“Maybe he didn’t want the two of you to be upset?”

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People who were gathered around looked at us as if we had said something so absurd.

It was expected, of course. Who doesn’t know the reason Belial came to the North? It wasn’t enough to just send aristocrats and find trouble with the estate, the imperial family came forward and wanted to find fault by themselves.

Kyle’s biological mother, as written in < The Heart of Winter >, was a commoner who ended her life as a maid, not being able to be recognized by the imperial family, nor even buried with a grave. For Belial, who’s a prince and a member of the imperial family, Kyle’s existence itself is an insult to his so-called noble bloodline.

I understand it’s hard to accept the situation. His biological father suddenly got someone other than his mother pregnant and made him accept that child as his brother. If we were bound my original world’s laws, you’d be stoned to death. But still, that isn’t Kyle’s fault.

*Okay, so this is how I found out Belial and Kyle are half-brothers, and not uncle and nephew… correcting the other chapter where it says Kyle was the son of previous emperor*

Belial turned his head to look at Sen.

“Because it will make me upset?”

Sen picked up the bag of walnuts from the floor and said calmly.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Belial looked at me this time. He stared at me with questioning eyes, ‘Is that really the case?’

I don’t know. I don’t know what Sen meant; we didn’t talk about this before. But I smiled at him, hopefully making him believe Sen more.

Fortunately, Sen continued.

“There will be a flower-giving event at the banquet, which marks the final day of the Northern festival.”


“People who attend the event are supposed to give flowers to someone they love and respect. The people of Blake will naturally offer their flowers to their master, Lord Kyle.”

'There was something like that?’

The system quickly answered my question.

[ A crooked smile lay on Belial’s face. His eyes scanned the large yet empty straw basket next to him. The basket next to Kyle was filled up to the brim with white flowers. Not a single symbol of respect was given to him. It was as expected. This is why he needed to get rid of Kyle and get rid of the North as a whole. ]

’… This was more dangerous than I thought.’

There’s no reason to hate Kyle that much, there’s also no reason to hate people who just want to make a good living. You can’t really judge people based on their faces. You may look good, but your personality is dirty. 

“This is basically a tradition in the North. I’m worried that Your Highness will be hurt.”


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Belial didn’t seem interested in me anymore, he passed by me and went directly to Sen.

Although the plot of the story must’ve been changed, it is true that their fates are intertwined, and they’re bound to form a relationship. Belial’s gaze at Sen looked unusual.

However, it was a misleading gaze. It wasn’t an 'I fell in love at first sight’ look… It was a gaze that felt so hot it could burn.

'A look of possessiveness?’

That’s right, it felt like a desire to win, rather than love.

“What’s that you’re carrying?”

Belial looked at the hamster supplies and snacks.

There was cotton candy-colored cushions, plastic balls, sawdust, and swings. Why does it look like they’re trying to make a theme park for hamsters?

“Ah yes, you’re the maid who’s been to the grand duke’s study a lot.”

“His Highness is raising a magical beast and I am merely helping him with miscellaneous things.”

Okay, you two talk. I’m going to leave.

Anyway, now that there’s a reason, don’t go if you can help it. It’s a one-of-a-kind life, don’t you think you should try and protect it and live for a hundred years?

I was creeping back and about to disappear from the gathering when Belial called out to me.

“Hey, you.”


Please don’t pay attention. Don’t worry about me. The time for “Summon” is almost over. I need to go now, so you two have fun.

Belial grabbed the back of my hand as I tried to pretend, I didn’t hear his call. I turned my head to look at him and forced a smile. That’s right let’s just laugh. This damn social status, you’d be dead by now if you weren’t the prince. Seriously…

“Did you really mean that?”

Why are you still asking?

It was difficult to refute the statement, so I struggled and ended up agreeing.

“Yes, well… I’m not good at explaining stuff so I was thinking how to tell you, but Sen took the words right out of my mouth so…”

Belial cast a glance at me as if he were seeing something strange. He treated the magical beast indifferently, but he seems quite interested in people… No, maybe, he’s just curious at interesting stuff.

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“You can give me flowers then; I won’t be upset.”

What are you talking about? How can I go to the banquet? I don’t even have an invitation!

Even if I tried to go as a servant, the competition to be hired during the banquet was huge. In other words, I’ll end up frying or picking up food, and have no place to intervene.

I looked at him in embarrassment, and Belial took out a piece of paper and handed it to me with an indifferent expression.


It was an invitation to the banquet; it even had his name written on the back. Probably because he’s classified as VIP, Kyle even wrote the invitation himself.


My head throbbed when I saw the invitation and I almost swatted it away.

If we’re being honest, it was a good opportunity. If Belial attends the banquet and decides to do anything suspicious, the best way to stop it is to stick by his side and prevent anything from happening myself.

