The festival began in earnest in the North, and the celebration was lively enough to forget the coldness of the winter.

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‘Hmm, why are they holding such a big festival when it’s not even the season of harvesting?’

It’s hard to get flowers during this time of the year, since the cold wind blows day and night, it must be expensive to buy them from outside. It’s not even thanksgiving, nor spring… Why is the festival celebrated during this cold season?

“Because the day is short.”

Sen answered my question clearly.

“It’s a period of time where there’s less stuff for people to do. And people tend to get depressed easily when the amount of sunlight is reduced. Lethargy makes people sick; the poor starve to death and the pessimists often kill themselves.”

I see. I’ve never thought of that.

I looked up at the red sky beyond the castle walls. The sun was already setting even though it was still early in the day.

“So, His Highness deliberately makes the coldest and darkest times lively. Spending this week, by generously releasing food collected throughout the year and buying people’s goods at a high price. Aristocrats from the city are also invited to spend money for the merchants to earn their keep. It’s like giving a gift to the people of the estate in order for them to keep enduring until spring.”

That means, while Kyle’s not hanging out with me, he was taking care of everyone in the estate. I honestly admire it.

“Soon, His Highness will deliver a speech to commemorate the charity event. Do you want to go and see it?”

I nodded.

There’s still time left anyway. I tried to meet Belial, but unfortunately, I still couldn’t, so I just looked around the castle. Since the time for “Summon” was doubled, I can enjoy this luxury.

“Are they selling food on the street?”

“Have you not tried the festival food? Oh, this can’t do! Come on, follow me. I’ll treat you today!”

The place Sen led me to was teeming with people and stalls.

'Wow, there’s really a lot to eat.’

There’re orange-colored candied apples, grilled barbeque and lots of fried snacks and sweets covered in caramel sauce. My eyes, nose and mouth are all satisfied with all the food surrounding me,

'Life in the north is better than I expected…’

Only when there’s delicious food can a heart full of love for the estate be born. I watched the vividness of the street while taking a bite at the food Sen bought me.

“Your Highness!”

“Thank you so much, my lord!”

The festival was more exhilarating than I thought, and so was Kyle’s speech, which we watched from afar.

It was good to watch him from a distance that could be reached at any time if I wanted. But the Lord of Blake, exuding greatness, who could only be seen from afar, is also pretty cool.

He looked at his subjects from the stage with a blank expression that seemed cold to anyone else.

If you didn’t know anything about him, you would misunderstand and think he was a villain or a tyrant.

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But I know that’s not the case at all. I haven’t been with him for a long time, but I already know him well. What more for the people who have been living in this estate for years.

“It was really a good choice to come to the North.”

“Who said otherwise? If it wasn’t for Your Highness, we would have all starved to death a few years ago.”

This was someone’s vivid life, which cannot be explained by just a few lines in a novel. The reality is that the energy and passion of the people does not cool down despite the harsh winter wind. Their indomitable determination to live and breathe keeps them going.

“Who said you were a cold and unfeeling Duke of the North….”

If you look at him at any angle, you’d obviously see otherwise. Of course, I like it better like this than what the book described.

“Here, eat this too Shu.”

As I stared at Kyle, Sen came to me with honey-coated fruit skewers on both hands.

I took a big bite of what looked like Tanghulu. It was crunchy and juicy, the fruit itself tasted almost fresh, perhaps because of the cold northern climate. Before I knew it, I’ve already eaten all four of the skewered fruits.

It was a fruitful hour, I ate delicious food and met new people. It almost felt like I was free from everything.

But now it’s time to go back, I looked back at everything with regret. My eyes which scanned the street landed on Kyle, who was distributing rations directly to the people.

Hmm, it was a good choice that I decided to save you.

“The only problem is, can I actually do it…”

“What did you say?”

“…Ah! It was nothing. I was just talking to myself. Thank you for the snack, I’m off now.”

Sen tilted her head and asked,

“Why are you always in a hurry to leave every day? I haven’t even seen you for more than an hour.”

“That- It’s, well it’s complicated.”

I want to stay longer too. There’s a pile of food to eat from here to there. That beer, that homemade sausage, and beef jerky? Just imagining them is already making my mouth water.

I eventually returned to the castle with a bag of snacks.

'I should get home before Kyle comes back.’

I shouldn’t make him worry this day, or else he might turn the study upside down trying to look for a hamster.

However, there was another problem I overlooked.

“Cashew Nut, as long as you’re healthy, I have nothing else to wish for.”

I ate too many again, so I went home full and turned a blind eye to the nuts left in the bowl. Kyle put the macadamia near my mouth trying to make me it, but I really couldn’t take another bite.

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The magicians came and said they still didn’t feel any mana from me, and Kyle’s face became dimmer at the suggestion that he inject more magical power to me.

Kyle wrapped a handkerchief around me and brought me to sleep with him in his bedroom. But what do I do, I can’t sleep since I slept a lot during the day.

I spent the whole time tossing and turning around Kyle’s sleeping face.

