Highness?"

"Sen, please lead the prince to his chamber."

Kyle said as he pulled me out of the hamster house. Sen took a second to assess the situation, then nodded and walked out of the study with Belial.

The noisy study quickly became silent, and I could feel Kyle's anxious gaze on me.

​'It should be fine now, right?'

It was an acting masterpiece that will go down in history.

[ ó﹏ò ]

Why! What! Look at how everyone was deceived. If this is not a masterpiece, then what is?

I moved my body as if I had just woken up, and Kyle sighed in relief. He put me closer to his face and asked in a gentle voice if I was okay.

As expected, I like this side of him more than him pretending to be indifferent.

*earlier in the chap, Kyle was pretending to be indifferent towards Soohyun when a knight/attendant was reporting the festival preparations*

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