After the two fought, the miracle value rose to 8%, perhaps because I changed the course of the original plot.

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This is quite expensive for just one performance of painting. Although, because of this act Kyle called for a veterinarian the day after.

'Your magical beast is quite cute, Your Highness....'

There was one problem, the doctor that came seemed to know nothing about magical beasts and could only say the sentence above.

But it was to be expected, how could a doctor who only examines rodents have any idea on what's wrong with a magical beast. I think it's even more amazing that there are veterinarians in this world.

'Was my acting too real...'

At this rate, if I really sneeze, the whole castle of Blake might be sent into a frenzy. The future of the North is bleak...

Kyle seemed to not want to leave my side, yet he didn't have a choice since it was a busy time and he needed to look over the preparations. It's not easy to be in charge of a territory. Still, seeing that the affairs are being finalized, he seems to be pretty good at his job as a lord.

Eventually he left the study to check the dinner preparation during the afternoon. He looked quite commendable today, so I'll let him kiss up to 5 times.

Thanks to him being busy, I also have some free time. As soon as I confirmed that he has moved far away from the study, I quickly used the skill and became human.

[ Good luck! (ෆ`꒳´ෆ) ]




"So you're saying your name is... Shu?"

I'm doomed.

I'm tired of saying 'I'm doomed', but I have no other words for this situation.

Right now, I'm roughly dressed in different pieces of clothing which I found in other laundry rooms along the path from the maid's laundry. I managed to find an attendant's uniform.

And although it didn't fit, I was lucky to find leather boots clean shirts and pants.

​Thanks to the nice situation, I felt a little elated thinking my luck has finally turned around, that is until I ran into Sen at the hallway.

"Well, yes, I guess-"

Sen frowned as I spoke indifferently.

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"Where in the world would you find someone who says, 'I guess' when asked about their name."

Where you ask? It's here in this world. Since you wouldn't believe that my name is 'Cashew Nut,' I could only say 'Shu.'

I don't have any other name prepared, if I said my real name which probably doesn't exist in this world, you would think I'm strange.

So, I could only say that my name is 'Shu'. It's taken from Cashew Nut, although it's not a good name, I took it from the name the Grand Duke sincerely bestowed upon me.

The quick-witted Sen immediately recognized that I was wearing someone else's clothes. It's because of this shirt that's suspiciously large on my frame.

"Did you steal these clothes? Are you perhaps the infamous, companionship pervert-"

"I'm not!"

Of course, it's me, but I can't admit it!

What do you mean companionship pervert, I'm just a companion okay? When I shouted in reply, Sen grumbled and said,

"If it's not you, then why are you yelling?"

Luckily, she was as kind as she was clever. Instead of accusing me, she decided to listen to my explanation.

Thanks to this, I was forced to come up with a sob story of my past on the spot. I stammered and told her how my family was killed by demonic beasts when I was young and how I had nothing to wear now since I outgrew my old clothes. I also told her I couldn't remember the name my family gave me, so I gave a name to myself, thinking it was an appropriate name for me.

..... Come to think of it. It was not far from the truth, when I was young, my parents did indeed die, due to a car accident. And I was poor and unable to buy clothes.

"I see. It is indeed common for refugees to enter the estate or the castle during the festival. That's why His Highness prepares a lot of food during this period. A lot of orphans like you stumble around here."

Sen looked at me with a complex expression and said,

"I also lost my family, so I came here all the way to the North, just like you, I don't have anyone left."

She seemed to have felt sorry for me.

After our conversation, Sen disappeared for a while then brought back a few clothes. She said it was clothes usually worn by servants. It was simple and clean, and it was easy to move my body wearing it.

Thanks to Sen, my situation actually became better, so I gave the stolen clothes back to her.

"Shu, it seems that we are hiring more servants because there's not enough workers in the castle these days. Why don't you apply? You can stay at the castle, and you won't have to steal clothes like this anymore."

"I won't steal. Really, please believe me. I'm also embarrassed by my actions."

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I can't believe I have to look for a job here as well. It's really hard to make ends meet. Everything was free when I was just a hamster. Ah, maybe because I paid it with my human rights.

I asked in a faint voice.

​"But there's going to be an interview, right?"

"Of course, they don't just blindly pick. And working here in the castle is much more sought out than you think!"

"Is that so? How many rounds will the application process have?"

Sen looked at me blankly as if I asked a weird question.

"Hmm? How many what?"

​"It's nothing..."

That's right, this isn't even a company. There might not be enough spots as well, so I need to do my best to get picked.

After that, I stuck with Sen as she gave me a tour of the castle. I earnestly memorized the layout of the Blake Castle and at the same time, eavesdropped on servants passing by in case I hear any rumors, I learned the way to the study, I found out about a passageway used by servants only, and discovered rooms that were not being used.

Thanks to this, I also found a good place to hide my clothes. It was the most fulfilling 30 minutes I've spent since I've transmigrated.