However, the moment I received this piece of paper, it felt like my future would be more tiresome than it is now.

“… Yes.”

I took it. What else can I do? Rip it in half?

As the duration of “Summon” is ending, I slowly excused myself and went back. I bowed my head and sighed constantly on my way back to hide my clothes.

'I shouldn’t run into Kyle at the banquet.’

But there’s no way to avoid meeting him. Ah! Why did I say that when we met!

Life is really not easy.


The next afternoon, as soon as I dressed up, I met Sen.

“I’ve been looking for you! Where the hell have you been? I’ve asked the guards and they’ve never seen you leave nor enter the gates, and you’re not sleeping at the servant’s quarters, and no matter how many guest rooms I’ve searched, I couldn’t find you.”

“Ah, that-”

I’ve been sleeping at Kyle’s bedroom. Since I’m not disappearing randomly these days, Kyle has been comfortable enough to let me out of the hamster house.

It turns out I didn’t have good sleeping habits, whenever I came to my senses, I was sleeping on Kyle’s face. He’d grab me from the back of my neck, put me back down and wrap me tightly in a handkerchief, and go back to sleep.

At first, I didn’t like being swaddled at all, but because of the cold winter nights, I found that it was more comfortable than I thought. As the morning dawned, I found myself back at the hamster house again.

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In the afternoon, after pretending to play with the toys he gave that was bought by Sen, he said that he was going out and put me back in the house.

“Well… that’s what happened.”

I couldn’t think of any excuse, so I decided to be vague and remain silent. It’s better to give an impression that’s a little bit suspicious than to be caught lying.

Sen stared at me for a moment before dismissing the conversation as if it wasn’t important.

“I’ve been looking for you since morning.”

She handed me a big box that was heavier than it looked.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a suit for the banquet. His Highness, Belial, sent it. He didn’t even know your name, yet he gave you this.”


What an amazing guy, he didn’t even know my name, but he thought about preparing clothes for me. Indeed, it was weird to receive a flower from a stranger, so he probably gave the invitation and prepared clothes so it would seem less strange.

“I got one too!”

Sen smiled and lifted another box.

“He asked me to come with him. It’s the first time I’m wearing a dress. Actually, there was one time I wanted to wear something like this but…”

I pretended not to see Sen’s slightly sad face.

“Anyways, thanks to you Shu, I get to wear pretty clothes like this. By the way, why did you tell the prince not to go to the banquet? Was it really about the flowers?”

“Ah… about that, it’s not about the flowers, I just don’t have a good feeling.”

I felt ashamed and cut the conversation short.

“Anyways, you go attend the banquet! It’s good to attend as a guest and not as a servant.”

“You’re right! I will surely repay this kindness.”

“If that’s the case, then pay it back with food!”

Northern food is really delicious.

“You’re such a glutton! Where does everything you eat even go?”

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“… I know right?”

It’s actually going straight into my hamster belly.

Thanks to that, Kyle has been touching my belly fat more than kissing me. Even though I try to kick his hand every time he does it, he thinks I like it and that I’m trying to play so he continues to do it. I think he’ll even mistake my swearing for a serenade.

I talked a little more about the banquet with Sen and then we went our separate ways.

Eating the bread Sen gave me as we parted I thought, 'Northern food is really a delight.’

The thinly sliced meat, vegetables that overcame the tough winds of the cliff, and bread fresh out of the oven were as delicious as famous fast-food franchises in my world.

I kept my daily clothes and the suit in the box hidden once again, patted my stomach and the white light enveloped me once again. As soon as I turned into a hamster, I felt heavy.

'Kyle is going to nag me again.’

Maybe I can hide when he comes back if I slip through this hole.

“…. Cashew Nut.”



I murmured curses as I felt my body crammed in the cylindrical hole. Is it right to swell up like this?! Just because I ate two sandwiches, I can no longer fit here? I ate just two!

[ 乁(・o・)ㄏ ]

Yeah, I’m larger, but not that much… Maybe I grew around 15 centimeters.

I held my breath and tucked in my stomach to slide down the hole as Kyle gave me a worried look. Hey, who cares about gaining a few pounds! It’s not like I have a terminal disease.

“You’re not eating the food I’ve been giving you; I don’t know how you’re gaining so much weight.”

It’s because you’re not bringing something delicious Your Highness. He kept touching my stomach the whole time, seemingly worried. Okay, let’s not play today.

Kyle brought me to his bedroom to sleep again tonight, and as soon as I woke up in the hamster house in the morning, he forced the macadamia in my mouth.

Go, do your duties!

I’m going to a big banquet this evening. If I want to eat all the delicious food there, then I need to make space in my stomach.

Of course, Kyle who had no idea what I was thinking, stared at me grimly, before placing me back at the hamster house.

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