'You’re quite handsome…’

This is what they mean by being full just by looking at a handsome face huh?

I can’t get enough of it.


I have a lot of worries.

I did locate Belial’s room. However, it was embarrassing to even pass by because of the knights guarding the door.

Is it tradition for the royal family to set up guard posts outside their bedroom? You live a strict life.

Agh! Listen people, I’m trying so hard to save your lives, but how is it a possible that not a single one of you take me seriously? That villain like chandelier! I get so upset looking at it. That item doesn’t care for anyone’s safety!

It has already been three days since I discovered Belial’s room and have walked nearby to chance upon the prince. What can mulling over it do, I can only confront him and say it upfront.

Now that the banquet is just around the corner, if I keep wasting time like this, I’ll end up sacrificing my body when the time comes just to prevent the accident.

There’s nothing I can do, if I can’t see you today, I’ll have no choice but to enter your room through the window.


Just then, I saw Belial walking at the hallway on the other side. There were several knights around him, but I could see his face when I tip-toed.

I apporached him in a heartbeat. There was no time to think. This is my last chance. My desperate voice called out,


With a snap.

Belial’s green eyes landed on my face the same time his knights drew their swords out and placed them near my neck. I could feel the cool sensation of the blades tightening on all sides of my neck.

If this continues, I might get cut just by swallowing saliva. Please go easy on me hmm. I was just calling out to the prince.

“Uhm, this is a little…”

Isn’t this too much for someone who doesn’t even have a weapon? Even if I was really crazy and tried to kick Belial, my legs wouldn’t even reach his head.

Belial raised his hand.

“It’s fine.”

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The problem was that even though the prince was amiable, the knights were not and started shouting at me as soon as they placed their cwords back.

“Be polite to His Highness!”

What? Why? Is there something I should do before greeting? Should I kneel?

Judging from the atmosphere, it seems like I should. When I stood up after kneeling, the atmosphere seemed to be better.

'I got it. I got it.’

I’m like a dirty, low-ranking commoner.

“I’m sorry to disturb His Highness’ business like this but…”

I lowered my head and said,

“Please don’t go to the banquet.”

I’m not that good at talking, so rather than explaining my actions and why I’m asking him to do this, it’s better to just say it directly.

Belial took a step closer to me. His shoes came into my view of the floor. Compared to my shoes which were dirty, his were sparkling clean. Is this the saying children from different families are different.

“There are only two days until the banquet, you don’t want me to attend all of a sudden?”


“Even though I just received the invitation from the Grand Duke?”


I answered carelessly.

Why do you keep asking me ah? Are you going to block that falling chandelier with that invitaiton? If you get one shot, you should shoot it. If I can save you, then I’ll save you.

I lifted my head slightly.

“I’m just informing the prince.”
The future of the North can only be protected if you are careful. I know nothing aside from that, I’m just a pet hamster who doesn’t even pay for its own food.

“You’re saying that as if someone has planned to hurt me at the banquet.”

Belial whispered near my ear. His voice was clear and gentle, yet his words were cold and rough.

“That’s not true.”

I answered casually.

“If you’re thinking that His Highness Kyle has plotted to kill you, he wouldn’t wait and cause trouble at his own banquet to do it, Your Highness.”

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And Kyle will never want that to happen. He is a person who will never do that nor even think that in his mind.

He is the leader of the North. His actions are closely linked to the future of the people in this estate. And Kyle knows his responsibility. He is quite different from you who just came here and tried to cause a scandal.

“That’s funny.”

Belial laughed quietly, as if I had said something weird. Him and Kyle say the same stuff as if they were brothers.

He slid his arm and grabbed my chin with his fingers, tilted my face upwards and made eye contact with me. I thought a man couldn’t be both gentle and rough, but he can definitely do it. In this sense, you could say he’s a great man.

But of course, to other people, he probably just looks like a gentle and fairy like prince tilting my head to see my face.

“What a strange face. It looks unique.”

It’s because I’m a native Korean. Your Highness, if you go to Hongdae, or Sangsu or Hapjeong, you would find 500 people who look like me.

“Why are you stopping me from attending so desperately seeing as you’re not even from the North?”

What should I say.

I can’t just say, I don’t want you to get hit by the chandelier and lead the North to destruction.

I feel like I’ve seen my future in a book if I do say those words to you, my life will end with a sword slicing my throat.

Somebody help me!

Is it possible that there’s someone who’s fate is tied to Belial, will step in for me, just coincidentally.


They’re here.

“They just didn’t want you and the grand duke to be upset during the banquet.”

I turned my head in delight and saw Sen, who was holding hamster toys and snacks in her arms.

'That’s right!’

[ (*≧▽≦)ノシ ]

’… Although I’m still quite nervous.’

It isn’t a lie that I’m happy right now.

Sen came closer to me with a smile. Is it just me? There seemed to be a halo around her right now.

I do hope Sen/Serena stays this way and doesn’t harm Soohyun/Shu or Kyle in the future ☆o(><;)○


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