"Can I leave you for a bit? I need to give these documents to His Highness, he asked to strengthen the security, so I made a new timetable for the soldiers patrolling."

"Oh that, His Highness said he was going to return to the study, he must almost be there by now, it's fine we can take our time."

W-what? His Highness is returning to the study? Already?!

I stood stiffly on the spot.

It hasn't even been long after 30 minutes as a human, this plan is ruined again. If this continues, it's easier to count the moments in life that's not ruined.

"So that's everything about the East Tower, now let's look at the Central Area where the banquet hall is found... Huh? Shu! Where are you going?!"

"Sorry, I forgot about something I needed to do! I'll look around the banquet hall next time!"

Right now, the problem isn't that I can't look around the banquet hall. If I'm not back in the hamster house in 3 seconds I'm afraid the Blake castle will be turned inside out again.

I quickly stuffed my clothes in the unused storage room and closed it from the inside. I need to hurry and go back and pretend like nothings amiss...

As soon as the white light wrapped around my body, I suddenly felt uneasy. I had an instinctive intuition that I shouldn't release the skill without thinking.

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'Hey system, can I specify a location inside the hamster house?'

[ Of course!  ]

'Then... please put me in the most out of sight. Where was it again? The place where I piled up the sawdust to make the ground soft? It's around the corner of the first floor.'

The white light slowly wrapped around my body again and as it flashed the surroundings turned brown. It seems I arrived safely as expected...

Then someone suddenly grabbed my body.

― Squeak! [ What the?! ]

"Cashew Nut."

His voice was several times lower than usual. Even when Belial was here, I don't think his voice sounded this gloomy.

Kyle's eyes fell on me, and my body trembled reflexively. H-hey! Wait a minute, what's wrong with you? Let's talk, just t-talk it out. Of course, you don't understand what I'm saying but-

'.... Why does it feel like your eyes are a bit off.'

No, not just a bit, I meant a lot.

"I thought you disappeared."

​I did disappear, but I was going to come back, it's just you came back before me!

I rolled my eyes and glanced at his hands, the tendons on his wrists, turned black and blue, as if he was preventing himself from exerting too much force on his hands.

Seeing the sawdust stuck between his fingers, he must've been searching the floor of the house when he saw I wasn't at the usual spot with the feeding bowl and toys.

Thump. Thump. 

A heartbeat that seemed quite fast could be felt from the palm of his hand.

Why are you so nervous. I'm just a magical beast found in the wild. If you act like this, people will think you love me more than you love your own life.

"Cashew Nut, please don't scare me like that again."

I heard him sigh.

Kyle looked at me with complicated eyes and gently stroked my head. His hand that was holding me was shaking, yet the hand that swept through my fur was so gentle and stable.

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"Am I ridiculous for liking you this much? I don't know if the rest of the world thinks like Belial. But from the first moment I held you in my hands, I was determined to give you all the love I have. Isn't it natural to cherish you with all my might since I decided that you'll be my companion."

Why are you speaking such touching words.

I stopped twisting in his grasp and stretched out my paw to touch his palm.

​'You really must've been worried.'

That's right, I suddenly disappeared just a few days ago while you were washing up. For me, I was just turning into human to look around the castle, but for you it must have been shocking to find that I've gone.

I felt sorry towards Kyle. But I can't help it, I need to go out... Okay then, I'll adjust my schedule, how about going out when you're sleeping? Alright, let's do it like that.

Kyle put his lips briefly on my forehead and said affectionately.

"I want to make you the happiest magical beast in the whole world."

What a commendable remark. It's this hamster's luck to be picked by you. It's indeed convenient to live when your owner is a kind human.

"And if ever someone kidnaps you, he will not have the luxury of being buried in one place."

I take back what I said about you being kind. This owner is a bit strange. Please, don't be to obsessed with hamsters!

"Tomorrow afternoon, the vet will come again to examine you, Cashew Nut. It still bothers me that you fainted out of nowhere. Maybe you're too skinny.... I'll bring you a lot of special snacks tomorrow morning. For now, here, Sen brought you a beef snack."

Wow! Beef... Alright I'll let you slide even if you're too overbearing. Korean beef.... Ah, there's no Korean beef here. Northern beef, come to me~

By the way, you make me eat until I'm full every breakfast, lunch and dinner, but you think I'm skinny? Just because you can hold me with one hand doesn't mean I'm skinny!

​Back in my old world, I was originally a glutton. I ate a lot and ate more freely once I got here. I guess I brought that habit with me here.

'Is the hamster constitution, the same as human constitution?'

​Of course I don't know, I've never lived as a hamster before. Excuse me, does anyone know what's the average weight for a hamster?

"But it's alright, since you're still cute."

To Kyle, I seemed to be the definition of the most perfect specimen in this whole universe.

'This hamster otaku.....'

Hmph, still I felt a bit happy today, so I'll let it slide and call you a kind owner.

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